
Wu Qi's ability is on a par with Sun Wu's, why is he not favored

author:Hello Cai Si

In the long river of history, there are many people with talent, Wu Qi is one, on the military is not worse than Sun Wu, is "the three armies, so that the soldiers and soldiers are happy to die, the enemy country does not dare to plot"; said reform and innovation, Shang Martin station next to not much higher, is "to govern a hundred officials, close to the people, the real government treasury." However, on the stage of history, how could he not stand up! Standing on the spine can not stand straight, it is a pity that his literary and martial arts, busy life, and finally frozen in the long river of history, like a phoenix that has shed its hair.

Wu Qi's ability is on a par with Sun Wu's, why is he not favored

Wu Qi, surnamed Jiang, Wu, mingqi, Weiguo Zuo people. In the early Warring States period, he was a military man, politician, reformer, and representative of the warrior family. In his lifetime, he went through the three kingdoms of Shilu, Wei and Chu, was well versed in the three schools of thought of bingjia, legalist and Confucian, and had extremely high achievements in internal politics and military affairs, and his works include "Wuzi Art of War", which was passed down to the world, and was called "Sun Wu" together with Sun Wu. In the Chu kingdom, he assisted the King of Chu to preside over the change of law, and achieved remarkable results, but the ending was the same as that of Shang Martin, but he was not divided by five horses, and when he died, he also destroyed more than 70 clan families. It is talent, merit, or it is remembered. During the reign of Emperor Suzong of Tang, he was listed in the Temple of King Wucheng and became one of the Ten Philosophers of wu temple. During the reign of Emperor Huizong of Song, he posthumously honored Guangzong Bo and became one of the seventy-two generals of the Wumiao Temple.

Why? Wu Qi is one of the typical representative figures of virtue and thin talent in the long river of history. When Wu Qi was young, his family was still relatively wealthy, and history called it "the family is full of gold". At that time, there was no way to read the book, and if people wanted to develop upwards and enter another class, the only way was for the running officials who were still in use, holding it in one hand to learn, and carrying gold and silver in the other hand, attacking everywhere. Wu Qi was also an unlucky egg who did not touch the trick, and soon lost his family wealth. For this reason, the neighbors laughed at him, making Wu Qi very faceless, and then something that no one could have imagined happened.

Wu Qi's ability is on a par with Sun Wu's, why is he not favored

The frustrated Wu Qi actually killed all the people who laughed at him in one breath, and his heart was so fierce that he killed more than 30 people in a row, that is, to retaliate for the ridicule of others, and there was no other reason. This kind of psychologically dark and sick person is described as a straw man's life, and he is not qualified, because he is also a grass, and can only be determined by madness and viciousness. Wu Qi became a murderer, and the family did not dare to stay any longer, and this evil man who ran away from the criminal actually left a famous sentence, and he swore to his mother: "If I can't be famous in the world, I will not dare to return!" ”

Wu Qi, who was outlawed, met zeng shen, the first nobleman of his life, a scholar and thinker in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and the second son of the ancient Confucian sage Zeng. But he accepted Wu Chao as a disciple, but it was said that a glorious and disgraceful thing in Zeng Shen's life had cultivated Wu Qi, a student. How could he take a murderer as a disciple? Perhaps Zeng Shenhui's eyesight is talented, and wu Qi is a malleable talent. At that time, there was no such procedure as "political trial", and I could only do things according to my first feeling.

Wu Qi's ability is on a par with Sun Wu's, why is he not favored

In order to strive for the goal of "being famous in the world and eating thousands of households", Wu Qi seized the opportunity, studied hard day and night, worked tirelessly, and followed Yu Shen. During these six years, when he heard the news of his mother's death, he just cried three times in the sky, immediately wiped away his tears, and then recited the scriptures and read as if nothing had happened. At this time, Zeng Shenfang woke up and was extremely serious about filial piety, and he thought that "Wu Qi's mother died, but he did not return home from mourning, he was a person who forgot his roots." Rivers without a source will dry up, trees will break without roots, and if people have no roots, how can they end well? Wu Qi is not my disciple! So he expelled Wu Qi.

Maybe it is the heavens that immortal Wu Qi, who is originally a person without virtue, if he holds Confucianism to death, do you think he can chew out a taste that surpasses that of the former sages! Wu Qi was angry again, this time fortunately, after studying Confucianism for 6 years, he was nourished and soaked by Confucian culture for such a long time, and instead of killing the teacher with a knife in a frenzy, he abandoned Confucianism and changed to the art of war. The "art of war", the end of the Spring and Autumn Warring States is coming, it is precisely when the three sentences are wrong to use the sword and the gun, Wu Qi changed the professional study of the art of war, is on the road, both have a place to use, but also do not worry about no good employment positions. After Wu Qi completed three years of study, he went to luguo to seek development.

Wu Qi's ability is on a par with Sun Wu's, why is he not favored

Lu Mugong was very appreciative of Wu Qi's military ability, however, when the Qi army invaded, Lu Mugong planned to appoint Wu Qi as a general, but he thought that Wu Qi's wife was a Qi person, and the country was in trouble, and it was more prudent to use people. When Lumu Justice was in a dilemma and hesitated, something that no one would have thought had happened again. In order to achieve the established goal of "fame in the world and ten thousand households", Wu Qi actually raised a knife to kill people, not the suspicious Lu Mugong, but his dearest person, his wife, in order to become a great general. This cruel employment method suddenly knocked out Lu Mugong, so he finally became a great general. But Wu Qi's insult of "killing his wife and asking for a general" has become another major stain on his life.

Wu Qi, who had been "bloody", led the Lu army to go out on a campaign and defeated the Qi army to the ground, and even sima Yong Tho, a famous general of the State of Qi at that time, could not defeat him. Although Wu Qi has made great contributions to the Lu state, who can see such a person who lacks morality and poison, and who dares to use this kind of lack of morality! Wu Qi's despised behavior was criticized and attacked by everyone. After the national crisis was lifted, Lu Mugong also felt that he would stop at nothing to use such means for his own future, and no matter how big his ability was, he could not use it, so Lu Mugong politely let Wu Qi go to another high. This is the fate that the shameless man deserves.

How did Wu Qi die? Wu Qi went to the Chu kingdom where he was the last stop in his life, and the King of Chu admired him very much and appointed him as the minister of state. Wu Qi implemented a series of changes, so that the State of Chu gradually became stronger, and the South pacified Baiyue; the North annexed the States of Chen and Cai and repelled the expansion of Han, Zhao, and Wei; and conquered the State of Qin to the west. However, all reform and innovation will ultimately be a reshuffling of interests, which infringes on the interests of the old nobles of the Chu state. As soon as the supporter of the change of law, King Chu mourned the death, the old forces were restored, and wu qi was killed in groups.

Wu Qi's ability is on a par with Sun Wu's, why is he not favored

When Wu Qi was dying, he played another "yin trick". Wu Qi ran to the corpse of King Chu Mourning and lay down on the corpse, hoping to make the rebels have some scruples, if the rebels have no scruples, shoot me will hit the king, the middle king, naturally exposing them as rebellious sinners. However, the nobles who pursued and killed Wu Qi were also people who lacked morality, and they did not eat this set at all, and the extraction of arrows was a random shot, shooting Wu Qi, and the arrows also shot at the corpse of the King of Mourning. This is a famous event that has gone down in history, a famous historical event that requires revenge when you die. It was 381 BC. After the burial of the King of Mourning, the crown prince took the throne, and he sent Ling Yin to kill all the people who shot the corpse of the King of Mourning at the same time because they shot Wu Qi. More than 70 clans were exterminated because of the shooting of Wu Qi.

Wu Qi, a "Wu Zi Art of War", is enough to shine for thousands of autumns, but the anger and ridicule, the death of the mother, the killing of the wife and the request for officials, etc. are enough to be left behind for thousands of years. In short, he is a person who can succeed at all costs, that is, he lacks morality; a person who has the courage to practice and can do the way is a lack of morality; a person who dares to kill and can accomplish things is a lack of morality... Half angels, half demons, Wu Qi's image was thus plucked alive and became a featherless phoenix. (Text/Cai Si Photo/Network) (If there is any infringement, please inform and delete)

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