
Why was Yu Guangzhong scolded by Li Ao? Li Ao is a person who dares to tell the truth, even if it is a prison disaster. Li Ao opposes "Taiwan independence" and supports cross-strait reunification. Li Ao very much hated those left and right riding the wall, he loved to hate clearly, and held high the banner of justice. He commented that Yu Guangzhong was a poet. I'm not a guest, I'm a real Chinese. Behind Li Ao stands the mighty China, and behind Yu Guangzhong stands his island of Taiwan.

author:China's new school of cold geese

Why did Li Ao say this: I am not a guest, I am a real Chinese.

Why was Yu Guangzhong scolded by Li Ao? Li Ao is a person who dares to tell the truth, even if it is a prison disaster. Li Ao opposes "Taiwan independence" and supports cross-strait reunification. Li Ao very much hated those left and right riding the wall, he loved to hate clearly, and held high the banner of justice. He commented that Yu Guangzhong was a poet. I'm not a guest, I'm a real Chinese. Behind Li Ao stands the mighty China, and behind Yu Guangzhong stands his island of Taiwan.

Li Ao is in Beijing

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Li Ao is a person who dares to tell the truth, even if it is a prison sentence. Li Ao opposes "Taiwan independence" and supports cross-strait reunification. </h1>

Li Ao has a very humorous story. He said: "Once I saw a few dogs fighting on the road, I scolded them Kuomintang! ”

Li Ao scolded people, but he was not afraid of others scolding him. He said, "Everyone else scolds people and says that you are a bastard, but I have a skill, I can prove that you are a king and a bastard." ”

During his lifetime, Li Ao was outspoken and fast-talking, and he was at odds with the current situation.

Li Ao (April 25, 1935 – March 18, 2018), male, character Aozhi, moved to Beijing in 1937, followed his parents to Taiwan in 1949, and studied in the Department of History and the Institute of History of National Taiwan University. A famous writer, critic and historian in Taiwan. He was elected as a representative of the people's opinion of Taiwan.

Why was Yu Guangzhong scolded by Li Ao? Li Ao is a person who dares to tell the truth, even if it is a prison disaster. Li Ao opposes "Taiwan independence" and supports cross-strait reunification. Li Ao very much hated those left and right riding the wall, he loved to hate clearly, and held high the banner of justice. He commented that Yu Guangzhong was a poet. I'm not a guest, I'm a real Chinese. Behind Li Ao stands the mighty China, and behind Yu Guangzhong stands his island of Taiwan.

"Nostalgia" author Yu Guangzhong

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Li Ao is very disgusted with those who ride the wall left and right, he loves and hates clearly, and holds high the banner of justice. He commented that Yu Guangzhong was a poet. </h1>

Yu Guangzhong is seven years older than Li Ao and can be said to be Li Ao's predecessor. In the 1960s, the relationship between the two was still good, when Li Ao was a nouveau riche in the literary world, Yu Guangzhong was an interesting poet, in order to seduce Li Ao, so he often wrote to Li Ao, honoring Li Ao as "Brother Ao" and so on. How did Yu Guangzhong become a poet?

In the 1970s, Yu Guangzhong commented on a group of well-known cultural people in China one by one to show his unfathomable! See how Yu Guangzhong commented on Chinese cultural celebrities:

Yu Guangzhong said that Zhu Ziqing was a false master.

Shen Congwen, who wrote works such as "Border City" and "Long River", was also the object of criticism in Yu Guang, saying that Shen Congwen "appeared blunt and clumsy" once he talked about reasoning, and that "Border City" as a whole was roughly readable, but the theme and preface were written in a messy way, and the shadow of a literary scholar could not be seen.

There is also the famous poet Ai Qing, Yu Guangzhong believes that Ai Qing's poetry "software" (theme ideas) can be, but the hardware (language and writing) is not, loose, cumbersome, and blunt.

Even Lu Xun became the object of criticism in Yu Guangzhong.

Yu Guangzhong said

-- Zhu Ziqing, Dai Wangshu, Lu Xun, Ai Qing, and other mainland counterparts are all vain people, both abusive and obscene, and simply useless. He made a very harsh mockery, saying that these people "can become famous and become famous in such a way, and there are at least 500 prose writers in Taiwan today."

However, soon Yu Guangzhong was punched in the face by Master Li Ao! Li Ao once wrote in "Li Ao's Happy Intentions and Enmity": "Yu Guangzhong was also a friend that Wen Xing knew when he was a friend, and this person was despised by Wang Anshi. ”

This "indispensable" Taiwanese essayist did not think that his former brother Li Ao, in the program "Li Ao Has Something to Say," directly referred to Yu Guangzhong as a "liar," saying that he had been anti-mainland in the past, and now he has changed back to "flaunting everywhere," has serious personality problems, and his literary standards are not worthy of the name.

Li Ao said that Yu Guangzhong "patted Jiang's father and son for the poem, which proved that this person was a snobber, and there was absolutely no true feeling of a true poet to speak of." ”

Li Ao's overwhelming insults were because he looked down on seeing the wind in the afterglow and making the rudder, and there was no literati style bone!

Why was Yu Guangzhong scolded by Li Ao? Li Ao is a person who dares to tell the truth, even if it is a prison disaster. Li Ao opposes "Taiwan independence" and supports cross-strait reunification. Li Ao very much hated those left and right riding the wall, he loved to hate clearly, and held high the banner of justice. He commented that Yu Guangzhong was a poet. I'm not a guest, I'm a real Chinese. Behind Li Ao stands the mighty China, and behind Yu Guangzhong stands his island of Taiwan.

Not nostalgia, no nostalgia

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > I'm not a guest, I'm a real Chinese. </h1>

In a TELEVISION interview program, Li Ao pointed directly to Yu Guangzhong's "Nostalgia" and criticized it for "nostalgia, timidity, clothing and tears."

Li Ao said: "I am not a guest, I am a real Chinese. I am not a guest, I am the host. I'm not nostalgic, I don't have nostalgia. Not near country, no cowardice. It is not a homecoming, there is no clothing to return. Not Lin Daiyu, no tears. ”

This section of Hu is actually a clear embodiment of Li Ao's cross-strait view, and in his mind, he is the Chinese. Because Li Ao only went to Taiwan at the age of 14, he recognized himself as Chinese in his bones. Since they are all Chinese compatriots, there is no concept of returning home, since they are returning to their motherland, there is no homesickness to speak of, and since they are manly, there is no need to pretend a few tears to win sympathy. This is Li Ao, love and hate, full of personality!

Unlike Li Ao, Yu Guangzhong used the nostalgia of forced pretense to put the "bride" into soft poetry, and even called the motherland "mainland", placing himself outside the motherland with a soft and gentle tone! Dress yourself up as a nostalgic and pitiful wanderer! But to satirize the patriotic Zhu Ziqing, Ai Qing, and even Mr. Lu Xun! So Li Ao said he didn't have a literati bone!

Why was Yu Guangzhong scolded by Li Ao? Li Ao is a person who dares to tell the truth, even if it is a prison disaster. Li Ao opposes "Taiwan independence" and supports cross-strait reunification. Li Ao very much hated those left and right riding the wall, he loved to hate clearly, and held high the banner of justice. He commented that Yu Guangzhong was a poet. I'm not a guest, I'm a real Chinese. Behind Li Ao stands the mighty China, and behind Yu Guangzhong stands his island of Taiwan.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Li Ao stands behind a powerful China, and behind Yu Guang stands his island of Taiwan. </h1>

A truly first-class strongman, he must not care about the creation and the ups and downs, the glory and the ups and downs, always maintain his true color, show people with his true color, and fight with his true color.

———— Li Ao

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