
The 15 most poignant sentences in the afterglow!

author:Read Time Magazine


There are many things in life

Just like the ripples behind the ship

It always takes a while to feel beautiful

My Four Imaginary Enemies


Next time you pass by

There is no self in the world

Cheer Harley


Say it's the impermanence of life

But it is also the norm of life

"Memories Are As Long as Railroad Tracks"

The 15 most poignant sentences in the afterglow!


Silence is the source of all wisdom

Dharma Wall

It is the silent emptiness that is faced

A man in silence

In fact, it is facing yourself

He had to talk to himself

"Spare My Ears, Music"


Only the brave dare to face themselves alone

Only the wise can be with themselves

"Telling and Chattering"


From the age of nineteen to the present

Then I felt that only loneliness could keep me awake for a long time

Only soberness can endure loneliness forever

"Firefly Mountain Villa"

The 15 most poignant sentences in the afterglow!


Turning around was the wind blowing black hair

Looking back, the snow is full of whiteheads

"Jinling Disciples jianghu guest"


A person's life has a half childhood

A childhood in one's own childhood

And half of childhood is in the childhood of their own children

"The Sun Never Sets"


Adjacent to the sea

Live next door to Endless Blue

But there is no wall to separate


But it has everything

"Neighbor to the Sea"

The 15 most poignant sentences in the afterglow!


Then fold a wider lotus leaf

Pack a piece of moonlight back

Go back and sandwich it in Tang poems

Flat, like a crushed acacia

Under the Full Moon


There is no homeland in the world

Just because of the other land

There is nothing in the world to miss

Just because of the separation

《Mid-Autumn Festival》


Dare to self-immolate in time

It will crystallize in eternity

The Getaway

The 15 most poignant sentences in the afterglow!


A blink of an eye is not a teenager

A lifetime is not forever

"On the Rivers and Lakes"


Between the moon and the snow

You are the third kind of stunning



There are guests coming from afar

There is wind and rain in the distance between the eyebrows

The Man Who Reads the Face

Source: Modern and Contemporary Literature

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