
A generation of famous ministers Fan Zhongyun: people do not sleep, the general white-haired Zhengfu tears丨 weekend reading poetry

author:Beijing News

Written by | Three books

"The world is worried and worried, and the world is happy and happy." The famous sentences that have been passed down through the ages probably best reflect fan Zhongyun's principle of doing things for officials.

Fan Zhongyan (范仲淹), courtesy name Wenzheng (文正), was known as Fan Wenzheng (范正公). He lost his father at the age of two, and his life was difficult, but he aspired to become a prime minister or a good doctor. After studying hard, entering the army, and the first, Fan Zhong drowned in the first soldier, just zheng, because of his talent, he was recommended by Yan Shu to enter the capital as an official. Since then, he has been belittled three times, either because of his words or impeachment, but he still does not change his previous ambitions and does not forget to worry about the people.

In 1038, the Western Xia dynasty was established and invaded the border of the Northern Song Dynasty; in 1040, Fan Zhongyun, who was more than fifty years old, was recalled to the Beijing Division because of the expectations of the people, and served as a deputy envoy of Shaanxi Jingluo to appease and recruit, guarding the northwest fortress and bowing to the realization of the peace between the Western Xia and the Northern Song Dynasty. During the Shubian period, Fan Zhongyan wrote the famous article "Fisherman's Pride Qiusi". A sentence "People do not sleep, the general white-haired Zhengfu tears" said the heartache of the military career. Looking at the whole word, the realm of "Fisherman's Pride" is vast and tragic, and it has opened the road of Su (Dongpo) and Xin (abandoning disease). In addition to "Fisherman's Pride", this issue of "Weekend Reading Poems" also shares two relatively gentle words, "Su Mucha Nostalgia" and "Royal Street Line Autumn Nostalgia", writing about the hometown soul travel thoughts, which shows that fan Zhong's heroic bones are also soft intestines.

In order for the official to be a text, Fan Zhongyan can be regarded as a model for future generations, Su Dongpo said in "Su Shi's Private Knowledge of Fan Zhongyan": "The merits of the public are not to be revealed by the text, and the text is not to be told and passed on." "As sily said.

"Fisherman's Pride Autumn Thoughts"

The scenery in the autumn is different, and the geese in Hengyang go without noticing.

The sound of the four sides is even horned, and in the thousand mountains, the long smoke and sunset are closed.

A glass of turbid wine is a thousand miles away, and Yan Ran has not returned to the house.

Qiangguan was full of frost, people did not sleep, and the general's white hair was in tears.

1. The recklessness and sadness of the northwest side plug

In 1038, Yuan Hao of Western Xia declared himself emperor, and Emperor Renzong of Song sent troops to conquest, but he was repeatedly defeated, and the northwest border was in danger. In 1040, Fan Zhongyan was appointed deputy envoy of The Shaanxi Jingluo and Zhiyan Prefecture, guarding the northwest frontier. Yanzhou is the area around present-day Yan'an, Shaanxi, known as Gaonu during the Qin Dynasty, and passed through Shangjun in the north

(Yulin, Shaanxi)

, that is, the Huns. Located in the fortress, Yanzhou was a military town related to the safety of the imperial court in previous dynasties.

Strategically, Fan Zhongyan pondered the Northern Song Dynasty and the Western Xia, which were easy to defend and difficult to attack, so they planned to hold on, and the Western Xia did not dare to act rashly, and the situation in Yanzhou was stabilized. Fan Zhongyan's orders were strict, sympathetic to the soldiers, and vigorous, and he was deeply intimidated by Western Xia, who called him "tens of thousands of armored soldiers in his belly."

The so-called "Saixia" of this "Fisherman's Pride Qiusi" refers to Yanzhou, which is a work of nostalgia in the military.

"The scenery in autumn is different", the border area is cold in the morning, and the autumn is desolate and desolate. "The animals of qi, the touching of things, the swaying disposition, the dance of form"

(Zhong Rong's "Poems")

The "difference" of the scenery touched his heart to form this word.

What is the specific scene of the border plug scenery, and what is the "difference" from the Central Plains, the writer does not leave it alone to depict, and can pay the listener to supplement the imagination. This "different" word can be described as "poetic eye", and autumn thoughts are all caused by the difference between the scenery and the Central Plains.

What you see and hear because of the different scenery is shocking. The geese flew south, flying so fast, and the sound was also very poignant. Geese can fly all the way to Hengyang, but people can only stay in this desolate place.

At dusk, the sound of the side is everywhere. "Side sound" generally refers to instruments such as qiang flute and hu flute, and the military blows and talks for fun. Because of its exotic style, listening to it often makes people more nostalgic. However, the "four-sided sound of the horns" here should be the sound of the fierce wind, mixed with xiao Xiao maming, and the trumpet of the painted horn in the army. For example, li ling of the Han Dynasty in the "Book of Answering Su Wu" said: "I can't sleep at night, I listen to my ears from afar, Hu Fu interacts, the horses are sad, the groans are sung, and the side sounds are everywhere." ”

At this time, the extreme eyes looked at it, "In the thousand hills, the long smoke and sunset are closed in the lonely city." The momentum is extremely majestic, or the Tang Dynasty Wang Zhizhuo's "Liangzhou Words" "The Yellow River is far above the white clouds, a lonely city wanling mountain". Liangzhou was in present-day Wuwei, Gansu, and was more desolate than Yanzhou on the Loess Plateau.

A generation of famous ministers Fan Zhongyun: people do not sleep, the general white-haired Zhengfu tears丨 weekend reading poetry

Fan Zhongyan (1 October 989 – 19 June 1052) was a politician and writer in the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty. His idea of "worrying before the world, and enjoying the world after the world" and the discipline of benevolent people have had a profound impact on future generations.

2. How can a glass of turbid wine be against nostalgia?

The upper film writes that the next autumn is shocking, and the next film is written about the people who are plugged in the desolate side. The scene of the previous film has been infused with deep nostalgia, and the next film has revealed the heart and the disk.

"Turbid wine a cup of home miles", turbid wine is not strong enough, how to oppose it late to the side of the sound? And a cup of miles? If you want to return, you can't, because "Yan Ran has not been killed". In the first year of the Eastern Han Dynasty and Emperor Yongyuan, the che general Dou Xian northern expedition against the Xiongnu, the Great Broken Zhi, carved a stone in Yanran Mountain, written by Ban Gu, the author of the Book of Han, in praise of Han Weide. Fan Zhongyun used this allusion to see where his ambitions lay.

There is always someone playing the flute on the plug, especially in the silent night. The piper does not say, and the listener hears and wanders. The Tang Dynasty poet Li Yi's "Smelling flutes in the city at night" said: "The sand before the return to Lefeng is like snow, and the moon outside the city is like frost." I don't know where to blow the reed pipe, and I will look at the countryside all night." Hui Lefeng is in Lingwu County, Ningxia, and the "Liangzhou Words" and this word are all chanted in the northwest side of the Sai Qiang Brigade nostalgia. The sand is like snow, the night is like frost, and the Qiangguan is full of frost, all of which are stuffed with the actual records of what they have seen at night, not elegant words.

Autumn comes at night cold, smell flute homesick, how can you sleep? Poor "General White-Haired Soldier Tears". The general is old, the conquest is bitter, when will the thousands of miles return? When will the border plug be able to be long-term and stable? The situation of border defense in ancient times often depended on a Weihe general, such as Li Guang, a general of the Han Dynasty. Wang Changling's absolute sentence "Out of the Plug" said: "Qin Shi Mingyue Han Shi Guan, the Long March people have not returned." But to make the Dragon City fly will be, not to teach Humadu Yin Mountain. Fan Zhong drowned in the safety of a country, and Fang had this worry.

Some good deeds seized on the "lonely city closed" and "the general's white-haired soldiers' tears" as handles, and "the great righteousness awe-inspiring" accused the word of "discouragement". This is really a child's opinion, I don't know what poetry is, but I point my finger at Wen Zhenggong, who "takes the world as my responsibility", and vainly comment on it. If this logic is followed, then the poem "Dongshan" of the Book of Poetry is "I wander to the Eastern Mountains, and I am not returning." I'm from the East, zero rain. I know that the east is returning, and my heart is sad in the west", and the poem "Cevi" of the shu shu is "worried and fierce, carrying hunger and thirst." I'm undecided, so I'm hired? And Cao Cao's Lefu poem "Artemisia Li Xing" "White bones are exposed in the wild, and there is no chicken chirping for thousands of miles." The people of life are left behind, and the thoughts are broken. Isn't it all "discouraged"?!

It is worth mentioning that Fan Zhongyan's "Fisherman's Pride Qiusi" has an important position in the history of words. It is generally believed that Su Shi was the first reformer to make a big deal of words, liberating the writing of words from the feminine beauty of "grace" and thus bringing it to a "bold" male world. It is true that Su Shi, because of his talent and creative grandeur, ushered in the era of male perspective of words

(Although the previous words were also written by male literati)

。 However, the realm of "Fisherman's Pride" is vast and tragic, and it has already opened the road of Su and Xin.

A generation of famous ministers Fan Zhongyun: people do not sleep, the general white-haired Zhengfu tears丨 weekend reading poetry

Fan Zhongyan's "Side Affairs Post" (partial)

3. A generation of famous courtiers, also known as the soul-destroying language

"Sumucha Nostalgia"

Blue clouds, yellow leaves, autumn colors and waves, cold smoke on the waves.

The mountains reflect the slanting sun and the water, and the herbs are merciless, and they are even more outside the slanting sun.

Dark souls, reminiscents, night and night unless, good dreams leave people to sleep.

Mingyue Lou rested alone, and the wine fell into the intestines, turning into tears of lovesickness.

The elegance of the lyrics of "Su Mucha" and "Fisherman's Pride" seem to be like two people. However, it is not surprising to think about it carefully: Li Qingzhao, the so-called "gentle faction" in the world, is not blindly gentle, but always has Zhuang language; the so-called "flamboyant faction" of the world is not blindly extravagant, but also has tenderness everywhere. It is the one who is big who can do everything!

The term was also used in the northwestern border area, when Fan Zhongyan was appointed as the envoy of the Shaanxi Fourth Road Xuanfu, mainly defending the military of Western Xia. "Nostalgia", nostalgia for the hometown also.

"Blue clouds, yellow leaves, autumn colors and waves, cold smoke on the waves", write on the autumn colors, a few sentences of beautiful words, and paint on the wall. The fourth book of "West Chamber" "Long Pavilion Farewell" is sung by a fold: "The blue cloud sky, the yellow flower land, the west wind is tight." The northern geese fly south. Xiao Lai who is drunk with frost? Always away from people crying. The word "Canon is derived from Fan Zhongyun." Chen Tingzhuo's "Words and Sayings of Bai Yu Zhai" in the Qing Dynasty commented: "Dripping with composure. "West Chamber" long pavilion attack, bone strength is far inferior, and less taste, this Northern Song Dynasty is so high. In the farewell scene of the children's love, the bone strength is indeed weak, but it is very suitable for the identity and mood of Cui Yingying. Wang Shifu's use of the codex here has a different taste.

"The mountains reflect the slanting sun and the water, the herbs are merciless, and they are more outside the slanting sun", looking at the distance, but seeing the mountains reflecting the slanting sun, the water and the sky are connected. How perfect nature is, almost merciless. And the herbs, soaked with the poet's sorrow, have been spreading out to the sky. The herbs are merciless and reflect the sentient beings. Autumn colors, moving my sorrow. Look at autumn with me, and autumn is full of my colors.

The next film writes about the soul of the country and the thoughts of travel. The soul is eclipsed by homesickness. After the thought of the journey, the sad thoughts of the traveler followed him like a shadow. No matter how dark or quiet the night was, he could not sleep. However, the words do not mention insomnia, but write "night and night unless, good dreams leave people to sleep", the reverse is more and more cut.

The bright moon is high, and it can look far away; when it is a song of wine, it can dispel sorrows. But here is also the opposite of saying, "Mingyue Lou rests alone, and the wine enters the intestines and turns into tears of lovesickness." Go to the country and nostalgia, feel extremely sad.

The word "Su Mu Cha", although the tone is beautiful, the realm is still not lost, and it has the flavor of Tang poetry. In the boldness, there is a grace, and in the grace, there is a burst of boldness. Just like Fan Zhongyan himself, chivalrous and soft-hearted.

A generation of famous ministers Fan Zhongyun: people do not sleep, the general white-haired Zhengfu tears丨 weekend reading poetry

Song Ben Fan Wenzheng Collected Writings, by Fan Zhongyan, edition: National Library Press, October 2017

4. The moon is like a practice, and the length is a thousand miles

"Royal Street Walk: Autumn Nostalgia"

Falling leaves are fragrant. The night was silent, and the cold sound was broken.

The pearl curtain rolls in the jade floor, and the sky is light and the Milky Way is hanging on the ground.

Every year and tonight, the moon is like a practice, and the length is a thousand miles.

The sorrow has been cut off for no reason to get drunk, and the wine has not arrived, and it has first become tears.

The residual lamp is extinguished on the pillow, and the taste of lonely sleep is exhausted.

All came to this matter, and there was no way to avoid it.

Similar to "Su Mu Sha", this word is also nostalgic, also in autumn, there is also a bright moon, and it is also a sleepless night. The sorrow of "Su MuSha" is the homesickness of Bian Sai, and the night of this first month is pregnant. Who is it? I don't know, but I know that on this moonlit night, there is no reason to solve the problem.

This sleepless night can be felt in the previous film due to more details. They fell leaves one after another and fell on the steps. The sound of falling leaves deepens the silence and chill of the autumn night. The word "falling" conveys the heaviness of the fallen leaves when they land on the ground, perhaps the sycamore leaves. The sycamore withers early, and a leaf falls to know the world in autumn. The leaves are large, and the small ones are the size of a human's palm. Cool breezes, especially at night, have fallen, and when they land on the ground, they "snap" a sound, desolate as a sigh.

"The pearl curtain rolls in the jade building, the sky is light and the milky way is hanging on the ground", these two sentences are beautiful and ethereal, and there is a wind between flowers. Judging from the following "every year and tonight, the moon is as beautiful as practice, and the length is a thousand miles", it should be the Mid-Autumn Festival. The Mid-Autumn Festival is a nostalgic work, and the best ones first push Su Shi's "Water Tune Song Head", "The moon has yin and sunny, and people have sorrows and joys, and this matter is difficult to complete." May people be long-lasting, and thousands of miles will be cherished together. That Mid-Autumn Festival, Su Shi missed his younger brother Yu. The moon was full and the people were scattered, and Su Shi said a helpless and vast wish. Fan Zhongyan's few sentences are pure sighs and strangles, and Gong Chanjuan is probably not enough to talk about comforting lovesickness.

A generation of famous ministers Fan Zhongyun: people do not sleep, the general white-haired Zhengfu tears丨 weekend reading poetry

Fan Zhongyan's "Distant Journey" (partial)

5. On the eyebrows, who is the original?

The next film also writes about sorrow, talking about wine, but it is deeper than "wine into the intestines of sorrow and turns into tears of lovesickness" in "Su Musha". Here is not after drinking it, it is "the wine has not arrived, first become a tear", the wine has not yet been drunk, the sad intestines have been broken, and the tears have flowed first.

Lying on the pillow, staying on a residual lamp, it is more lonely than tossing and turning. Outside is an empty sky, and the moon is like water. There was a man locked inside, and the lights flickered on and off, as if he could not bear the silence in the house.

"Everyone came to this matter, between the eyebrows, there is no way to avoid it", reading these few sentences, it is impossible not to think of Li Qingzhao's "there is no way to eliminate this situation, only to lower the eyebrows, but on the heart". It is said that Li Qingzhao's sentence was born out of Fan Zhongyun's words, and Qing was better than blue out of blue. Indeed, these three sentences look too similar, but slightly change the order of a few words. Li Qingzhao's words are knotted in his heart, and he will put "this feeling" in his heart. In addition, "only down" and "but up", one up, the rhythm is better, more vivid. In contrast, Fan Zhongyan's original is like a summary, although it is also a good summary.

A generation of famous ministers Fan Zhongyun: people do not sleep, the general white-haired Zhengfu tears丨 weekend reading poetry

Fan Zhongyun in the TV series "Qing Ping Le".

It is also said that fan Zhongyan's experience in these few sentences is something that everyone has, and with Li Qingzhao's talent, it is not necessary to copy Fan Zhongyan and write it. What the two wrote is indeed a universal and profound experience, and Li Qingzhao can write it completely. However, Li Qingzhao's few sentences are really too similar to Fan Zhongyan's, and if you check the weight, you will not be able to pass. In addition, Fan Zhong's words are first, and from the perspective of "Word Theory", Li Qingzhao is quite familiar with the words of the ancestors of the Northern Song Dynasty, and Wen Zhenggong will not fail to read this word.

Clarifying this issue has no other meaning, but I want to say that Fan Zhongyan's few sentences, although everyone's intentions, although such as the genius Li Qingzhao can also say it, he is original after all. Although, citing or using, if there is talent, not only can it be used just right, but it can also be blue. For example, Cao Cao's "Short Song Line" quotes a lot of poetry, which is very appropriate and natural. Another example is Wang Shifu's adaptation of the Tang legend "The Legend of yingying" into "The Tale of the West Chamber" to become a masterpiece.

Fan Zhongyun was famous and prestigious all his life, but he was often accompanied by suffering. He lost his father at an early age and grew up in a monastery, but he studied hard and eventually became a generation of famous courtiers, made meritorious achievements, and made his promises to be immortal. His career has been degraded three times, but he has always taken the world as his responsibility, and his righteousness is between heaven and earth. He said in the "Record of Yueyang Lou": "Do not be happy with things, and do not grieve with yourself." If you live in the height of the temple, you will worry about the people, and if you are far away from the rivers and lakes, you will worry about the king... The world is worried and worried, and the world is happy and happy. ”

Wen Zhenggong passed down more than 300 poems, and only a few poems were composed. However, among the several songs, these three songs were selected into the "Three Hundred Songs of Song Ci", the article is clever, the pen is vibrating, and the public talent is also so!

Written by three books

Edited by Zhang Jin and Xu Wei

Proofread by Li Shihui

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