
Who in the DPP has not taken Chen Shui-bian's money? Ah Bian's answer made Tsai Ing-wen and Su Zhenchang very embarrassed

author:Shangguan News

Chen Shui-bian, who once regarded Qiu Yan, met with Zhao Shaokang last weekend and talked for 2 hours in Zhao Shaokang's program. Chen Shui-bian said: Zhao Shaokang was the KMT's first political star, the second was Soong Chu-yu, and the third was Ma Ying-jeou. One sentence held the former political enemy high.

In the 1994 Taipei mayoral election, the dpp candidate Chen Shui-bian and the New Party candidate Zhao Shaokang were inseparable, and finally helped Chen Shui-bian to be elected because of the split in the pan-blue camp. 26 years have passed, one person has been put on medical parole, and one has changed his career in the media industry, which has long been the "front wave" of the "front wave" in Taiwan's political arena.

In the past few days, Zhao Shaokang has gradually made public the content of the interview.

Who in the DPP has not taken Chen Shui-bian's money? Ah Bian's answer made Tsai Ing-wen and Su Zhenchang very embarrassed

"A lot of people want to reach out to you"

Before Chen Shui-bian went to prison, her daughter Chen Xingyu once said: "Who has not taken my father's money?" In the interview, Zhao Shaokang directly asked Chen Shui-bian: "Is it true that everyone in the DPP has taken (your money)?" Chen Shuibian hesitated for a few seconds, did not name names, just smiled and replied: "Is it okay not to make a sound without taking it?" Some media said that Chen Shui-bian came in this way, and he "took the big guys on stage such as Tsai Ing-wen and Su Zhenchang into an army."

Chen Shui-bian said that elections are very expensive, like the DPP, these "poor parties", no money is no money, "but many people want to reach out to you (ask for money)." He has twice funded the "Taiwan United Party", totaling NT$60 million. "There is so much to the 'Taiwan United Party.'" How much money was spent on the DPP, especially the elections in the north (Taipei) and Kaohsiung (Kaohsiung) cities? Chen Shui-bian said to Zhao Shaokang, "I will help everyone stand on the platform." They (DPP candidates) don't have to spend money to set up a stage. It is also necessary to broadcast it on the stage, and some of them are calculated in tens of millions (New Taiwan dollars). ”

Chen Shui-bian went on to say that Li Yingyuan once testified in court that when he was elected mayor of Taipei, Chen Shui-bian gave NT$50 million. "He admitted it himself, that's why I dared to say it."

Who in the DPP has not taken Chen Shui-bian's money? Ah Bian's answer made Tsai Ing-wen and Su Zhenchang very embarrassed

"The asahina sat down and talked never happened"

In the interview, Chen Shui-bian talked about the current leader Tsai Ing-wen, who has been vigorously promoted. He told Zhao Shaokang that Su Zhenchang, then the head of the administrative agency, had twice suggested to him whether he could replace the deputy head at the time, Tsai Ing-wen, on the grounds that Tsai Ing-wen was difficult to get along with, "I did not agree."

Chen Also mentioned that after his re-election as regional leader in 2004, Ms. Tsai asked who would be the head of the executive branch. He replied that the team should be allowed to continue the term, because the election was not only for Chen Shui-bian personally, but also for the vote of confidence in you Xikun's team. At that time, Tsai Ing-wen said that as long as You Xikun continued to be the head of the administrative agency, she would leave.

Zhao Shaokang and Chen Shui-bian also talked about the current political situation. As for how to resolve the deadlock between the government and the opposition, Chen Shui-bian believes that people with power should first show sincerity, and those who hold high positions have more money to invite everyone to sit down. He stressed that the focus of reconciliation between the government and the opposition is not on the opposition parties but on the ruling authorities, and that "it is absolutely not the way to see if you have a heart and feel that it is time." The government and the opposition have been sharply opposing each other all the time, and this is absolutely not the way to go.

Zhao Shaokang commented on this, and when Tsai Ing-wen was re-elected at the beginning of this year, she proposed that the only two points in evaluating the performance in the next four years were "cross-strait peace and reconciliation between the two parties." "But it's a pity that the government and the opposition sit down and talk."

Who in the DPP has not taken Chen Shui-bian's money? Ah Bian's answer made Tsai Ing-wen and Su Zhenchang very embarrassed

"It's all because of politics."

As for cross-strait peace, Zhao Shaokang asked Chen Shui-bian in an interview whether it is possible for the two sides of the strait to start a fight.

Chen Shui-bian replied: With Taiwan's defense forces, can the two sides of the strait win a war if they fight? How long can it last? This is an objective fact. In addition, there are ALSO US factors on both sides of the strait.

As for the recent proposal by some politicians in Taiwan to restore the conscription system, Chen Shui-bian held that war does not depend on the number of people to determine whether the war is won or lost, and "the current problem of the (Taiwan) military is not that the weapons are not sophisticated, but that there are no available soldiers."

For example, shortly after regional leader Tsai Ing-wen took office, there was a incident in which gunmen and gendarmes were cut down at the back door of Tsai Ing-wen's office. "Isn't it a joke that the best gendarmes are only trained for 5 months?" He said that insufficient training is the result of the implementation of the fully conscripted system, and even now the effect of strengthening reserve mobilization is limited.

Chen Shui-bian also mentioned his own situation. He said that some people said that [he] was in good health and would be arrested, but why was he able to get out of prison? "Is it because of my physical condition (not good)?" He confessed, "It's all because of politics. ”

Zhao Shaokang asked whether he was still expecting "amnesty", Chen Shuibian said, "This is not important, instead of waiting for a 'amnesty', it is better for me to take the initiative to go back (to prison) faster." He bluntly said that "politics is like this", and now Taiwan's Zhongtian News Station has changed photos and the Kuomintang party property case is politics, and the authorities' relaxation of the loss of US cattle and US pigs to Taiwan is also politics, and there is no need to talk so well.

In response to Chen Shui-bian's interview with Zhao Shaokang, Taichung Prison said it would find out whether it violated the regulations on medical parole, and it was temporarily impossible to explain it to the outside world. In 2015, chen Shui-bian was granted medical parole, and Taichung Prison was bound by the "four noes" principle, including "not going to stage, not speaking, not talking about politics, and not accepting media interviews." If he violated the relevant regulations, Taichung Prison punished him until he was re-detained. Of course, although Chen Shui-bian has repeatedly undermined the "four noes" principle, in the end he has not been able to do so.

Column Editor-in-Chief: Hong Junjie Text Editor: Hong Junjie

Source: Author: Xiuwen

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