
Collective "show love"! 26 golden wedding couples in Shoushan Village, Pingnan took commemorative photos of their golden weddings

author:The voice of women in Mindong
Collective "show love"! 26 golden wedding couples in Shoushan Village, Pingnan took commemorative photos of their golden weddings
Collective "show love"! 26 golden wedding couples in Shoushan Village, Pingnan took commemorative photos of their golden weddings
Collective "show love"! 26 golden wedding couples in Shoushan Village, Pingnan took commemorative photos of their golden weddings

It's a romance spanning half a century. On October 10, on the occasion of the 33rd Respect for the Elderly Festival, Chen Jinxing, the first secretary of Shoushan Village in Shoushan Township, Pingnan County, organized 26 couples in Shoushan Village to take commemorative photos of the golden wedding for 26 couples in Shoushan Village who have been married for more than 50 years.

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Collective "show love"! 26 golden wedding couples in Shoushan Village, Pingnan took commemorative photos of their golden weddings

"Grandparents, you two old people hold hands, get closer, don't be shy..." At the event site, the old people put on big red costumes, wore beautiful hair ornaments, under the guidance of professional photographers, held hands, and showed the love under the lens, and also fixed a happy moment, evoking the yearning for a better life.

Collective "show love"! 26 golden wedding couples in Shoushan Village, Pingnan took commemorative photos of their golden weddings

"When we get married, let alone wedding photos, not even a decent wedding." Now more than sixty years have passed, old, shooting nothing looks good..." The oldest couple on the scene is 91-year-old Grandpa Su Xiangben and 87-year-old Grandma Gan Meigui, although grandma said this, her face was still full of happiness. "Thank you very much to the village for organizing this event and leaving us with such a wonderful memorial." Grandpa Su Xiangben said happily. During the filming, the two old men looked at each other, and the years left traces on their faces, while also precipitating happiness.

Collective "show love"! 26 golden wedding couples in Shoushan Village, Pingnan took commemorative photos of their golden weddings


Collective "show love"! 26 golden wedding couples in Shoushan Village, Pingnan took commemorative photos of their golden weddings

"We learned during our usual visits that many elderly people in rural areas rarely take pictures in their lives, coupled with the difficulties in their previous lives, let alone take wedding photos." Chen Jinxing talked about the original intention of organizing this activity: "We take advantage of the upcoming respect for the elderly festival to carry out this activity, mainly to make up for the shortcomings of the elderly, to send them the most sincere blessings, but also hope to have a happy and unforgettable festival for them, and better carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation of respecting the elderly, respecting the elderly and loving the elderly." ”

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