
Couple Daniel and Crystal Love Run 9 Years Happiness Fat Surge 57 Pounds! Lose weight for marriage

author:Wind Yu Tongzhou A

Many people say that happiness fat is a law that will appear after the shooting, and the protagonists of this story, Daniel and Crystal, have fulfilled this law. The two dragged for 8 years, and the boy's weight increased by 73 pounds, and the girl's weight also rose by 57 pounds, which was very amazing. It wasn't until 2019 that Daniel and Crystal had plans to marry and began to resolve to lose weight!

Couple Daniel and Crystal Love Run 9 Years Happiness Fat Surge 57 Pounds! Lose weight for marriage

Daniel and Crystal met in college, started dragging in 2012, and since then have been eating on sunrise streets, gradually embarking on a journey of happiness and fatness. The two have been gaining weight for eight years, with Crystal rising from 130 pounds to 187 pounds and Daniel from 175 pounds to 248 pounds. Coupled with the family's delicious home cooking, their weight loss motivation is greatly reduced. Here's a look at what they've personally shared.

Q1: Can you share the happiness after your photo?

Couple Daniel and Crystal Love Run 9 Years Happiness Fat Surge 57 Pounds! Lose weight for marriage

Daniel: "I was eating at sunrise after I was doing my homework at 11 or 12 o'clock at night, and when I was hungry, I went to the tea restaurant and ate fried chicken for supper. Usually, the diet is also well balanced, after eating tea every day, I will eat pizza to do lunch, and afternoon tea will be a hot dog Cidos. Over time, the bigger the appetite, the bigger the belly."

Daniel is also a meat lover, and fried chicken, beef steak, and pork brisket are his favorites. What's even more shocking is that Crystal went to the tea restaurant to exaggerate to drink milk tea to drop 6 spoons of sugar!

Q2: Have relatives and friends ever advised you to lose weight?

Couple Daniel and Crystal Love Run 9 Years Happiness Fat Surge 57 Pounds! Lose weight for marriage

Daniel: "Relatives and friends have said that they are scared, and there are many fat words, but there is no special force for me to reduce, and I feel good about myself, I feel that fat is still fat, and I am buried with food and lose first." 」

Crystal: "In fact, every time I return to the house to eat food, I will be told to lose weight, but on the other hand, I will also cook good fat and delicious dishes, such as Dongpo meat, chicken wings, etc." So the house business people are very motivated to persuade me to lose weight."

Q3: Daniel has gained 73 pounds, is there anything wrong with his body?

Couple Daniel and Crystal Love Run 9 Years Happiness Fat Surge 57 Pounds! Lose weight for marriage

Daniel: "Since my body has swelled, I usually gasp for breath after walking a few steps up the stairs. Because the body is too heavy to make the individual want to be depressed, it is easy to do exercise, and it is constantly sweating all year round. At the peak of my weight, I have joint pain in my feet, even with high blood pressure. I remember the first time I went to the dietitian to pressure my blood pressure by more than 200 and more than 100 pressures."

Q4: Crystal has gained 57 pounds in the past few years, what is wrong with the body?

Couple Daniel and Crystal Love Run 9 Years Happiness Fat Surge 57 Pounds! Lose weight for marriage

Crystal: "The main problem is skin problems, because the food is too greasy, resulting in a lot of acne and oil particles on the back and cheeks. Obesity also caused me to have a hormonal imbalance, and I had a menstrual period every half a month for about 2 years. In addition, the walk will be easy to walk, and sometimes it is easy to be dizzy and the heart is racing."

Q5: Have you ever tried to lose weight before?

Couple Daniel and Crystal Love Run 9 Years Happiness Fat Surge 57 Pounds! Lose weight for marriage

Crystal: "I've tried diet pills before, but I only kept getting dehydrated." I've also tried dieting, eating one apple a day for lunch and dinner for dinner. However, it will be weak and spiritless, and minus the amount of water, and it will rebound as soon as it returns to the normal amount of food."

Q6: This time, I propose to lose weight? How?

Couple Daniel and Crystal Love Run 9 Years Happiness Fat Surge 57 Pounds! Lose weight for marriage

Daniel: "This time the department is all together. Because I was faced with various problems with my tight body, and I had a big plan to get married, I had the determination to subtract. Friends and family this time left the motivation for me to implement a weight loss plan."

Since Daniel and Crystal plan to get married this year, they start losing weight as early as 2 years. The two attended a 10-month treatment course (plus a 6-month follow-up period) at Shang Camp, followed by a registered dietitian, Tracey. The plan expects Daniel to lose 60 pounds and Crystal to lose 50 pounds.

Couple Daniel and Crystal Love Run 9 Years Happiness Fat Surge 57 Pounds! Lose weight for marriage

Because the two want to lose weight at a relaxed, slower pace, so in the first 2 or 3 months of weight loss, nutritionist Tracey will first calculate calories according to the usual amount of food, and then plan the menu according to the weight loss progress. In the middle, every 3 months or so, the portion size should be adjusted according to the same fat rate as the pound.

Daniel: "For the first six months, I met with the nutritionist of Shangyingfang twice a week to follow up on my physical condition and change the menu at any time. Go to the middle and late stages, see the nutritionist once every 5 to 7 days, and slowly strengthen my self-control and manage my weight. If there is a meal, Tracey will suggest that I eat according to the same type of restaurant. When the results are remarkable, there will also be a cheat day of indulgence."

Couple Daniel and Crystal Love Run 9 Years Happiness Fat Surge 57 Pounds! Lose weight for marriage

Exercise is an essential item in the weight loss process, and Tracey also has a phased increase in exercise for two people. From the beginning of the 20 minutes or so of simple stretching exercises, walking and other movements, to the later stages of strengthening to 30 minutes of aerobic exercise. Daniel and Crystal also consciously increased their exercise time to 40 minutes or even 1 hour.

Couple Daniel and Crystal Love Run 9 Years Happiness Fat Surge 57 Pounds! Lose weight for marriage

Daniel: "At first, due to the heavy weight and my penchant for exercise, Tracey arranged for easy aerobic exercise for about 15-20 minutes a day. Slowly to the platform period, as the body began to familiarize itself with the intensity of exercise, I was arranged to try running. Crystal resisted running at first, but it saw a significant decrease in weight and fat, so everyone encouraged each other to exercise."

Couple Daniel and Crystal Love Run 9 Years Happiness Fat Surge 57 Pounds! Lose weight for marriage

After losing weight for a year, Crystal lost 54 pounds and 23.8% body fat, while Daniel also lost 68 pounds and body fat to 16.2%, which was very successful. Currently, the two keep for at least 3 days a week, averaging 30 minutes each time. After this year of weight loss experience, they have become accustomed to exercise and their own diet.

Q7. Looking back at your fattest self, how do you feel?

Couple Daniel and Crystal Love Run 9 Years Happiness Fat Surge 57 Pounds! Lose weight for marriage

Daniel: "Looking back at myself, I will continue to fatten myself for many years." According to my family, my blood pressure is normal, and there is no problem with all physical functions. And I even more estimate that I can successfully lose more pounds, and after I lose it, I want to become fat again, hoping that I can keep my health!" 」

Couple Daniel and Crystal Love Run 9 Years Happiness Fat Surge 57 Pounds! Lose weight for marriage

Crystal: "In the process of weight loss, in addition to the physical changes, there is a psychological change. For a while, I trained to self-discipline because of weight loss. If I don't even have health, can I continue to enjoy my life? I regret that I have become fat, and I am so happy that I can lose weight successfully. Because of weight loss, I learned to cherish my body and cherish life."

After watching Daniel and Crystal's personal sharing, are you also inspired?

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