
Han Zong's "Live kindly": Keep the bottom line of the law and live well

author:The Paper

Although the bill passed by the South Korean Parliament to prohibit foreign countries from plagiarizing their own cultural products is obviously targeted, reality TV models like "Live Kindly" are not necessarily designed to prevent plagiarism. In the field of cultural industry, the most important thing is the care and creativity of society.

South Korea's implementation of anti-plagiarism laws at the government level will not send foreign plagiarists to prison, but Korean TV people can boldly join forces with the Ministry of Justice and local prisons to send stars who are active in various fields to prison. South Korea's new law popularization reality show "Live kindly" warns the world in this form to keep the bottom line of the law and live well.

Han Zong's "Live kindly": Keep the bottom line of the law and live well

JTBC, which has always been very bold in reporting on legal affairs, is not weak in launching reality TV planning, and the program team, together with the judicial department and lawyers, plans and calculates the participants of the program, comprehensively displays the whole process from arrest, interrogation, detention, trial, and serving sentences, and arranges for prison guards to pretend to be prisoners to scare the stars who are thrown into prisons, to carry out the "education" of the light, and to popularize the law. In addition to popularizing the law, it also punctured the illusion of a warm prison and a terrorist prison established by Korean film and television dramas for a long time, making the prison-themed TV dramas rebroadcast by other stations look too fake to be fake anymore.

Among the seven acting stars who participated in the reality show were members of the veteran Korean pop band Gao Yaotai, musical theater actors, members of well-known idol groups, and newcomer idols who had just debuted.

In order to make the process look more real, the program team through prior interviews with these showbiz people, found their weaknesses, set a trap, once the hook immediately implemented the arrest operation, no star remained silent, called their own lawyers, all honestly and frankly and leniently when the police and prosecutors were questioned, and then accepted the opinions given by the lawyers provided by the program team, accepted the prosecution charges and the judges announced the verdict in court in the court arranged by the program group, except for a few who were acquitted and released in court. Most were sentenced to "criminal penalties" ranging from four to six days within a week.

The whole process is seven points true and three points false, which basically ensures that the parties involved in it get a simulation experience. The sweat and tears left behind in those moments of anxiety and oppression in courtrooms are probably real — if not, either these showbiz people have seen the wind and rain and their psychological quality is too good, or the acting skills are too good.

Han Zong's "Live kindly": Keep the bottom line of the law and live well

"Live Kindly" tries every means to calculate the stars participating in the show and send them to prison, mainly because this is a popular law social education program, mainly by showing the loneliness and hardship of prison life, revealing that crime will sever the original interpersonal emotional relationship, ruin life, to educate the public not to commit crimes, to keep the bottom line of the law, to be a good citizen.

But it is also a dangerous move, and it is not difficult for viewers who watch this show to find that even if the parties are unintentional, a person who does not pay attention can cross the red line drawn by the law, and people will change from "law-abiding citizens" to "criminals".

Han Zong's "Live kindly": Keep the bottom line of the law and live well

In addition to setting up fifteen crimes of theft and stealing forty bags of rice, thirty sets of bedding, fifty laptops, and ten electric blankets, Jin Fucheng was really outrageous. The "crimes" committed by several other people are all around ordinary people.

Park Jian-jiong, a musical actor who accidentally became a cover-up criminal to help a friend of twenty years of friendship; did not pay attention to the fire alarm information given in the weather forecast, did not confirm the fire source status afterwards, filmed Yoo Byung-jae who threw incendiary objects in the dry mountain forest, and Kim Qin-woo, a member of the idol group, because he was the perpetrator of the act, constituted the crime of fire; Kim Jong-min, a member of Gao Yao-tae who talked about business with friends and went to business-related programs without any defense, became an accomplice to fraud; beef lover Don Spike was fooled by his friends to buy cheap cattle. As a result, he bought stolen goods and was convicted of the crime of obtaining stolen goods; because of the lack of common sense to feed others to sensitize food, causing others to have a serious allergic reaction, he was indicted by the new debut singer Kwon Hyun Bin for the crime of "causing serious injury to others"...

Spectators who watch these crimes are not difficult to find that as long as the parties are not careful, they will commit crimes, and daily contact with relatives and friends may also become the beginning of criminal acts, and crimes are too easy.

Han Zong's "Live kindly": Keep the bottom line of the law and live well

Of course, under normal circumstances, the requirements for public power to determine whether to establish a crime are much higher than in reality shows, and most of the parties involved in the case in the show can get rid of the danger of being punished by the law in real life, and will not fall into a panic delusion that equates "daily interpersonal communication" with "being seduced by others". But the show at least reveals the possibility that people will be framed in the absence of due process protection, and in the case of relatively strict legal regulations, "living in goodness" is important, and maintaining procedural justice should be paid more attention to.

Because, except for the extreme lack of common sense such as the newly promoted idol members, which really needs to be taught a lesson by society, most citizens do not have to hide a copy of the Ming Dynasty and the "Great Ming Law" at home like the Ming Dynasty to deal with certain crimes that may fall on their heads at any time, and the judicial system can ensure procedural justice to avoid the misfortune of most people sitting at home and disasters coming from heaven.

Han Zong's "Live kindly": Keep the bottom line of the law and live well

Of course, in addition to admonishing the people to be kind and law-abiding, this program also warns the people not to try to play a little clever in front of the judicial personnel, "honesty" is the most favorable choice for the parties when facing judicial procedures, and any "small cleverness" and "small means" may cause the parties to fall into a situation against their own will.

As a novel form of popular law program, "Live Kindly" does have something worth learning about domestic variety shows, but the show itself is indeed not replicable. For viewers who want to understand the judicial situation in South Korea and break the superstition of Korean dramas and warm prisons, it is also a way to complete the life experience without experiencing the experience of "going to prison" and never have any regrets to see how other people's stars are imprisoned step by step and what kind of life insights they have gained.

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