
Laughter! Dong Yuhui asked for leave to help his mother break corn in order to go back to his hometown and select the fan group in the East

author:Lazy bugs

Dong Yuhui is going home to break corn again this time, and fans are used to his "busy farm holiday" at this time of year. However, every time I hear the news, the fan base will still set off a wave, from surprise to laughter, from offering help to organizing practical actions, everyone's enthusiasm is always full.

To tell the truth, Dong Yuhui's way of asking for leave, I have to say, is really down-to-earth and full of human feelings. Think about it, an Internet celebrity with first-class live streaming ability, suddenly tells you that I am going home to break corn, how drastic this style of painting has changed! And behind this, it is not only filial piety to the family, but also a kind of attachment and yearning for rural life.

Laughter! Dong Yuhui asked for leave to help his mother break corn in order to go back to his hometown and select the fan group in the East

In October last year, Dong Yuhui was the same. At that time, the corn was ripe, and Dong's mother called one after another, urging him to go home to help. Dong Yuhui shared this incident with fans in the live broadcast, saying that he really couldn't resist his mother's bitterness, so he had to agree to go back. As a result, as soon as this matter was talked about in the fan group, some fans even expressed their willingness to buy supper train tickets and follow to help. You say that our fans are too cute!

Laughter! Dong Yuhui asked for leave to help his mother break corn in order to go back to his hometown and select the fan group in the East

However, Dong Yuhui is actually a little resistant to this "fan circle culture". He has made it clear that he has withdrawn from Dongfang Selection's fan base, and in his new brand "Walking with Hui", he has not re-established his fan base. He said that what he wants is a sincere interaction with fans, not a simple star-chasing. This attitude can't help but make people feel that he is not just a businessman, but also like a loving and righteous brother.

Laughter! Dong Yuhui asked for leave to help his mother break corn in order to go back to his hometown and select the fan group in the East

In Dong Yuhui's hometown of Shaanxi, the pace of life is significantly slower. For him, this is not only a place where he grew up, but also a pure land where he can relax. He often said that to go home is to enjoy the tranquility, and to leave the hustle and bustle of the city behind with old friends such as a cow, a sheep and a dog. Moreover, there is also the pork rib soup stewed by Dong's mother, the taste is simply wonderful.

Laughter! Dong Yuhui asked for leave to help his mother break corn in order to go back to his hometown and select the fan group in the East

This idea of returning to nature, to the purest form of family life, is especially precious in the fast-paced modern life. Through his actions, Dong Yuhui also invisibly conveys an attitude towards life: no matter how far we go, home is always the place where we can unload all our guards and return to our true selves.

However, Dong Yuhui's behavior is not without controversy. Some people may wonder if as a public figure who "disappears" so frequently will it affect his career? After all, in the live streaming industry, a day without live streaming is a loss. But Dong Yuhui doesn't seem to see it that way, he pays more attention to the balance of life and the realization of personal value.

Dong Yuhui's balancing technique has actually inspired many people. While pursuing career success, not forgetting the original intention and not losing the family, this is the life state that many people dream of! Through his actions, he tells us that even if we are busy, we should find time to spend time with our families and enjoy the beauty of life.

Of course, Dong Yuhui's approach has also led to a new concept of consumption. In his live broadcast, he is not just selling goods, more often, he is sharing his life and attitude. This kind of authentic display allows fans to not only buy a product, but also buy an attitude and style of life. This may be the unique charm of Dong Yuhui that distinguishes him from other live broadcast anchors.

In addition, Dong Yuhui's attitude towards fans is also very commendable. He often said in live broadcasts: "I don't want you to pay for everything for me, I prefer that I can bring value to you when you need it." This relationship of mutual respect and understanding makes the connection between him and his fans stronger and deeper.

But back to the original topic, although Dong Yuhui went home to break corn, although it sounds a little funny, it reflects a person's responsibility for family and respect for traditional values. In this seemingly simple act, we can feel a strong sense of humanity and family and country.

In short, Dong Yuhui has not only achieved success in business, but also given us a lot of inspiration in balancing family and career. In his own way, he interprets what is the ideal lifestyle of modern times, which makes people not only envious, but also yearning.

We all know that life can't always be smooth sailing, but it's really not easy for someone like Dong Yuhui to find his own position in the wind and waves and stick to his attitude towards life. His story tells us that no matter how the external environment changes, we should find our own rhythm of life, do what we really want to do, and live the life we really want to live.

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