
Can Panax notoginseng powder lower blood pressure? Doctor: It's true, but here are 7 things to keep in mind while taking it!

author:Health Week Talks

  Many people know that Panax notoginseng is a relatively common Chinese herbal medicine, it has the effect of invigorating blood, stopping bleeding, dilating and dredging blood vessels, and promoting blood circulation. ”

  Because of this, people also believe that Panax notoginseng is a "vascular scavenger". Some patients feel that Panax notoginseng can dilate people's blood vessels and improve blood circulation, if there is a phenomenon of high blood pressure or after suffering from high blood pressure, they can take Panax notoginseng powder to adjust blood pressure, is this true?

Can Panax notoginseng powder lower blood pressure? Doctor: It's true, but here are 7 things to keep in mind while taking it!

  It's true!

  According to the pharmacological studies of Panax notoginseng, Panax notoginseng can help the human body to resist platelet aggregation, dissolve blood clots, slow down the heart rate, reduce myocardial oxygen consumption, enhance blood circulation function, and reduce blood pressure.

  Therefore, if hypertensive patients with mildly elevated blood pressure can usually take Panax notoginseng powder in moderation, it will have a more obvious help in lowering blood pressure.

  However, after all, Panax notoginseng powder is only a traditional Chinese medicine, which can only have the effect of adjusting blood pressure, for some people whose blood pressure is high for a long time and fluctuates repeatedly, the effect of taking Panax notoginseng powder may not be obvious, if you are taking Panax notoginseng powder, you should also pay attention to the following aspects.

Can Panax notoginseng powder lower blood pressure? Doctor: It's true, but here are 7 things to keep in mind while taking it!

  1. Take antihypertensive drugs on time and in the right amount

  Most patients with high blood pressure need to take drugs to lower blood pressure under the guidance of a doctor, so that their blood pressure can be kept in a relatively stable state for a long time and reduce the chronic damage to the body.

  If there is a slight fluctuation in blood pressure, patients can add an appropriate amount of Panax notoginseng powder, which is conducive to keeping blood pressure stable.

Can Panax notoginseng powder lower blood pressure? Doctor: It's true, but here are 7 things to keep in mind while taking it!

  2. Avoid smoking and drinking

  Patients with high blood pressure should try to avoid smoking and drinking alcohol during the period of taking antihypertensive drugs and Panax notoginseng powder, and anyone should develop the habit of not smoking and drinking, so as to protect the body from harmful substances such as nicotine, carbon monoxide, and alcohol.

Can Panax notoginseng powder lower blood pressure? Doctor: It's true, but here are 7 things to keep in mind while taking it!

  3. Do not take phase III powder for a long time and in large quantities

  Some patients with high blood pressure think that as long as their blood pressure cannot be kept stable or they want to maintain stable blood pressure, they should take a large amount of Panax notoginseng powder for a long time. In fact, this does not necessarily bring benefits to the body, but may also cause physical discomfort, but will affect the stability of blood pressure.

  Fourth, strengthen dietary care

  Patients with high blood pressure should try to eat a high-protein, high-vitamin, low-fat, and low-salt diet, and should not eat too spicy and stimulating food, so as to avoid rapid fluctuations in blood pressure after the body is stimulated.

Can Panax notoginseng powder lower blood pressure? Doctor: It's true, but here are 7 things to keep in mind while taking it!

  5. Regular work and rest time

  Patients with high blood pressure should learn to combine work and rest, not let their body be too tired, go to bed on time every night, and get up on time in the morning, so that they can make their life more regular, the body has been fully rested, and the chance of maintaining stable blood pressure is relatively high.

  6. Maintain a good mood

  For patients with high blood pressure, maintaining a good mood can also reduce the number of blood pressure fluctuations, because when people are angry, blood and qi are easy to surge, and the blood circulation speed of the whole body is relatively accelerated, which will cause people's blood pressure to rise in a short period of time, making people's bodies uncomfortable.

  7. Appropriate activities

  Patients with high blood pressure are usually not suitable for strenuous exercise, but aerobic exercises such as jogging and walking can help patients improve their physical fitness, enhance metabolism, make people's bodies stronger, and help control blood pressure.

Can Panax notoginseng powder lower blood pressure? Doctor: It's true, but here are 7 things to keep in mind while taking it!

  The above is the matters that patients with high blood pressure need to pay attention to when eating Panax notoginseng powder, and any patient with high blood pressure should pay attention to the above aspects, so as to better control blood pressure and keep blood pressure in a stable range.

  Patients should also develop the habit of checking their blood pressure regularly, and go to the hospital in time if they find any abnormalities. Finally, I would like to remind everyone that although Panax notoginseng is a medicinal material, you can only take Panax notoginseng powder under the guidance of a doctor, so as to better protect your health.

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