
Guo Qiang went to Hezhang County for investigation

author:Bijie release

From May 15th to 16th, Guo Qiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Provincial Party Committee, went to Hezhang County, Bijie City for investigation. He stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the symposium on promoting the development of the western region in the new era, conscientiously implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee on carrying out party discipline learning and education, make good use of the "region + field" group assistance policies and resources of the united front, solidly and effectively consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, and help high-quality development.

Guo Qiang went to Hezhang County for investigation

Check the construction and operation of the Oyster mushroom planting base project in Zhongjing Village on the spot

Guo Qiang successively inspected the construction and operation of the amber processing factory, Gonggong Village Chinese herbal medicine processing factory, and Zhongjing Village oyster mushroom planting base project in Pingzi Community, Blacksmith Township, Hezhang County, and had in-depth exchanges with the person in charge of the enterprise to learn more about industrial development, the united front to help the rural revitalization of Hezhang County, and the development of the united front joint enterprise. It is emphasized that it is necessary to shoulder political responsibilities, make good use of united front resources, integrate united front work into the whole process of rural revitalization, make full use of the rich resources of the united front in terms of capital, technology, and talents, and build a pattern of co-construction, co-governance, and sharing with the participation of grass-roots organizations, enterprises, and farmers. It is necessary to insist on seeking truth from facts, respecting the wishes of the masses, in-depth understanding of the actual situation at the grassroots level, listening to the voices of villagers, ensuring that the design and implementation of projects meet the needs of local development and the expectations of the masses, and truly relying on the people and benefiting the people with results. It is necessary to pay attention to planning and guidance, do a good job in project implementation, strengthen project management and supervision, and ensure that each project can be implemented, orderly and high-quality progress. It is necessary to grasp the rhythm of work, pay attention to the effectiveness of work, not only have a sense of urgency that sometimes does not wait, but also have a pragmatic spirit of steady and steady progress, so as to ensure that every measure can achieve tangible results, so that the peasant masses have more sense of gain, happiness and security in rural revitalization. Guo Qiang also visited Ma Zhonghuahu, the target of the "Double Joint and Double Promotion", talked with him about family life, carefully inquired about the health status, economic status, details of daily life and difficulties of his family members, and encouraged him to actively participate in production and continuously improve his life with the help of all parties.

Guo Qiang went to Hezhang County for investigation

Visit Ma Zhonghuahu, the object of "double joint and double promotion".

During the investigation, Guo Qiang also participated in the party discipline learning and education theme party day activities of the party branch of the United Village of Blacksmith Township, and gave a disciplinary party lesson for party members. He stressed that the party's foundation is in the people, the blood is in the people, and the strength is in the people, and the study and education of party discipline is a major decision and deployment made by the party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, and it is an important measure to strengthen the party's discipline construction and promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party to develop in depth. It is necessary to focus on studying and implementing the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", study the original text, chapter by chapter, article by article, understand and grasp the specific content and practical requirements of political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, mass discipline, work discipline, and life discipline, and wholeheartedly support the "two establishments" and faithfully practice the "two safeguards" with practical actions. It is necessary to do a good job in warning education, concentrate on investigating and rectifying unhealthy trends and corruption around the masses in areas such as promoting the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas, industrial development, people's livelihood protection, and anti-gang and evil eradication, and solve the worries, worries, and worries of the masses with heart and soul, so that the people can truly feel that the comprehensive and strict governance of the party is around them, and that the upright style, discipline, and anti-corruption are around them. It is necessary to tighten the "ideological strings", always maintain a clear understanding, establish a correct view of power, fame and fortune, and career, be open-minded, use power prudently, always maintain the political nature of the Communists who are honest and honest, and earnestly transform the results of party discipline learning and education into practical results in promoting rural revitalization.

Guo Qiang went to Hezhang County for investigation

Random reception of visitors

On the morning of May 16, Guo Qiang came to the Hezhang County Letters and Visits Bureau to listen to the report on the resolution of the case in detail, and carried out the supervision and random reception of the visiting people. During the visit, Guo Qiang patiently and carefully listened to the problems reported by the masses, carefully understood the causes and ins and outs of the problems of letter-or-visit matters, consulted with relevant departments, studied solutions in accordance with laws and regulations, sought truth from facts, and put forward opinions on how to handle them. Guo Qiang stressed that it is necessary to adhere to the people-centered development philosophy, thoroughly implement the working mechanism for letters and visits, continue to improve the level of legalization of letters and visits, devote ourselves wholeheartedly to solving difficulties for the people, and earnestly safeguard the vital interests of the broad masses of the people.

Wang Maoai, Executive Deputy Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Provincial Party Committee, Tang Renyong, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, and Zhang Huawei, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Mayor, participated in the investigation respectively.

Source: Bijie Daily Social Media Center

Author: Li Hua

Editor: Wang Yun Editor: Shi Wushuang

Producer: Meng Xingrong Director: Zhang Xiaojia

Bijie release submission email: [email protected]

Guo Qiang went to Hezhang County for investigation

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Guo Qiang went to Hezhang County for investigation

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