
Essentials of Study丨Implementing the "Nine Key Projects" for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control

author:Tianjin emergency
Essentials of Study丨Implementing the "Nine Key Projects" for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control
Essentials of Study丨Implementing the "Nine Key Projects" for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control
Essentials of Study丨Implementing the "Nine Key Projects" for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control

Fighting natural disasters is an eternal task for the survival and development of mankind. It is necessary to more consciously handle the relationship between man and nature, correctly handle the relationship between disaster prevention, mitigation and relief and economic and social development, constantly sum up experience from the practice of resisting various natural disasters, implement responsibilities, improve systems, integrate resources, coordinate forces, enhance the awareness of the whole people in disaster prevention and relief, and comprehensively enhance the country's comprehensive disaster prevention, mitigation and relief capabilities.

——General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech during his inspection in Tangshan City, Hebei Province (July 28, 2016)

Implement the "Nine Key Projects" for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "strengthening the prevention and control of natural disasters is related to the national economy and people's livelihood, and it is necessary to establish an efficient and scientific natural disaster prevention and control system, improve the ability of the whole society to prevent and control natural disasters, and provide a strong guarantee for the protection of people's lives and property and national security." In view of the key areas and weak links of natural disaster prevention and control, personally deploy and promote the implementation of the "nine key projects" of natural disaster prevention and control, namely: the implementation of disaster risk investigation and key hidden danger investigation projects, and grasp the base number of risks and hidden dangers; Implement ecological restoration projects in key ecological function areas to restore the functions of forests, grasslands, rivers and lakes, wetlands, deserts, and marine ecosystems; Implement coastal zone protection and restoration projects, build ecological seawalls, and improve the ability to resist marine disasters such as typhoons and storm surges; Implement the reinforcement project of housing facilities in earthquake-prone areas to improve earthquake resistance and disaster prevention capabilities; Implement flood prevention and drought control and water conservancy improvement projects, and improve the flood prevention and drought control engineering system; Implement the comprehensive management of geological disasters and the relocation of migrants, and implement the "13th Five-Year Plan" geological disaster avoidance and relocation tasks; Implement the construction project of emergency rescue center and build a number of regional emergency rescue centers; Implement the informatization project of natural disaster monitoring and early warning, and improve the ability of comprehensive monitoring, early risk identification, forecasting and early warning of multiple disasters and disaster chains; We will carry out the project of modernizing the technology and equipment for the prevention and control of natural disasters, intensify the efforts to tackle key technical problems, and improve the level of specialized technical equipment of the mainland's rescue teams. These "nine key projects" are a major strategic deployment to strengthen disaster prevention, mitigation and relief capabilities and resist the risks of various natural disasters.

First, the implementation of the "nine key projects" is of great significance

At the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "We must pay close attention to those major risks that may delay or even interrupt the process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, comprehensively study and judge, make overall plans, respond effectively, and do our best to avoid their occurrence." ”

The implementation of the "Nine Key Projects" is a strategic consideration for overall development and security. General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly warned the whole party to be prepared for danger in times of peace, enhance the sense of worry, establish bottom-line thinking, and focus on preventing and controlling the overall risks that may delay or interrupt the process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. To coordinate development and security, based on the new stage of development, implement the new development concept, and build a new development pattern, the risk of major natural disasters must be regarded as an important security consideration. The "Nine Key Projects" are not nine projects, but an engineering system composed of a series of major engineering projects, including construction projects such as flood control, drought relief, and water conservancy improvement projects, as well as support and support projects such as natural disaster monitoring and early warning informatization, and modernization of prevention and control technology and equipment. The implementation of the "Nine Key Projects" will have a far-reaching impact on comprehensively improving the comprehensive defense capability of the whole society against natural disasters and promoting the realization of higher quality, more efficient, fairer, more sustainable and safer development.

The implementation of the "Nine Key Projects" is a major measure to ensure safety with large projects. General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized that we must adhere to the supremacy of the people and the supremacy of life, fundamentally eliminate the hidden dangers of accidents and fundamentally solve problems; "Improve the fortification level of high-risk areas and schools, hospitals, residential houses, and important infrastructure", "It is necessary to strengthen the identification of urban and rural security risks, comprehensively carry out a general survey of urban risk points and hazards, and prevent the occurrence of problems such as unrecognizable, unexpected, and unmanageable". The "Nine Key Projects" are linked to safety, people's livelihood, development and risk prevention. Speeding up the implementation of the "Nine Key Projects" and completing a number of landmark key projects for natural disaster prevention are conducive to breaking through the blockages and difficulties in disaster prevention, mitigation and relief, improving the natural disaster prevention and control system, and comprehensively improving the security support capacity.

The implementation of the "Nine Key Projects" is an urgent need to improve the ability to prevent and control natural disasters. The implementation of the "Nine Key Projects", especially the disaster risk survey, the reinforcement of housing facilities in earthquake-prone areas, and the improvement of flood control, drought control and water conservancy, is conducive to grasping the characteristics of the law of disaster evolution, finding out the base of risks and hidden dangers, and checking the ability of disaster resistance and fortification, and is conducive to serving disaster prevention and mitigation and emergency scientific decision-making, and is conducive to discovering outstanding shortcomings and problems in natural disaster prevention and control. Strengthen the construction of disaster prevention and fortification in key areas to make up for shortcomings, and build a solid foundation for natural disaster prevention and control.

2. Remarkable results have been achieved in the construction of the "Nine Key Projects".

Since the launch of the "Nine Key Projects", with the approval of the State Council, an inter-ministerial joint conference system for natural disaster prevention and control has been established jointly led by the Ministry of Emergency Management, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Finance, and composed of 14 departments and units, to coordinate and solve major problems in the demonstration and implementation of the "Nine Key Projects" project, to guide and supervise relevant departments, units and localities to promote the construction of the project in a solid and effective manner, and to basically complete the goal of achieving obvious results within three years.

-- Disaster risk investigation and key hidden danger investigation projects. The General Office of the State Council issued the "Notice on Carrying out the First National Comprehensive Risk Survey of Natural Disasters", carried out a census survey across the country, comprehensively obtained billions of major natural disaster events, key disaster hazards and other types of data, for the first time comprehensively figured out the "family background" of the national housing construction, municipal facilities and forest fuel load, for the first time made up for the shortcomings of disaster data, and for the first time formed a coverage of "the whole country - province - city - county - township (street) - community (village) - household (household)" The comprehensive disaster reduction capacity survey data set, the organization of disaster risk assessment and the preparation of prevention and control zoning, provide a scientific basis for decision-making for natural disaster prevention and control in the new era.

-- Ecological restoration projects in key ecological function areas. Eight pilot projects for the ecological protection and restoration of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands and sands have been basically completed, and a number of outstanding problems in regional ecosystems such as the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Loess Plateau have been solved in advance.

-- Coastal zone protection and restoration projects. A large number of mangrove forests, sandy coasts, shelter forests and island seawalls have been restored, and a comprehensive coastal protection system has been established.

-- Reinforcement of housing facilities in earthquake-prone areas. 3.77 million exemplary seismic reinforcement projects have been carried out in 229 counties (cities and districts) with a fortification intensity of more than 8 degrees and key areas, forming a model that can be replicated and promoted.

-- Flood control, drought control, and water conservancy improvement projects. The flood-prone sections of the 60 key cities identified by the State Council to make up for shortcomings have been basically treated, more than 8,000 disease-prone reservoirs have been strengthened in addition to risks, and the compliance rate of the main stream of major rivers and lakes of Class I to III embankments has been increased to 84%.

-- Comprehensive management of geological disasters and relocation of migrants to avoid danger. More than 9,200 geological hazards have been treated, more than 14,000 hazards have been removed, and more than 380,000 people have been relocated.

-- Construction of emergency rescue center. Focusing on the prevention and response to regional major disasters such as earthquakes, forest fires, floods, and typhoons, the planning and layout was carried out in accordance with the functional positioning of "one organization and four bases" (command and coordination institutions, comprehensive rescue, training and drills, equipment storage and transportation, and aviation support bases), and the construction was started in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, and Lanzhou City, Gansu Province.

-- Natural disaster monitoring and early warning informatization project. Optimize and upgrade the network of meteorological observation stations and hydrological monitoring stations in key areas, install more than 25,000 sets of universal geological disaster monitoring and early warning equipment, and initially form a comprehensive monitoring and perception network with integrated "air, space and ground" and wide-area coverage, the accuracy of heavy precipitation forecasting within 3 hours has been increased by more than 50%, the accuracy of flood forecasting in key periods of major rivers has exceeded 90%, and the earthquake early warning network has been promoted and covered in key areas.

-- Modernization of technology and equipment for natural disaster prevention and control. A number of major breakthroughs have been made in new emergency command and communication, special transportation emergency support, intelligent unmanned emergency rescue, monitoring and early warning, and disaster information acquisition.

3. Promote the "Nine Key Projects" for a long time

On April 26, 2022, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over the 11th meeting of the Central Financial and Economic Commission and listened to the report on the implementation results and follow-up work suggestions of the "Nine Key Projects". The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to adhere to the problem-oriented and goal-oriented, coordinate development and security, systematically plan and coordinate as a whole, accurately make up for shortcomings, strengths and weaknesses, optimize the layout, structure, function and development mode of infrastructure, and build a modern infrastructure system.

The leading departments of key projects will include a large number of follow-up projects in the "14th Five-Year Plan" emergency system plan, comprehensive disaster prevention and mitigation plan and plans for various related fields, focusing on solving the problem of imbalance in the prevention and control of natural disasters in urban and rural, regional and industrial areas, identifying shortcomings, making up for weaknesses, and continuing to promote implementation.

further coordinate the construction of urban and rural disaster prevention and mitigation, unified planning and implementation of emergency shelters and other facilities; Coordinate the management of urban flood and waterlogging risks and hidden dangers, improve flood control and drainage facilities, and promote the remediation of waterlogging in key cities; strengthen the construction of geological disaster risk management projects such as dangerous rock avalanches in the Three Gorges Reservoir area and along the Yangtze River; Improve the comprehensive monitoring and early warning system for natural disasters, and expand the use of satellite remote sensing, unmanned aerial vehicles and other comprehensive disaster monitoring methods; Intensify basic research on disasters and research and development of key technologies and equipment, and accelerate the deployment and application of technical equipment achievements in typical areas and scenarios.

Focus on strengthening the foundation and benefiting the long-term, combined with the implementation of the "14th Five-Year Plan" emergency system plan, comprehensive disaster prevention and mitigation plan and other plans, promote the prevention and control of natural disasters into the land and space utilization plan, into the major national strategies and major projects, accelerate the implementation of a number of urban flood control and drainage, earthquake-prone areas housing facilities reinforcement projects and other disaster prevention and mitigation infrastructure construction projects, increase the construction of fire prevention roads and isolation zones in key forest areas, and promote the tilt of natural disaster prevention and control resources to the grassroots.

Source: Excerpt from "In-depth Study and Implementation of Xi Jinping's Important Expositions on Emergency Management"

Essentials of Study丨Implementing the "Nine Key Projects" for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control

Editor/Producer: Li Man

Reviewer: Wang Xiaolu

Review: Liu Chunxiang

Essentials of Study丨Implementing the "Nine Key Projects" for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control
Essentials of Study丨Implementing the "Nine Key Projects" for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control

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