
In the community of Yangpu, the "spring breeze" of the family warms the "garden" of the community

author:Yangpu, Shanghai

"Home is the first school of life", and family education plays an important role in the growth of every family member. May 15 is the "International Day of Families", and the Changhai Road Street Cultural Jiayuan Community Good Neighbor Center has recently held a series of colorful activities to encourage parents to take a short break from their busy work and enjoy the warm moments of family with their children as playmates, listeners and appreciators.

Grandparents learn together and have fun

Family education is crucial to a child's growth. Recently, the Cultural Jiayuan Community Good Neighbor Center held a "Mengbao Early Education" activity, inviting the grandparents and grandchildren of the community to gather together to listen to stories and create ideas. At the scene, the instructor told the story of early education, and carried out a variety of small games, handicraft activities, etc., the children were excited and curious to explore the world in the story in the company of their ancestors. Parents and children communicate with each other, help each other, and enjoy learning together.

In the community of Yangpu, the "spring breeze" of the family warms the "garden" of the community

In the process of accompanying children to grow up, communication with children often causes some troubles due to age gaps and different life concepts. This early education activity aims to build more communication and interaction platforms for families in the community, further open up communication channels between families, and promote understanding and communication between generations.

Experience nature and share a good time

Not long ago, the Cultural Jiayuan Community Good Neighbor Center held a "parent-child garden tour" activity, and the community parent-child families came to the "Changhai One Mu Field, Four Seasons in Good Neighbors" brand gardening space on the terrace on the second floor of the Good Neighbor Center to carry out a happy "spring outing".

In the community of Yangpu, the "spring breeze" of the family warms the "garden" of the community

"It's so beautiful!" "It's so beautiful!" …… As soon as the children entered the terrace garden, they were mesmerized by the view in front of them, and they pointed to the colorful flowers and exclaimed. Parents are busy explaining the names, characteristics, and growing environment of flowers and plants to their children while observing the growth of plants, conveying the love and awe of human beings for nature.

In the community of Yangpu, the "spring breeze" of the family warms the "garden" of the community

Subsequently, under the guidance of the instructor, the parent-child family worked together to water the plants in the gardening space. The children held the kettle in their small hands and followed their parents to care for the flowers and plants, expressing their love to nature.

The garden of the Good Neighbor Center has become a family paradise, where children can enjoy the beauty of nature in the company of their parents, surrounded by flowers. The purpose of this activity is to encourage children to learn to respect and care for nature, understand the importance of living in harmony with nature, and promote communication between parents and children in the community.

In the community of Yangpu, the "spring breeze" of the family warms the "garden" of the community

In the next step, the Changhai Road Street Cultural Jiayuan Community Good Neighbor Center will make full use of this brand gardening space, continue to uphold the concept of "good neighborliness, cultural garden", hold more colorful community activities, further promote the communication and interaction between family members, and create a more harmonious and happy family atmosphere.

Text: Tang Shunjia

Editor: Xi Yuxuan

*Please indicate that the reprint is from the official WeChat of Shanghai Yangpu

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