
The 67-year-old man insisted on running 5 kilometers a day, and after a year of examination, the doctor said angrily: It's so ignorant

author:Xunya Medical Health

In the modern consultation room, doctor Wang Dali looked at the medical records in front of him and couldn't help frowning.

He raised his head and said to the old man sitting in front of him: "Lao Zhao, if you insist on running every day like this, it will be a disaster for your knees!" ”

The 67-year-old man insisted on running 5 kilometers a day, and after a year of examination, the doctor said angrily: It's so ignorant

Lao Zhao, whose full name is Zhao Tiezhu, is 67 years old and a retired librarian.

A year ago, he was diagnosed with mild osteoarthritis during a physical examination, and the doctor advised him to increase his activity to maintain joint flexibility.

The 67-year-old man insisted on running 5 kilometers a day, and after a year of examination, the doctor said angrily: It's so ignorant

After Zhao Tiezhu went home, he thought about it and decided to run 5 kilometers every morning, hoping to recover his health through exercise.

Today, a year later, his knee pain has increased significantly, which makes him reluctant to come to the hospital again.

The 67-year-old man insisted on running 5 kilometers a day, and after a year of examination, the doctor said angrily: It's so ignorant

"Lao Zhao, although running is indeed a very good aerobic exercise, it can enhance cardiopulmonary function and improve blood circulation."

Dr. Wang began to explain, "But for people like you who already have osteoarthritis, running for a long time can increase the wear and tear of the knee joint and aggravate the condition.

Especially when running on hard ground, the impact on the knees is very big. ”

The 67-year-old man insisted on running 5 kilometers a day, and after a year of examination, the doctor said angrily: It's so ignorant

Lao Zhao was a little unconvinced after hearing this, he recalled that in the past year, he had been exercising unremittingly, losing weight, and his mood had become happier.

But the pain in my knee is a fact that I can't ignore it.

"I understand that you want to improve your health through exercise, but choosing the right way to exercise is key."

The 67-year-old man insisted on running 5 kilometers a day, and after a year of examination, the doctor said angrily: It's so ignorant

Wang continued, "For example, you can swim or ride a bike, and these exercises have a much less impact on your knees. ”

Dr. Wang then pulled out a study from a drawer detailing why running is not suitable for older patients with osteoarthritis.

The report pointed out that for patients with osteoarthritis, non-impact exercise can not only reduce joint pain, but also effectively control the progression of the disease.

The 67-year-old man insisted on running 5 kilometers a day, and after a year of examination, the doctor said angrily: It's so ignorant

"Look here, this report is a study of 1,000 patients with osteoarthritis.

Studies have shown that patients who consistently engage in non-impact exercises, such as cycling and swimming, have significantly slower knee deterioration than those who continue to run. ”

Wang Dali elaborated on the data and conclusions of the study.

The 67-year-old man insisted on running 5 kilometers a day, and after a year of examination, the doctor said angrily: It's so ignorant

He also mentioned the case of some other patients, such as a patient named Li Si (not his real name).

After being diagnosed with osteoarthritis, he chose cycling as a daily exercise and felt almost no aggravated knee pain and a noticeable improvement in his quality of life.

The 67-year-old man insisted on running 5 kilometers a day, and after a year of examination, the doctor said angrily: It's so ignorant

After hearing this, Lao Zhao finally realized that although he had a good exercise habit, there was a big problem with the way and method.

He thanked Wang Dali for his patient explanation and decided to switch to cycling from today.

At the end of the story, Lao Zhao rides a bicycle in the park at dusk, and some people may have a problem.

The 67-year-old man insisted on running 5 kilometers a day, and after a year of examination, the doctor said angrily: It's so ignorant

That's why many people, when they learn of a certain condition, choose a form of exercise that they think is most effective, rather than consulting a medical professional first.

Hidden behind this problem is actually a common phenomenon that exists in our society – the lack of health awareness and the neglect of professional knowledge.

The 67-year-old man insisted on running 5 kilometers a day, and after a year of examination, the doctor said angrily: It's so ignorant

Many people may feel an urgency due to their illness, and this sense of urgency prompts them to quickly start looking for a solution without first thinking about consulting a doctor.

Some people may be overly optimistic, believing that their condition is not serious, or believing that a particular exercise will help them, and ignore the need for a professional evaluation.

The 67-year-old man insisted on running 5 kilometers a day, and after a year of examination, the doctor said angrily: It's so ignorant

Therefore, it is important to improve health knowledge and the ability to recognize information, especially when choosing treatment and exercise methods, and the importance of consulting relevant professionals cannot be overlooked.

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