
The 54-year-old man was diagnosed with throat cancer and cried bitterly: the body had already warned him, but I didn't pay attention to it

author:Xunya Medical Health

"Mr. Zhou, your symptoms have actually been revealed a few months ago." The doctor said to Zhou Qiming in a calm tone.

The patient in front of him, Zhou Qiming, a 54-year-old middle-aged man, had a mixed expression on his face, both surprised and uneasy.

The 54-year-old man was diagnosed with throat cancer and cried bitterly: the body had already warned him, but I didn't pay attention to it

Zhou Qiming's job is to deliver mail, and his daily work is both a pleasure and a challenge for him.

However, a few months ago, Zhou Qiming began to feel some discomfort in his throat, and at first he thought it was just ordinary laryngitis, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

But as the days passed, Zhou Qiming found that the pain in his throat was gradually getting worse, and even swallowing became difficult.

The 54-year-old man was diagnosed with throat cancer and cried bitterly: the body had already warned him, but I didn't pay attention to it

After enduring several weeks of pain, he finally decided to go to the hospital for a check-up.

After the examination, the doctor told him that after the initial diagnosis, if nothing else, he was diagnosed with laryngeal cancer.

Zhou Qiming cried bitterly on the spot, tears flowed down his face, he felt regretful, and couldn't help but blame himself: "Why didn't you come to see the doctor earlier?" ”

The 54-year-old man was diagnosed with throat cancer and cried bitterly: the body had already warned him, but I didn't pay attention to it

This is not uncommon, and many people often choose to ignore similar health warnings and do not seek medical help until the condition is serious.

The doctor went on to explain, "Laryngeal cancer may only present as mild throat discomfort in the early stages, and some people may even experience hoarseness, which are all warnings from the body. ”

The 54-year-old man was diagnosed with throat cancer and cried bitterly: the body had already warned him, but I didn't pay attention to it

In fact, when it comes to the occurrence of laryngeal cancer, people often overlook some important factors in their daily lives.

For example, long-term smoking, alcohol abuse, and even constant exposure to air pollution and second-hand smoke can greatly increase the risk of throat cancer.

Although Zhou Qiming is a non-smoker, he often works in smoky environments, which has undoubtedly increased his risk of illness for a long time.

The 54-year-old man was diagnosed with throat cancer and cried bitterly: the body had already warned him, but I didn't pay attention to it

According to medical research, more than 60,000 people are diagnosed with laryngeal cancer every year, and a significant number of these cases are related to living environment and habits.

For example, persistent vocal cord overuse can not only lead to vocal cord nodules, but can also cause more serious laryngeal disorders.

As a postman, Zhou Qiming needs to shout loudly every day, and the damage to his throat in the long run cannot be ignored.

The 54-year-old man was diagnosed with throat cancer and cried bitterly: the body had already warned him, but I didn't pay attention to it

Doctors point out that patients with laryngeal cancer may mistake their symptoms for a common cold or laryngitis at an early stage and ignore medical examinations, which delays the best time for treatment.

In the case of Zhou Qiming, if he could have been tested at the first sign of discomfort, there might have been more treatment options than waiting until his condition was severe.

The 54-year-old man was diagnosed with throat cancer and cried bitterly: the body had already warned him, but I didn't pay attention to it

In further discussion of treatment, the doctor also mentioned that one patient had successfully controlled the progression of the disease because he had undergone laser surgery on his vocal cords at an early stage.

From this patient's example, it can be seen that this emphasizes the importance of early detection and early treatment.

The 54-year-old man was diagnosed with throat cancer and cried bitterly: the body had already warned him, but I didn't pay attention to it

In this story, Zhou Qiming's experience reminds people that any abnormal signals in the body should be paid enough attention to, checked in time, and not ignored.

And for each of us, it is equally important to understand this medical knowledge, which helps us to take better care of our bodies and fight diseases.

In today's fast-paced living environment, how to effectively improve people's awareness and response to early disease signals?

The 54-year-old man was diagnosed with throat cancer and cried bitterly: the body had already warned him, but I didn't pay attention to it

It is very important for everyone to raise health awareness, and it can be popularized through various channels such as television, the Internet, and health lectures to increase people's exposure and understanding of health information.

Regular medical check-ups are also key, especially for middle-aged and elderly people, regular professional check-ups can detect diseases early and thus carry out early treatment.

The 54-year-old man was diagnosed with throat cancer and cried bitterly: the body had already warned him, but I didn't pay attention to it

Improving the living environment and reducing pollution, especially controlling smoking in homes and public places, have a direct effect on preventing the occurrence of diseases such as laryngeal cancer.

Through these aspects, I believe that we can greatly improve the awareness of disease prevention and early diagnosis and treatment.

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