
The 58-year-old eldest sister died suddenly at night, and she usually has a regular schedule and loves to exercise, and the doctor sighed: It's too ignorant!

author:Xunya Medical Health

"She usually has a regular schedule and loves sports, how could she suddenly die?"

Sister Liu's children asked the doctor in front of them with grief and tears.

The 58-year-old eldest sister died suddenly at night, and she usually has a regular schedule and loves to exercise, and the doctor sighed: It's too ignorant!

It happened on an ordinary night, 58-year-old Sister Liu, who lives in Hangzhou, is a retired logistics manager of a company.

Sister Liu's usual life is very regular, she goes to bed early and gets up early, insists on running in the morning every day, and often goes to the park to do tai chi.

No one expected that such a healthy person would suddenly die in one night, and when he was sent to the hospital, he had no vital signs.

The 58-year-old eldest sister died suddenly at night, and she usually has a regular schedule and loves to exercise, and the doctor sighed: It's too ignorant!

Sister Liu's family was grief-stricken and did not understand why she died suddenly, but after some examination and questioning by the doctor, the root of the problem was finally discovered.

"Does she usually like to eat mustard and bacon?" The doctor asked about Sister Liu's family.

Sister Liu's daughter nodded, "Yes, my mother loves to eat these very much, saying that they are for dinner, and these things are indispensable at home every day." ”

The 58-year-old eldest sister died suddenly at night, and she usually has a regular schedule and loves to exercise, and the doctor sighed: It's too ignorant!

The doctor looked at Sister Liu's family and sighed helplessly, "The problem may be here." ”

It turned out that although Sister Liu had a regular schedule and loved to exercise, she ignored a big problem in her diet - high salt and high fat intake.

Although mustard and bacon are delicious, they contain a lot of salt and carcinogens, and long-term consumption is extremely harmful to the body.

The 58-year-old eldest sister died suddenly at night, and she usually has a regular schedule and loves to exercise, and the doctor sighed: It's too ignorant!

"Mustard and bacon contain a lot of salt, and excessive salt intake can lead to high blood pressure, which is one of the main risk factors for heart disease and stroke," the doctor elaborated.

Smoked meat is processed to produce a variety of carcinogens, such as benzopyrene, which can greatly increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer if ingested over time. ”

The 58-year-old eldest sister died suddenly at night, and she usually has a regular schedule and loves to exercise, and the doctor sighed: It's too ignorant!

According to data from one study, people who consumed more than 5 grams of salt per day had a 30% higher chance of developing high blood pressure than those who consumed it normally.

Adults should not consume more than 5 grams of salt per day, but in their daily lives, many people will far exceed this standard.

In particular, the salt content of traditional foods such as pickles and pickled products is generally high, which is also one of the reasons for the high incidence of chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and heart disease.

The 58-year-old eldest sister died suddenly at night, and she usually has a regular schedule and loves to exercise, and the doctor sighed: It's too ignorant!

When Sister Liu's family heard this, they immediately regretted it.

They always thought that as long as they had a regular schedule and loved exercise, they could ensure their health, but they didn't expect that the small habits of eating would bury such a big health hazard.

The doctor suggested that Sister Liu's family, especially the middle-aged and elderly, should pay attention to the health of their diet, minimize the intake of high-salt and high-fat foods, and maintain balanced nutrition.

The 58-year-old eldest sister died suddenly at night, and she usually has a regular schedule and loves to exercise, and the doctor sighed: It's too ignorant!

The family decided to change their eating habits from eating a lot of mustard and bacon to eat more light, healthy foods.

At the same time, they also hope that through Sister Liu's story, they can remind their friends and neighbors to pay attention to their healthy diet and avoid health problems caused by poor eating habits.

In the modern world, why do many people find it difficult to quit certain foods even though they know they are unhealthy?

The 58-year-old eldest sister died suddenly at night, and she usually has a regular schedule and loves to exercise, and the doctor sighed: It's too ignorant!

People's eating habits are often developed from an early age, and many people are accustomed to eating high-salt and high-fat foods such as pickles and bacon since childhood, thinking that these are the "taste of hometown" and are difficult to quit.

Many people choose to eat processed foods and fast foods to save time and trouble, and these foods often contain high amounts of salt, sugar and fat, which can have serious health effects if consumed for a long time.

The 58-year-old eldest sister died suddenly at night, and she usually has a regular schedule and loves to exercise, and the doctor sighed: It's too ignorant!

Many people don't know enough about health knowledge, thinking that as long as they have a regular schedule and love exercise, they can stay healthy, but ignore the importance of diet to health.

In fact, diet, exercise, work and rest are indispensable, and only a comprehensive and healthy lifestyle can truly ensure the health of the body.

The 58-year-old eldest sister died suddenly at night, and she usually has a regular schedule and loves to exercise, and the doctor sighed: It's too ignorant!

You should also enhance your sense of self-discipline and take the initiative to adjust your eating habits, and you can gradually adapt to the light taste by gradually reducing the intake of high-salt and high-fat foods.

You can also reduce your reliance on unhealthy foods by trying new healthy recipes and discovering the deliciousness of healthy eating.

The 58-year-old eldest sister died suddenly at night, and she usually has a regular schedule and loves to exercise, and the doctor sighed: It's too ignorant!

Through these efforts, we believe that everyone can have a healthier lifestyle, avoid health problems caused by poor eating habits, and truly achieve a healthy and long life.

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