
Should you be careful when you are older? Doctor's advice: After the age of 50, remember to pay attention to these 3 aspects

author:Xunya Medical Health

"Uncle Pan, your habit of walking for forty minutes every day is very good, but there are a few points to pay attention to." The doctor looked at the health file in his hand and chatted with Uncle Pan, who was sitting opposite.

Uncle Pan is sixty years old and an administrator, always with a kind smile on his face, slightly sparse white hair, and thick reading glasses hidden behind his eyes.

Should you be careful when you are older? Doctor's advice: After the age of 50, remember to pay attention to these 3 aspects

"First, don't take a walk immediately after eating; Second, it is not advisable to go out for a walk in extreme cold or hot weather; Third, maintain an appropriate intensity while walking to avoid being out of breath. ”

The doctor's words made Uncle Pan bow, as if he was remembering whether he had made these small mistakes.

Should you be careful when you are older? Doctor's advice: After the age of 50, remember to pay attention to these 3 aspects

On the way home, Uncle Pan thought about the doctor's advice and walked next to the fence in the community, surrounded by lush trees and the sound of birdsong.

He thought, walking is a relaxing and enjoyable thing, how can there be so much learning?

First of all, on the question of taking a walk immediately after eating.

Should you be careful when you are older? Doctor's advice: After the age of 50, remember to pay attention to these 3 aspects

Uncle Pan has always been accustomed to going out for a walk shortly after meals, thinking that this will help digestion.

However, the doctor reminded Uncle Pan that taking a walk immediately after eating, especially engaging in strenuous physical activity, may cause indigestion or even stomach pain.

The reason is that after eating, the stomach is full of food, and blood flows to the stomach in large quantities to help it digest.

Should you be careful when you are older? Doctor's advice: After the age of 50, remember to pay attention to these 3 aspects

If you do physical activity at this time, it will cause insufficient blood flow to the digestive system, affect the efficiency of digestion, and in the long run, it may cause gastrointestinal diseases, which may lead to acid reflux, diarrhea, etc.

And, physiologically, walking is not a particularly energy-intensive exercise, but the right timing can maximize its health benefits.

Should you be careful when you are older? Doctor's advice: After the age of 50, remember to pay attention to these 3 aspects

In general, it is best to start walking slowly half an hour to an hour after a meal to help move food to the small intestine without affecting digestion due to excessive exercise.

The second is about going for a walk in extreme weather.

Uncle Pan's city has four distinct seasons, with very hot summers and cold winters, and there is a lot of risk in walking in extreme weather, especially for older people.

Should you be careful when you are older? Doctor's advice: After the age of 50, remember to pay attention to these 3 aspects

Hot weather can easily cause heat stroke, while cold weather may cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Especially for patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, cold air stimulation may trigger sudden constriction of blood vessels when walking in cold weather, increasing the risk of heart attack or cerebral thrombosis.

Statistics show that the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in winter is significantly higher than in other seasons, so it is safer to choose to walk indoors or choose a time when the weather is better.

Should you be careful when you are older? Doctor's advice: After the age of 50, remember to pay attention to these 3 aspects

In addition, it is important to dress appropriately, and you should add or remove clothing according to the changing weather.

Finally, on the question of the intensity of the walk.

Many people think that walking is a relaxing activity, so they often unconsciously speed up their pace, hoping to achieve better fitness results by exercising more.

Should you be careful when you are older? Doctor's advice: After the age of 50, remember to pay attention to these 3 aspects

However, for middle-aged and older people, too fast a pace is not only detrimental to physical health, but can also pose risks.

Panting for breath during a walk is a signal from the body that you are overworked, and in the long run, it can put a strain on your heart and lungs.

The ideal walking speed should be to sweat slightly, be able to speak easily without feeling wheezing.

Should you be careful when you are older? Doctor's advice: After the age of 50, remember to pay attention to these 3 aspects

Such an intensity of walking not only improves cardiorespiratory fitness, but also reduces the impact on joints and bones.

Uncle Pan feels that in fact, the advice of these doctors is not only about walking, but also a kind of enlightenment for lifestyle - while enjoying life, we should pay more attention to ways and methods.

Should you be careful when you are older? Doctor's advice: After the age of 50, remember to pay attention to these 3 aspects

So why do the health benefits of the same walk vary so much at different times and in different environments?

This is because the environment and timing of the walk are not only about the physical activity itself.

Should you be careful when you are older? Doctor's advice: After the age of 50, remember to pay attention to these 3 aspects

Walking also involves personal security, psychological feelings and the direct and indirect effects of the external environment on the human body, so the health benefits of walking will vary under different conditions.

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