
The man always coughed and thought he had a cold, and after going to the hospital for an examination, the doctor shook his head: Why did you come now?

author:Xunya Medical Health

"Why are you here now?" The doctor's brows furrowed, staring at the patient in front of him, 56-year-old Lin Feng.

The man always coughed and thought he had a cold, and after going to the hospital for an examination, the doctor shook his head: Why did you come now?

Lin Feng is an ordinary postman, and his daily job is to ride his battered bicycle, rain or shine, to deliver letters.

He has been doing this job for nearly 30 years, although the income is not high, Lin Feng enjoys it and enjoys the fun of "communicating" with letters every day.

It's just that in recent months, his health seems to be somewhat unsatisfactory.

The man always coughed and thought he had a cold, and after going to the hospital for an examination, the doctor shook his head: Why did you come now?

What started out as an occasional cough gradually became frequent and violent, and he often had to stop and gasp for breath on the way to the letter.

His wife, Wang Li, is a typical housewife, and she watched her husband's condition gradually deteriorate and urged him to go to the hospital for examination many times.

But Lin Feng always smiled and said, "Maybe it's just a cold, just drink more water." ”

The man always coughed and thought he had a cold, and after going to the hospital for an examination, the doctor shook his head: Why did you come now?

It wasn't until one day, when he suddenly fainted on the way to deliver a letter, that he became serious.

The hospital's diagnosis was shocking: advanced lung cancer.

The doctor looked at Lin Feng's face that was intertwined with exhaustion and anxiety, and couldn't help sighing: "Your cough is not a matter of a day or two, you may be able to find it sooner if you come earlier." ”

The man always coughed and thought he had a cold, and after going to the hospital for an examination, the doctor shook his head: Why did you come now?

At this time, Lin Feng only felt that his world was in chaos, and he couldn't help asking, "This, what's going on?" Why do I get lung cancer? ”

The doctor sat him down and began to explain the causes of lung cancer and the importance of early diagnosis.

The man always coughed and thought he had a cold, and after going to the hospital for an examination, the doctor shook his head: Why did you come now?

"Lung cancer is a common malignant tumor, and its cause is related to a variety of factors, such as smoking, long-term exposure to harmful substances, genetics, etc., which are all risk factors.

Although you are not a smoker, as a postman, you may be exposed to air pollutants such as car exhaust if you spend a lot of time outdoors.

It is also important to have a family history of lung cancer. The doctor explained in detail what you need to know about lung cancer.

The man always coughed and thought he had a cold, and after going to the hospital for an examination, the doctor shook his head: Why did you come now?

"In fact, according to research, if lung cancer can be detected at an early stage, then the five-year survival rate of patients can be greatly improved.

For example, a study showed that the five-year survival rate of patients with early-stage lung cancer can even reach 92%. The doctor's words made Lin Feng feel both a glimmer of hope and a sense of remorse.

The man always coughed and thought he had a cold, and after going to the hospital for an examination, the doctor shook his head: Why did you come now?

In the following conversation with Lin Feng, the doctor mentioned some actual cases to emphasize this point.

"For example, there was a patient who came for a check-up because of a persistent cough and it turned out to be stage 1 lung cancer.

After that, the patient has now recovered and continues to lead a normal life after timely surgery and treatment. ”

The man always coughed and thought he had a cold, and after going to the hospital for an examination, the doctor shook his head: Why did you come now?

Lin Feng listened, thinking of his work for so many years, he once thought that his healthy body could accompany him until retirement, but he never thought that he would suddenly face a threat to his life like this.

The doctor also explained the treatment of lung cancer and recommended the most appropriate treatment plan based on Lin Feng's condition, and also emphasized the importance of timely treatment to improve the cure rate.

The man always coughed and thought he had a cold, and after going to the hospital for an examination, the doctor shook his head: Why did you come now?

After more than an hour of conversation, Lin Feng felt that he had a deeper understanding of lung cancer, and he was grateful to the doctor for his patient explanation, and decided to start treatment as soon as possible.

His mindset also changed from initial fear and worry to courage and determination in the face of illness.

When the doctor saw Lin Feng off, he told him again: "Remember to come for regular check-ups and don't ignore any minor symptoms." ”

The man always coughed and thought he had a cold, and after going to the hospital for an examination, the doctor shook his head: Why did you come now?

Since the early symptoms of lung cancer are very inconspicuous, how can early screening and prevention be more effective for occupational groups who often work outdoors?

For those who work outdoors a lot, regular health check-ups should be carried out, so that early detection and early treatment can also be achieved.

Improving the working environment and reducing exposure to harmful substances are also important measures to prevent occupational lung cancer.

The man always coughed and thought he had a cold, and after going to the hospital for an examination, the doctor shook his head: Why did you come now?

Through these comprehensive strategies, it is believed that the probability of early detection of lung cancer can be greatly improved, thereby improving the cure rate.

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