
Three major events that have happened in China recently have made foreign media sour! The first, China third


Three major events that have happened in China recently have attracted global attention!

Dear middle-aged and elderly friends, hello everyone! Recently, three major events have occurred in China's military field one after another, which have aroused global attention and heated discussions. These incidents not only demonstrate China's determination and strength in national defense construction, but also make us deeply aware of the importance of national security and military strength. Today, let's talk about these three major events and see the meaning and impact behind them.

1. China's third aircraft carrier, Fujian, went to sea with a shock

Recently, China's third aircraft carrier, the Fujian, officially went to sea for sea trials, which undoubtedly excited military enthusiasts around the world. The Fujian is the first catapult-type aircraft carrier designed and built by China completely independently, with a straight and long flight deck, equipped with electromagnetic catapult and blocking devices, and a full load displacement of more than 80,000 tons. This series of advanced technology and equipment has enabled the Fujian to reach the world's leading level in the field of aircraft carriers.

The trial voyage of the Fujian is not only an important demonstration of China's naval strength, but also a concentrated embodiment of the development achievements of China's national defense industry. According to the analysis of military experts, the electromagnetic catapult technology of the Fujian ship has higher reliability and longer service life than the traditional steam catapult technology. At the same time, the full load displacement of the Fujian also surpassed that of the American "Ford" class aircraft carriers, becoming one of the largest aircraft carriers in the world.

The trial voyage of the Fujian ship made the foreign media start to be sour. Some foreign media even questioned the Fujian's combat capability and actual combat performance. However, facts speak louder than words, and the successful sea trial of the Fujian has fully proved its powerful combat capability and advanced technological level. We only have to laugh at such doubts and sour words, because China's national defense capabilities have been recognized globally.

Three major events that have happened in China recently have made foreign media sour! The first, China third

2. Chang'e-6 was successfully launched, exploring a new chapter on the Moon

In addition to the Fujian ship's sea trials, China also successfully launched the Chang'e-6 lunar probe. Chang'e-6 is an important part of China's lunar exploration program, with a mission to travel to the far side of the moon for sample returns. The successful implementation of this mission will not only provide important data support for China's lunar scientific research, but also provide new possibilities for human exploration of the moon and deep space.

The successful launch of Chang'e-6 once again proves China's strength and level in the field of aerospace. As another important milestone in China's lunar exploration program, Chang'e-6 will open a new chapter in China's lunar scientific research. At the same time, the success of Chang'e-6 will also provide new impetus and direction for human exploration of the moon and deep space.

For the successful launch of Chang'e-6, some foreign media also showed envy and jealousy. They all said that China's aerospace industry has been at the forefront of the world and has become an important force in the global aerospace field. Such evaluation and recognition is undoubtedly the greatest affirmation of China's space industry.

3. China's national defense budget has grown steadily and strengthened national security

In addition to these two major events, China has recently announced a steady increase in its defense budget. According to official data, China's defense budget this year reached about 1.5 trillion yuan, up about 7 percent year-on-year. This increase reflects the Chinese government's great importance and firm determination to national security and military strength.

Three major events that have happened in China recently have made foreign media sour! The first, China third

The steady increase in the national defense budget will not only provide sufficient financial support for China's armed forces, but will also provide a strong guarantee for China's national defense construction. According to the analysis of military experts, in recent years, China has invested a lot of money and energy in national defense construction to continuously improve the combat capability and equipment level of the armed forces. These efforts have yielded remarkable results and have greatly enhanced China's national defense capabilities.

At the same time, China has also actively promoted international military cooperation and exchanges, and has established extensive military cooperation with many countries and regions. Such cooperation will not only help enhance China's international influence and status, but also help promote regional and world peace and stability.

However, despite China's remarkable achievements in national defense construction, it still faces some challenges and difficulties. Some countries have tried to interfere with and undermine China's peace, stability and development process through military means. China will firmly safeguard its national sovereignty and security interests and take all necessary measures to address and resolve these challenges and difficulties.

Here, I would like to quote a military expert: "China's national defense construction is for the sake of safeguarding the country's peace, stability and development interests, and not for confrontation and competition with any country." This sentence fully expresses China's position and principles on national defense construction. We hope to resolve international disputes and conflicts through peaceful means and jointly safeguard world peace and stability.

Finally, I would like to say that these three major events in China have not only demonstrated China's national defense strength and scientific and technological level, but also made us deeply aware of the importance of national security and military strength. In the coming days, we will continue to pay attention to the development of China's military field and provide you with more interesting and professional military content. At the same time, we also hope that readers can actively participate in discussions and interactions, and jointly contribute to the peace, stability and development of the country.

Three major events that have happened in China recently have made foreign media sour! The first, China third

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