
The only female soldier who was dismissed from Laoshan in 84 years, 20 years later, she covered the martyrs of Malipo with roses


The years are quiet, don't forget the heroes - the story of a female soldier and the deep reflection on the military situation at home and abroad

The only female soldier who was dismissed from Laoshan in 84 years, 20 years later, she covered the martyrs of Malipo with roses

Dear middle-aged and elderly friends, hello everyone! Today, I would like to share with you a true and touching story, which is the story of a female soldier, her name is Xie Nan. The story takes place more than 30 years ago during the Battle of Laoshan, and this emotion transcends time and space, allowing us to still feel that deep sorrow and respect in today's peaceful years.

The only female soldier who was dismissed from Laoshan in 84 years, 20 years later, she covered the martyrs of Malipo with roses

In 1984, it was a time of change. Tensions on the Sino-Vietnamese border escalated, and the Battle of Lao Son became a focal point at the time. And in this battle, a female soldier named Xie Nan used her youth and blood to write an extraordinary history.

The only female soldier who was dismissed from Laoshan in 84 years, 20 years later, she covered the martyrs of Malipo with roses

Xie Nan, a girl born in a military family, has had the dream of defending her family and the country since she was a child. At the age of 18, she resolutely chose to join the army and became a medic soldier. In the ranks of the 14th Army of the Kunming Military Region, she won the respect and love of her comrades-in-arms with her extraordinary perseverance and professional skills.

The only female soldier who was dismissed from Laoshan in 84 years, 20 years later, she covered the martyrs of Malipo with roses

However, war is brutal. As the fighting raged, a large number of wounded and sick were taken to rear hospitals. Xie Nan and his comrades-in-arms worked day and night, using their own hands to stitch up wounds, inject drugs, and take care of the soldiers' daily life. In those difficult days, Xie Nan watched the young soldiers who lost their lives or limbs because of the war, and her heart was filled with endless grief and helplessness.

The only female soldier who was dismissed from Laoshan in 84 years, 20 years later, she covered the martyrs of Malipo with roses

Among them, there is a soldier named Zhao Yong, who is a fellow villager with Xie Nan. He was responsible for transporting ammunition and supplies on the battlefield, as well as transporting the sick and wounded to places where they were treated. Zhao Yong has always had a wish in his heart, that is, to buy a radio for his elderly and blind father in the family to relieve the loneliness of the elderly. However, due to the family's financial difficulties, this wish has not been realized. In the face of the cruelty of war, Zhao Yong unfortunately died, leaving endless regrets.

The only female soldier who was dismissed from Laoshan in 84 years, 20 years later, she covered the martyrs of Malipo with roses

After learning the news of Zhao Yong's sacrifice, Xie Nan's heart was full of guilt and self-blame. She felt that she had failed to fulfill her responsibilities as a medic, and that she had not been able to save Zhao Yong's life. Driven by this emotion, she made an impulsive decision to fire a gun at the martyrs' cemetery to express her grief and guilt for Zhao Yong. However, this decision violated the discipline of the army, and Xie Nan was expelled from the military for it.

The only female soldier who was dismissed from Laoshan in 84 years, 20 years later, she covered the martyrs of Malipo with roses

Time flies, and 20 years have passed in a blink of an eye. In the past 20 years, Xie Nan has experienced the ups and downs of life. She picked herself up again, took the college entrance exam and was admitted to the university of her choice. After graduating, she found a high-paying job in Beijing. However, in her heart, she can never forget that period of military career and those comrades-in-arms who sacrificed their lives for the country.

The only female soldier who was dismissed from Laoshan in 84 years, 20 years later, she covered the martyrs of Malipo with roses

So, on the eve of the Qingming Festival in 2004, Xie Nan quit his job in Beijing and returned to the Malipo Martyrs Cemetery in Yunnan with 957 roses. She wants to use these roses to offer her highest respect and deepest condolences to the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the country.

The only female soldier who was dismissed from Laoshan in 84 years, 20 years later, she covered the martyrs of Malipo with roses

When we look back at the past from today's perspective, we can't help but think: What made Xie Nan make such a decision? And what is it that allows us to still feel that deep sorrow and respect in times of peace?

First of all, we have to mention the military situation at home and abroad. Although the international situation has generally tended to be peaceful and stable in recent years, conflicts and wars still occur from time to time in local areas. These conflicts and wars have brought untold suffering and suffering to the local population. And it is precisely because of the dedication and sacrifice of heroes like Xie Nan and countless martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the country that we can enjoy a peaceful and peaceful life today.

At the same time, we must also be aware of the differences and inequalities in the lives of residents at home and abroad. In some countries and regions, people still live in poverty and war, and they yearn for peace and happiness. And in our country, with the development of the economy and social progress, the people's living standards continue to improve, and we enjoy unprecedented happiness and tranquility. This difference and inequality makes us cherish our lives and peaceful environments even more.

In addition, we will trace the military history of each country and explore its role and changing status in the development of society. Military force is one of the important means of safeguarding national security, but excessive military expansion and competition will also bring heavy burdens and disasters to the country. Therefore, we should take a rational view of the development and use of military force, safeguarding national security and interests, and avoiding excessive military expansion and competition.

In this process, we can invite military experts, experts in sociology, economics and other fields to conduct in-depth analysis and commentary. They can analyze the military situation and problems at home and abroad from different angles and levels, and provide us with a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding and understanding.

In conclusion, I would like to say: the years are quiet, and don't forget the heroes. It is precisely because of the dedication and sacrifice of heroes like Xie Nan and countless martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the country that we can enjoy a peaceful and peaceful life today. Let us always remember their exploits and dedication, and cherish today's peace and happiness!

At the end of the article, I would like to answer some military questions that readers may be interested in through a Q&A format. For example: What do you think will be the future trend of military development? How to balance the relationship between the development of military power and the maintenance of peace? These issues require us to think deeply and explore. Let us work together to contribute to building a peaceful, stable and prosperous world!