
A 60-year-old diabetic person has a bowl of cucumber soup every day, and after 9 months, he went for a physical examination, and the doctor praised: a good way

author:Dr. Zhang Yu, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner

Aunt Li is a 60-year-old diabetic who has been struggling to control her blood sugar.

Nine months ago, she started drinking a bowl of cucumber soup every day at the advice of an old Chinese medicine doctor.

At first, everyone was skeptical, but it didn't take long;

A 60-year-old diabetic person has a bowl of cucumber soup every day, and after 9 months, he went for a physical examination, and the doctor praised: a good way

Aunt Li's blood sugar levels began to drop steadily, and even the doctors were surprised at how quickly she got better.

What's the secret behind this? Let's find out.

Health secrets of cucumber soup:

1. Cucumber with blood sugar

Low calorie, high fiber

Cucumbers are low in calories and high in fiber, which means it can increase feelings of fullness and reduce overeating, which can help people with diabetes manage their blood sugar levels.

A 60-year-old diabetic person has a bowl of cucumber soup every day, and after 9 months, he went for a physical examination, and the doctor praised: a good way

The carbohydrates in cucumbers break down slowly, helping to prevent blood sugar spikes. This stable blood sugar level is very beneficial for the long-term health management of diabetics.

2. Cucumber with blood pressure

High potassium and low sodium:

Cucumbers contain more potassium and less sodium, a combination that helps balance electrolytes in the body, which can help lower blood pressure.


A 60-year-old diabetic person has a bowl of cucumber soup every day, and after 9 months, he went for a physical examination, and the doctor praised: a good way

Certain substances in cucumbers can dilate blood vessels, reduce vascular resistance, and make blood pressure easier to control.

3. Cucumber and detoxification

Antioxidant Effect:

Cucumbers contain several antioxidants, such as vitamin C and selenium;

These ingredients are able to help fight free radical damage, thereby slowing down the aging process.

Internal and External:

A 60-year-old diabetic person has a bowl of cucumber soup every day, and after 9 months, he went for a physical examination, and the doctor praised: a good way

Cucumbers can not only be eaten, but can also be used to apply to the face, directly providing moisture and nutrients to the skin;

It works from the inside and outside at the same time to make the skin healthier and more radiant.

Speaking of which, this does not mean that we should let everyone eat cucumbers every day, we are too particular about anything;

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that cucumbers are cold, and eating too much of anything will cause negative effects.

Here are some people who may not be suitable for cucumbers:

1. People with spleen and stomach dysphoria

Cucumber is cold, and people with a weak spleen and stomach may cause symptoms such as indigestion, abdominal pain, or diarrhea after eating.

2. Menstruating women

During menstruation, women may want to avoid cold foods;

A 60-year-old diabetic person has a bowl of cucumber soup every day, and after 9 months, he went for a physical examination, and the doctor praised: a good way

Because they may affect the uterus, causing poor menstrual bleeding or menstrual cramps.

3. Patients with renal insufficiency

Cucumbers contain more potassium, which is useful for people with impaired kidney function;

Too much potassium may not be excreted effectively from the body, potentially leading to hyperkalemia.

4. Those who take certain medications

Some medications may interact with the ingredients in cucumbers and affect their effectiveness.

For example, certain antihypertensive drugs and diuretics should be used with caution when used concomitantly with cucumber.

A 60-year-old diabetic person has a bowl of cucumber soup every day, and after 9 months, he went for a physical examination, and the doctor praised: a good way

5. People with allergies

If you have an allergic reaction to cucumber or other similar fruits and vegetables (such as watermelon, melon, etc.);

Symptoms such as rashes, swelling of the throat may occur.

What are some foods that go well with cucumbers?


Traditional Chinese medicine believes that eating cucumbers and peanuts together may cause indigestion because they are mutually reinforcing.


There is a theory that eating cucumber and spinach together reduces the nutritional value of both.

A 60-year-old diabetic person has a bowl of cucumber soup every day, and after 9 months, he went for a physical examination, and the doctor praised: a good way

Spinach is rich in vitamin C, while cucumber contains a substance called vitamin C oxidase;

The meeting of the two can lead to the destruction of vitamin C.


Similar to spinach, tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, while cucumbers may reduce their nutritional value.

However, the modern nutritional view is that as long as you eat a balanced diet and eat different foods in moderation;

It does not cause severe nutrient loss or physical discomfort.

A 60-year-old diabetic person has a bowl of cucumber soup every day, and after 9 months, he went for a physical examination, and the doctor praised: a good way

In fact, many of the so-called "food restraints" do not have sufficient scientific basis;

And in the actual diet, these problems are often overlooked, because a moderate variety of diets is a basic principle of nutrition.

I believe that many people will definitely find it boring to eat cucumbers raw, so I will recommend some specific ways to eat cucumbers to enrich our recipes.

Some specific recipes for cucumbers

Cold cucumber:

Cut cucumber with minced garlic, soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, chili oil and other seasonings, stir well and leave for a while;

Let the flavor soak into the cucumber, and it is perfect for cold dishes with a refreshing texture in summer.

A 60-year-old diabetic person has a bowl of cucumber soup every day, and after 9 months, he went for a physical examination, and the doctor praised: a good way

Pat cucumbers:

Pat the cucumber with the back of a knife and cut it into sections. Add minced garlic, soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, pepper oil and other seasonings and mix well.

Slapped cucumbers are more likely to absorb the flavor of the spice.

Hot and sour cucumber:

Slice the cucumber and marinate it with salt for a while to squeeze out the excess water.

Then add vinegar, sugar, chili powder or oil, refrigerate and eat, the taste is sour and spicy.

Sautéed cucumbers:

Slice the cucumber, stir-fry quickly with a small amount of oil at high temperature, add an appropriate amount of salt and monosodium glutamate, and fry until it is broken.

The cucumbers stir-fried in this way are tender and crispy.

A 60-year-old diabetic person has a bowl of cucumber soup every day, and after 9 months, he went for a physical examination, and the doctor praised: a good way

Scrambled eggs with cucumber:

Beat the egg mixture, fry it into an omelet, and then cut into shreds; Slice the cucumber, stir-fry with the shredded egg, season and remove from the pan.

It's a simple yet delicious home-cooked dish.

Leecoat cucumber:

Cut the cucumber into a lichen shape (that is, on both sides, and cut thin slices in the middle), then add minced garlic, soy sauce, vinegar, sugar and other seasonings and mix well.

This method of cutting allows the cucumber to absorb the seasoning better.

A 60-year-old diabetic person has a bowl of cucumber soup every day, and after 9 months, he went for a physical examination, and the doctor praised: a good way

These are just a few simple examples, and you can try more cucumber recipes according to your taste and creativity.

If you have any good insights, please feel free to discuss them in the comment area.

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