
Why do you have to spend more time in the sun and do 3 more sports in winter? By doing so, you can do more with less

author:Li Xu Yao, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine

In winter, sunlight seems to become scarce, and the distance between warm sunlight and people becomes distant. Despite the cold outside, there is a warm sun waiting for us – and that is the winter sun. You may wonder why you have to spend more time in the sun. Why is sunlight so important for our health? This article will take you into the world of sunlight and reveal the necessity of more sun in winter and the reasons behind it.

Why do you have to spend more time in the sun and do 3 more sports in winter? By doing so, you can do more with less

Why do you need more sun in winter?

Importance of Vitamin D:

Although the winter sun is not as bright as the summer, it still contains the vitamin D we need. This treasure in the sunshine is simply a good remedy for our body. Vitamin D is not only the guardian of our healthy bones, but also the protector of mental health. It helps to promote the absorption and utilization of calcium, making our bones stronger and free from diseases such as osteoporosis. In addition, it ignites a flame of hope in our brains, relieves depression, and allows us to welcome the sunshine of each day.

Guardians of the immune system:

Spending more time in winter isn't just for our bones and mood, it's also for our immune system. Vitamin D is considered to be the regulator of the immune system, it is able to help our body fight off the invasion of various viruses and bacteria, keeping us away from colds and flu. Especially in winter, when all kinds of viruses are rampant, we need the protection of sunlight to make the body a fortress of health.

Compass of the mood:

The winter sun not only warms our bodies, but also our hearts. It's no accident that we feel happier and more optimistic in the sun. Scientific studies have shown that sunlight stimulates the brain to release neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, known as "happiness hormones" that can make us feel happy and content. So, you might as well find a sunny corner on a winter afternoon, quietly enjoy that warmth, and make your mood brighter.

The winter sun may not be as hot as the summer sun, but it's worth as much. Spending more time in the sun is not only a care for the body, but also a healing for the soul. So, let's embrace the sun and feel its warmth in this cold season, so that our health and happiness are always as bright as the sun.

The benefits of doing three more exercises

1. Aerobic Exercise:

Aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, jogging, etc., has significant health benefits. First of all, aerobic exercise can improve cardiorespiratory fitness, enhance cardiorespiratory endurance, allow your heart to deliver oxygen to all parts of the body more efficiently, and at the same time boost metabolism, help burn fat, and control weight. In addition, aerobic exercise can also promote blood circulation, increase the amount of oxygen in the blood, improve skin tone, enhance immunity, and prevent chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Why do you have to spend more time in the sun and do 3 more sports in winter? By doing so, you can do more with less

2. Strength Training:

Strength training, including weightlifting, equipment training, etc., is also of great significance to physical health. Strength training builds muscle strength and endurance, improves posture and reduces the risk of injury. In addition, increasing muscle mass can help increase basal metabolic rate, promote fat burning, and aid in weight control. Strength training can also prevent osteoporosis, increase bone density, and reduce the risk of fractures.

3. Flexibility Training:

Flexibility training, such as yoga and Pilates, has a significant effect on the flexibility of the body and the flexibility of the joints. By stretching and relaxing the muscles and soft tissues of the body, flexibility training can reduce tension and stress in the body, relieving fatigue and pain in the body. In addition, flexibility training can also improve posture, prevent injuries in sports and daily life, and improve the body's movement efficiency and comfort.

How to integrate more sun exposure and more exercise into winter life?

Arrange your time wisely:

Sunlight is limited in winter, so arrange time for outdoor activities reasonably. Choose a time with better sunlight in the morning or afternoon, such as 10 a.m. to 12 noon and 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., for outdoor activities that can not only enjoy the warm sunshine, but also avoid the damage caused by the strong sunlight.

Choosing the right venue:

Choose suitable places for outdoor activities in winter, such as parks, playgrounds, hillsides, etc., and ensure adequate sunlight. If the weather is not good, you can also choose an indoor environment with large windows for indoor sports, such as a gym, indoor swimming pool, etc.

Keep warm:

In winter, the temperature is low, so pay attention to keeping warm when going out. Wear suitable sportswear, choose clothes with good breathability and warmth, and wear warm items such as hats and gloves to avoid catching colds.

Make sure you are hydrated:

When exercising, you should pay attention to replenishing water in time to maintain the water balance of your body. Although it is not easy to sweat in winter, the body still needs enough water to keep the metabolism and motor functions functioning properly.

Why do you have to spend more time in the sun and do 3 more sports in winter? By doing so, you can do more with less

Gradually increase the intensity:

When doing outdoor sports in winter, gradually increase the intensity and duration of exercise, and do it gradually. Avoid injuries caused by excessive exercise and maintain the health and safety of your body.

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