
Tea is an "accelerator" for stomach cancer? Doctor: If you don't want stomach cancer to come quickly, don't touch these things in one bite

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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"I heard that young people nowadays like to drink that kind of instant coffee, but did you know that drinking too much is not good for the stomach?" Chen Ming kept sliding with her mobile phone in the waiting area of the hospital, occasionally interjecting a sentence and chatting with his wife Zhou Li next to her.

Zhou Li is doing a prenatal checkup here, and he has made a special leave to accompany her. Chen Ming is an urban planner who is busy with design and planning, and rarely has the opportunity to spend time with her family like this.

Tea is an "accelerator" for stomach cancer? Doctor: If you don't want stomach cancer to come quickly, don't touch these things in one bite

At this moment, he heard in his ears the topic that several doctors were discussing. "Do you know, in fact, many people misunderstand the problem of drinking tea, they think that drinking tea can fight cancer, but in fact, if you drink it in the wrong way, it may accelerate the development of some diseases." A young doctor said.

Chen Ming's words shocked him, his father was a tea ceremony lover, and he always made a few cups of good tea every day, whether he was busy or not. Thinking of this, he decided to take the opportunity to consult with the doctor, and by the way, also add some health knowledge for his father.

Tea is an "accelerator" for stomach cancer? Doctor: If you don't want stomach cancer to come quickly, don't touch these things in one bite

"Doctor, sorry to interrupt, you just mentioned that drinking tea may accelerate the development of certain diseases, can you elaborate on that?" Chen Ming asked politely. The doctor smiled and replied, "Not all tea will have a bad effect on the body. ”

Chen Ming listened attentively, and the doctor continued: "Tea contains a large amount of tea polyphenols, caffeine and other ingredients, if these substances are drunk on an empty stomach or immediately after meals, it is easy to lead to increased gastric acid secretion, and in the long run, it will cause damage to the gastric mucosa and increase the risk of gastric diseases. "So, is there data to support this view?" Chen Ming asked.

Tea is an "accelerator" for stomach cancer? Doctor: If you don't want stomach cancer to come quickly, don't touch these things in one bite

The doctor nodded and took out a folded sheet, "Here is a study on tea drinking habits and the risk of stomach cancer, and the data shows that those who drink strong tea immediately after a meal have a nearly 40% higher incidence of stomach cancer than ordinary people." The study surveyed thousands of tea ceremony enthusiasts and followed them over a five-year period. ”

Chen Ming was a little shocked when she heard this, "Then what should we do?" Don't drink tea at all? "No, it's not about avoiding it altogether, it's about changing the habit of drinking tea. If you can drink it again an hour after eating, then the effect on the body will be much less. The doctor explained.

Tea is an "accelerator" for stomach cancer? Doctor: If you don't want stomach cancer to come quickly, don't touch these things in one bite

"Actually, not only tea, but also many eating habits need to be paid attention to. We need to adjust our eating habits holistically. The doctor added.

Chen Ming nodded, he benefited a lot from this conversation, and he decided to discuss it with his father when he returned home and change the family's eating habits.

Tea is an "accelerator" for stomach cancer? Doctor: If you don't want stomach cancer to come quickly, don't touch these things in one bite

At the end of their conversation, Zhou Li's examination was just completed. The two left the hospital together, and Chen Ming was still thinking about the doctor's advice in her mind, ready to implement it after returning home.

A few days later, Chen Ming took her father to the hospital for a health check-up and made an appointment with the previous doctor. After the examination, Chen Ming's father asked, "Doctor, I heard that some people drink tea to relieve stomach problems, is this true?" ”

Tea is an "accelerator" for stomach cancer? Doctor: If you don't want stomach cancer to come quickly, don't touch these things in one bite

The doctor replied in detail: "It is true that there are some mild teas that can help digestion, such as pu-erh tea, which can promote intestinal health and reduce stomach discomfort to a certain extent." For people with a history of stomach problems, it is still best to choose the type and time of tea to drink under the guidance of a doctor. ”

After discussing the issue of tea drinking and stomach health, Chen Ming began to think about deeper issues. The data and recommendations mentioned by the doctor made Chen Ming realize that a single change in eating habits is not enough. Doctors discussed in depth several bad habits that are common in modern life, such as over-reliance on processed foods, lack of physical activity, and circadian clock disruptions caused by excessive use of electronics.

Tea is an "accelerator" for stomach cancer? Doctor: If you don't want stomach cancer to come quickly, don't touch these things in one bite

"You see, many young people are now used to staying up late at night to look at their mobile phones, which not only affects the quality of sleep, but also may cause gastrointestinal disorders." The doctor explained in detail and gave examples of health problems closely related to lifestyle habits observed in several studies.

Chen Ming carefully recorded this information and began to plan how to implement these health recommendations in the family. He decided to improve his family's habits by starting by reducing the purchase of processed foods at home and increasing the amount of time the family spends outdoors.

Tea is an "accelerator" for stomach cancer? Doctor: If you don't want stomach cancer to come quickly, don't touch these things in one bite

Through this exchange, Chen Ming realized that the promotion of a healthy lifestyle is just as important as education. He began to think about how he could promote this health awareness in his community, such as organizing weekend family outings or healthy eating talks.

What do you think about drinking tea? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Tea is an "accelerator" for stomach cancer? Doctor: If you don't want stomach cancer to come quickly, don't touch these things in one bite

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