
This kind of dietary fiber is the "master of sugar control"! Eat 5 more foods to help you replenish easily!

author:99 Health Net

With the increasing incidence of chronic diseases such as diabetes among middle-aged and elderly people, there is a growing public awareness of healthy lifestyles.

Dietary fiber is often mentioned in health-related discussions, especially in diabetes management, and it is known as "the right-hand man for stabilizing blood sugar". So, is there any scientific basis for this claim?

This kind of dietary fiber is the "master of sugar control"! Eat 5 more foods to help you replenish easily!


The role of soluble fiber

Slows down digestion and absorption

Soluble fiber is able to form a gelatinous substance that slows down the digestion of food in the stomach and prolongs the time that food stays in the small intestine, thereby slowing the rate of absorption of sugar and helping to stabilize blood sugar levels.

Lowers blood sugar

Soluble fiber can reduce postprandial blood sugar spikes and, for diabetics, help control blood sugar levels and reduce blood sugar fluctuations.

Lowers cholesterol

Soluble fiber adsorbs bile acids and reduces the reabsorption of bile acids, which in turn encourages the liver to synthesize more cholesterol to replenish bile, ultimately lowering low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) in the blood and contributing to cardiovascular health.

Promotes satiety

Soluble fiber absorbs water in the intestines and swells to form a gelatinous substance that can increase satiety and help control appetite, which can help with weight management.

Relieves constipation

Soluble fiber increases the volume of intestinal contents, helps soften stools, promotes bowel movements, and helps relieve constipation.

Promotes gut health

Soluble fiber provides food for probiotics in the gut, helping to maintain the balance of intestinal flora and promote gut health.

This kind of dietary fiber is the "master of sugar control"! Eat 5 more foods to help you replenish easily!


6 kinds of ingredients are rich in soluble dietary fiber


Oats are a great source of soluble fiber, especially oatmeal and oat bran. They can form a gelatinous substance in water, which helps stabilize blood sugar and lower cholesterol.


Legumes such as pods, black beans, red beans, and mung beans are rich in soluble fiber. They are also a good source of high-quality protein and minerals.

Apples and pears

These two fruits contain more soluble fiber, especially in their pulp and skin. Eating whole apples or pears can get more fiber.


Carrots contain a lot of soluble fiber, and they're also rich in vitamin A and other nutrients.


Flaxseed is a good source of soluble fiber, along with omega-3 fatty acids and other healthy fats.


Broccoli is a nutritious vegetable that contains a lot of dietary fiber, vitamins C and B12, and a variety of trace elements that are beneficial to the human body. These dietary fibers can help regulate the absorption rate of sugar in the stomach and intestines, effectively reducing the rate of blood sugar rise.

This kind of dietary fiber is the "master of sugar control"! Eat 5 more foods to help you replenish easily!


What kinds of whole grains to eat for diabetes


The soluble dietary fiber in oats lowers blood sugar and cholesterol, making it an ideal food for diabetics.


Barley is rich in dietary fiber and minerals, making it a healthy choice for diabetics.

brown rice

Brown rice contains more dietary fiber than white rice, which can slow down the absorption of sugar and help with blood sugar control.


Corn is a coarse grain that contains a lot of dietary fiber, but be careful not to eat heavily processed corn products.


Sweet potatoes and potatoes are rich in dietary fiber and minerals, but diabetics need to pay attention to moderate consumption and avoid excessive intake of carbohydrates.

Multigrain rice

Mixed with brown rice, barley, red beans, mung beans and other grains to make multigrain rice, you can get rich dietary fiber and nutrients.

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