
The 59-year-old aunt died of cerebral infarction, and she is usually keen on square dancing, and her wife: she doesn't listen, and I can't help it

author:Möngke talks about health

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In a vibrant community, there lives a middle school history teacher named Li Hongmei.

Li Hongmei, 59 years old, has a very regular life, in addition to standing on the podium every day to teach history, her biggest hobby is square dancing in the community square every afternoon.

The 59-year-old aunt died of cerebral infarction, and she is usually keen on square dancing, and her wife: she doesn't listen, and I can't help it

However, this aunt, who usually looks healthy, eventually died of cerebral infarction because of long-term poor eating habits. Li Hongmei's eating habits can be said to be quite distinctive.

She has an inseparable love for spicy and fried foods. Whether it's churros for breakfast or fried chicken for dinner, it's indispensable almost every day. Such a high-salt, high-fat diet is a big challenge to anyone's blood vessels in the long run.

The 59-year-old aunt died of cerebral infarction, and she is usually keen on square dancing, and her wife: she doesn't listen, and I can't help it

For Li Hongmei, despite her love of dancing, this seemingly wholesome activity can't fully offset the effects of a poor diet. Here, it's worth taking a closer look at the specific effects of high-salt and high-fat diets on vascular health.

Eating foods high in salt regularly can cause the body to retain too much water, which can lead to an increase in blood pressure, which can lead to hypertension over time. High blood pressure is a major risk factor for cerebral infarction.

The 59-year-old aunt died of cerebral infarction, and she is usually keen on square dancing, and her wife: she doesn't listen, and I can't help it

In addition, the intake of high-fat foods can increase blood levels of low-density lipoprotein (also known as bad cholesterol), which tends to accumulate on the walls of blood vessels, forming plaques and promoting the process of arteriosclerosis, thereby increasing the risk of cerebral infarction.

And Li Hongmei turned a blind eye to her eating habits, even if her family reminded her many times, she always responded with a smile: "Dance, you can jump away from any disease." To a certain extent, this optimistic attitude reflects the misunderstanding of some elderly people's perception of health.

The 59-year-old aunt died of cerebral infarction, and she is usually keen on square dancing, and her wife: she doesn't listen, and I can't help it

They believe that as long as they are physically active, they can ignore the importance of diet. In addition, although square dancing is a mild physical activity, it is not a substitute for a reasonable diet and a systematic physical examination for the cardiovascular system.

In fact, moderate aerobic exercise can indeed improve heart function and blood vessel elasticity, but it is more of an adjunct than a fundamental solution to the problem of a high-fat, high-salt diet.

The 59-year-old aunt died of cerebral infarction, and she is usually keen on square dancing, and her wife: she doesn't listen, and I can't help it

In Li Hongmei's case, there is clearly a problem with her concept of health. She thinks that dancing burns off all the calories and "bad ingredients", which is actually a very dangerous misconception.

Long-term poor eating habits caused her to accumulate a lot of harmful substances in her body, and these substances eventually contributed to the blockage of her cerebral blood vessels.

The 59-year-old aunt died of cerebral infarction, and she is usually keen on square dancing, and her wife: she doesn't listen, and I can't help it

A unique point is made here, which is that the importance of dietary management should be emphasized while promoting physical activity among the elderly.

For the elderly, a sensible diet is more important than exercise. Because even a moderate amount of exercise can not completely offset the negative effects of improper diet.

The 59-year-old aunt died of cerebral infarction, and she is usually keen on square dancing, and her wife: she doesn't listen, and I can't help it

Li Hongmei's husband, after her death, regretted her eating habits. "She just likes to eat unhealthy foods, and I've told her many times, but she always doesn't listen, and I can't help it," he said. ”

This reflects the importance of consensus and support for health awareness in family life. When talking about this case, it has to be mentioned how to effectively avoid tragedies like Li Hongmei in daily life.

The 59-year-old aunt died of cerebral infarction, and she is usually keen on square dancing, and her wife: she doesn't listen, and I can't help it

First of all, regular medical check-ups are a major part of the process, especially for blood pressure and cholesterol. Second, family members should work together to build a healthy eating environment.

Reducing the intake of high-salt and high-fat foods, eating more vegetables and fruits, and ensuring adequate fiber intake can help improve blood composition and vascular health. Correct eating habits play an important role in improving and controlling these diseases.

The 59-year-old aunt died of cerebral infarction, and she is usually keen on square dancing, and her wife: she doesn't listen, and I can't help it

What do you think about the causes of cerebral infarction? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The 59-year-old aunt died of cerebral infarction, and she is usually keen on square dancing, and her wife: she doesn't listen, and I can't help it

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