
A 65-year-old aunt dances square dance every day, and has a heart attack after 3 years? Doctor: 4 mistakes, correct them in time

author:Dr Ho Health Talk
A 65-year-old aunt dances square dance every day, and has a heart attack after 3 years? Doctor: 4 mistakes, correct them in time

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The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on the community square, and a group of aunts danced to cheerful music.

In the crowd, 65-year-old Aunt Li was particularly eye-catching, her movements were flexible, her dancing was graceful, and her face was full of energy and joy.

For three years, rain or shine, she insisted on dancing every day and became the "lead dancer" of the square dance team. The neighbors were envious of her spirit and praised her for living younger and younger.

A 65-year-old aunt dances square dance every day, and has a heart attack after 3 years? Doctor: 4 mistakes, correct them in time

No one expected that a sudden heart attack would break the peace.

Aunt Li was dancing in the square as usual that day, when she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her chest, difficulty breathing, and turned pale, and then fell to the ground......

As soon as the news came out, the community exploded.

A 65-year-old aunt dances square dance every day, and has a heart attack after 3 years? Doctor: 4 mistakes, correct them in time

Everyone talked about it and couldn't believe it: How could Aunt Li, who has always been physically tough, suddenly have a heart attack?

Can dancing hurt too? For a while, square dancing became the target of public criticism, and many people began to worry about whether they would follow in Aunt Li's footsteps.

Aunt Li's experience is not unique. In recent years, it is not uncommon for middle-aged and elderly people to suffer physical injuries or even life-threatening cases due to improper exercise. It has aroused people's concern about the safety of sports in middle-aged and elderly people.

A 65-year-old aunt dances square dance every day, and has a heart attack after 3 years? Doctor: 4 mistakes, correct them in time

4 misunderstandings about dancing for the elderly

1. Ignore your physical condition and blindly pursue the amount of exercise

The first mistake mentioned in the online news is that many middle-aged and elderly people lack understanding of their own physical conditions and blindly pursue the amount of exercise, resulting in overwhelmed bodies.

Although Aunt Li seems to be in good spirits, she is 65 years old after all, and her physical function inevitably declines.

She insisted on long-term and high-intensity dance training every day, but did not undergo the necessary physical examination and evaluation, and did not adjust the exercise intensity according to her own situation, which eventually led to her heart being overwhelmed.

A 65-year-old aunt dances square dance every day, and has a heart attack after 3 years? Doctor: 4 mistakes, correct them in time

2. Insufficient warm-up and improper exercise methods

The second mistake is insufficient warm-up and improper exercise methods.

Warm-up activities before exercise can increase muscle temperature, increase joint flexibility, and effectively prevent sports injuries.

In order to be in a hurry, Aunt Li joined the dance team in a hurry every time, and did not warm up sufficiently, and in the long run, the wear and tear of the joints intensified, and the muscles were easily strained.

In addition, some dance movements are too large, which requires high coordination and flexibility of the body, and if the movements are not standardized, it is easy to cause muscle strains or joint sprains.

A 65-year-old aunt dances square dance every day, and has a heart attack after 3 years? Doctor: 4 mistakes, correct them in time

3. Failure to replenish water and rest in time after exercise

The third mistake is not hydrating and resting in time after exercise.

Prolonged exercise consumes a lot of water and energy, and if not replenished in time, it can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances, increasing the burden on the heart.

And Aunt Li was in a hurry to go home to cook after every dance, and she didn't replenish water and rest in time, her body was in a state of fatigue, and her heart couldn't get enough rest and recovery.

A 65-year-old aunt dances square dance every day, and has a heart attack after 3 years? Doctor: 4 mistakes, correct them in time

4. Ignoring underlying diseases and failing to have regular physical examinations

The last mistake is ignoring the underlying disease and not having regular medical check-ups.

Many middle-aged and elderly people already suffer from chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes, which can increase the risk of heart disease.

Aunt Li usually does not have the habit of regular physical examinations, lacks understanding of her physical condition, and does not know that she has mild hypertension, which eventually leads to a heart attack.

A 65-year-old aunt dances square dance every day, and has a heart attack after 3 years? Doctor: 4 mistakes, correct them in time

Middle-aged and elderly people should exercise according to their ability, step by step, and pay attention to the following points:

1. Have a comprehensive physical examination before exercising, understand your health status, and choose the exercise method and intensity that suits you.

2. Warm up well before exercising, and perform proper stretching and relaxation after exercise to avoid sports injuries.

A 65-year-old aunt dances square dance every day, and has a heart attack after 3 years? Doctor: 4 mistakes, correct them in time

3. Pay attention to hydration during exercise, rest in time after exercise, and ensure adequate sleep.

4. Conduct regular physical examinations, pay attention to your own health status, and detect and treat potential diseases in a timely manner.

A 65-year-old aunt dances square dance every day, and has a heart attack after 3 years? Doctor: 4 mistakes, correct them in time

Aunt Li's experience has sounded the alarm for us, middle-aged and elderly people should exercise scientifically and reasonably, do what they can, and must not blindly pursue the amount of exercise and ignore their own health conditions.

Only by choosing the exercise method that suits you and paying attention to sports safety can you truly enjoy the health and happiness brought by sports.


Chinese Sports Medicine Branch. Sports Medicine. Beijing: People's Medical Publishing House, 2018.

Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China. Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents. Beijing: Peking Union Medical College Press, 2016.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have any health problems, please consult a doctor or other

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