
The 61-year-old uncle loves to eat tofu, and after 6 months of binge eating, what changes have occurred in his body?

author:Dr Ho Health Talk
The 61-year-old uncle loves to eat tofu, and after 6 months of binge eating, what changes have occurred in his body?

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The late autumn sun shines through the window lattice, sprinkling on 61-year-old Uncle Wang, who is munching on a piece of white and tender tofu with relish.

Since his wife passed away unexpectedly half a year ago, Uncle Wang has fallen in love with this simple and pure food.

Tofu is light and easy to digest, as if it can soothe the loneliness in his heart. He can't do without tofu for almost every meal, steamed, braised and mapo, and all kinds of methods take turns to play, and he never gets tired of it.

The 61-year-old uncle loves to eat tofu, and after 6 months of binge eating, what changes have occurred in his body?

At first, Uncle Wang felt a lot lighter, and the constipation problem that had plagued him for many years disappeared.

He praised the benefits of tofu when he met people, saying that he had found the "secret recipe for longevity". But in the past month, Uncle Wang has begun to feel that something is wrong. He always felt tired, unable to lift his spirits, and his face became sallow.

What worries him even more is that his joints are starting to ache, especially in his knees, and it has become a burden to go up and down the stairs.

The 61-year-old uncle loves to eat tofu, and after 6 months of binge eating, what changes have occurred in his body?

Uncle Wang muttered in his heart: Could it be that I have eaten too much tofu? He rushed to the hospital for a check-up, but the result surprised him......

Tofu, is it really the "culprit"?

Tofu, as a traditional Chinese soy product, is deeply loved by the public for its rich nutritional value and diverse cooking methods.

It is rich in high-quality protein, unsaturated fatty acids, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients, which have many benefits for human health.

The 61-year-old uncle loves to eat tofu, and after 6 months of binge eating, what changes have occurred in his body?

However, no food is always better, and excessive consumption of tofu may also pose some health risks.

1. Excess protein

Tofu has a high protein content, and long-term consumption of large amounts may lead to excessive protein intake and increase the burden on the kidneys, especially for people with poor kidney function.

The 61-year-old uncle loves to eat tofu, and after 6 months of binge eating, what changes have occurred in his body?

2. Inhibits iron absorption

Vegetable tofu contains acid, which will affect the body's absorption of iron, and long-term consumption of large amounts may lead to iron deficiency anemia.

The 61-year-old uncle loves to eat tofu, and after 6 months of binge eating, what changes have occurred in his body?

3. Risk of gout

Tofu is relatively low in purines, but excessive consumption may still increase the risk of gout, especially for people with a history of gout.

The 61-year-old uncle loves to eat tofu, and after 6 months of binge eating, what changes have occurred in his body?

4. Affects calcium absorption

Tofu contains oxalic acid, which will combine with calcium to form calcium oxalate, which affects the absorption of calcium, and long-term consumption of large amounts may lead to osteoporosis.

The 61-year-old uncle loves to eat tofu, and after 6 months of binge eating, what changes have occurred in his body?

Uncle Wang's "Mystery of Tofu"

After a series of examinations, the doctor found that Uncle Wang did not have any serious diseases, but only had mild early symptoms of iron deficiency anemia and osteoporosis.

The doctor inquired in detail about Uncle Wang's eating habits and finally found the "culprit" - tofu.

Uncle Wang's love for tofu has reached the point of obsession, and almost every meal is based on tofu as the staple food, and the intake of other foods is very small, resulting in unbalanced nutrition.

The 61-year-old uncle loves to eat tofu, and after 6 months of binge eating, what changes have occurred in his body?

Coupled with the influence of the tofu itself, it eventually led to Uncle Wang's health problems.

The doctor gave Uncle Wang a "health prescription"

1. Eat a balanced diet

Ensure that the food is diverse, not just tofu, but with the right amount of grains, vegetables, fruits, meat, etc., to ensure balanced nutrition.

The 61-year-old uncle loves to eat tofu, and after 6 months of binge eating, what changes have occurred in his body?

2. Iron supplementation

For iron deficiency anemia, the doctor advised Uncle Wang to take iron supplements and increase the intake of iron-rich foods, such as lean meat, animal liver, spinach, etc.

The 61-year-old uncle loves to eat tofu, and after 6 months of binge eating, what changes have occurred in his body?

3. Supplement calcium and vitamin D

For osteoporosis, the doctor recommended Uncle Wang to take calcium tablets and vitamin D, and increase the intake of calcium-rich foods such as milk, cheese, shrimp skin, etc.

The 61-year-old uncle loves to eat tofu, and after 6 months of binge eating, what changes have occurred in his body?

4. Exercise moderately

Proper exercise can enhance bone strength and prevent osteoporosis, and it is recommended that Uncle Wang do some light exercises, such as walking, tai chi, etc.

The 61-year-old uncle loves to eat tofu, and after 6 months of binge eating, what changes have occurred in his body?

Uncle Wang followed the doctor's advice, adjusted his diet, and began to exercise moderately.

After a few months, his complexion improved significantly and his joint pain disappeared.

He finally understood that although tofu is good, you can't be greedy, and a balanced diet is the cornerstone of health.

The 61-year-old uncle loves to eat tofu, and after 6 months of binge eating, what changes have occurred in his body?

There are two sides to any food, and even seemingly healthy tofu can pose health risks when consumed in excess.

In our daily life, we should pay attention to a balanced diet and avoid picky eating in order to maintain good health.


Chinese Nutrition Society. Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022).

YANG Yuexin, GE Keyou. Chinese Food Composition Table. Peking University Medical Press, 2011.