
Is regular walking good for the lungs? Doctor: 4 favorite things for the lungs, it is recommended to do them often!

author:Dr Ho Health Talk
Is regular walking good for the lungs? Doctor: 4 favorite things for the lungs, it is recommended to do them often!

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The golden sunlight shone on the park's boulevards, and Aunt Wang took a deep breath and felt the fresh air.

Ever since the doctor told her that "lungs like to walk", she would come here every afternoon to walk for an hour.

Recently, however, she began to wonder: Is walking really good for the lungs?

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Doctor: 4 favorite things for the lungs, it is recommended to do them often!

It all started a month ago.

Aunt Wang has always been physically tough, but lately, she has always felt chest tightness and shortness of breath, and climbing stairs is harder than before.

She went to the hospital for a check-up, and the doctor told her that her lungs were inflamed, advised her to take more walks, said "lungs like 4 things", and gave her some advice on life.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Doctor: 4 favorite things for the lungs, it is recommended to do them often!

At first, Aunt Wang carried out the doctor's instructions very seriously, insisted on walking every day, and also paid attention to diet and rest.

A month passed, and instead of feeling a noticeable improvement, she became more anxious.

She began to doubt the doctor's claims and searched online for information.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Doctor: 4 favorite things for the lungs, it is recommended to do them often!

There is a variety of information on the Internet, some say that walking is good for the lungs, some say that the effect is limited, and some say that it depends on the specific situation.

The more Aunt Wang looked at it, the more confused she became, and the doubts in her heart became deeper and deeper.

She decided to go to the hospital again and ask the doctor to find out.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Doctor: 4 favorite things for the lungs, it is recommended to do them often!

Coming to the hospital again, Aunt Wang described her doubts to the doctor in detail.

After listening patiently, the doctor said with a smile: "Aunt Wang, don't worry, walking is indeed good for your lungs, but you should also pay attention to the method and frequency."

In addition to walking, there are a few other things that are also good for the lungs. ”

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Doctor: 4 favorite things for the lungs, it is recommended to do them often!

The doctor went on to explain that the lungs, as important respiratory organs in the human body, need to be carefully cared for.

In addition to walking, here are four things that lungs like:

1. Deep breathing exercises

Deep breathing can increase lung capacity, improve blood circulation in the lungs, and improve lung function.

It is recommended to do 10-15 minutes of deep breathing exercises every day, and you can choose methods such as abdominal breathing or pursed lip breathing.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Doctor: 4 favorite things for the lungs, it is recommended to do them often!

2. Quit smoking

The harmful substances in tobacco can seriously damage lung health and increase the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, etc.

Quitting smoking is one of the most effective ways to protect your lung health.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Doctor: 4 favorite things for the lungs, it is recommended to do them often!

3. Avoid exposure to contaminants

Air pollution, dust, chemicals, etc., can cause irritation and damage to the lungs.

In hazy weather or heavily polluted environments, you should minimize going out and wear a mask for protection.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Doctor: 4 favorite things for the lungs, it is recommended to do them often!

4. Maintain good lifestyle habits

A balanced diet, adequate sleep, and moderate exercise can all help to strengthen physical fitness, improve immunity, and thus better protect lung health.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Doctor: 4 favorite things for the lungs, it is recommended to do them often!

Analysis of Aunt Wang's condition

The doctor inquired in detail about Aunt Wang's living habits and past medical history, and analyzed her condition based on her examination results:

Age factor: Aunt Wang is in her 60s, and her lung function has declined with age.

Inflammatory factors: The results of the examination showed that there was inflammation in Aunt Wang's lungs, which would affect the gas exchange in the lungs, resulting in symptoms such as chest tightness and shortness of breath.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Doctor: 4 favorite things for the lungs, it is recommended to do them often!

Lifestyle habits: Aunt Wang's lack of exercise and secondhand smoke habits have a certain impact on her lung health.

The doctor pointed out that Aunt Wang's lung inflammation was the main cause of her chest tightness and shortness of breath, and walking could improve blood circulation in the lungs and promote the inflammation to subside, but it took a while to see the effect.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Doctor: 4 favorite things for the lungs, it is recommended to do them often!

Doctor advises

In response to Aunt Wang's condition, the doctor gave the following suggestions:

Keep walking: Walk for 30-60 minutes a day, choose an environment with fresh air, and adjust the intensity of exercise according to your situation.

Practice deep breathing exercises: Do 10-15 minutes of deep breathing exercises every day, with options such as abdominal breathing or pursed lip breathing.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Doctor: 4 favorite things for the lungs, it is recommended to do them often!

Quit secondhand smoke: Avoid exposure to secondhand smoke and advise family members to quit smoking.

Pay attention to your diet: Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, and supplement with vitamins and antioxidants to help boost immunity.

Maintain a good mindset: Maintaining an optimistic and positive mindset can help relieve anxiety and promote physical recovery.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Doctor: 4 favorite things for the lungs, it is recommended to do them often!

The doctor also advised Aunt Wang to have regular check-ups to monitor the recovery of lung inflammation and adjust the treatment plan according to her condition.

Aunt Wang's change

After listening to the doctor's explanation and advice, the doubts in Aunt Wang's heart finally dissipated.

She understood the benefits of walking for her lungs and realized some of her own problems.

From that day on, Aunt Wang carried out the doctor's instructions more seriously, insisted on walking and deep breathing exercises every day, and successfully persuaded her wife to quit smoking.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Doctor: 4 favorite things for the lungs, it is recommended to do them often!

She also actively adjusted her diet, ate more fruits and vegetables, and maintained good living habits.

A few months later, Aunt Wang came to the hospital again for a follow-up. The results of the examination showed that the inflammation in her lungs had basically subsided, and the symptoms of chest tightness and shortness of breath had also improved significantly.

Aunt Wang had a long-lost smile on her face, and she thanked the doctor and her unremitting efforts.


[Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022)] (

[Report on Smoking Control in China (2021)] (

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have any health problems, please consult a doctor or other