
Collaborative linkage and standardized development The academic annual meeting of the School Psychology Professional Committee of the Chinese Psychological Society was held

author:Xi'an eTV


In order to further promote the research and practice of school psychology, exchange work experience in mental health education in primary and secondary schools, and give play to the role of excellent psychology teachers as role models. On May 11, the 2024 Academic Annual Meeting of the School Psychology Professional Committee of the Chinese Psychological Society was held in Fengxi Experimental School, Xixian New Area.

Collaborative linkage and standardized development The academic annual meeting of the School Psychology Professional Committee of the Chinese Psychological Society was held

With the theme of "School Mental Health in the New Era: Collaborative Linkage and Standardized Development", the conference gathered experts and scholars with profound attainments in the fields of mental health education and family education, as well as school mental health educators with rich practical experience, to share cutting-edge theories and experience achievements in psychological education.

Collaborative linkage and standardized development The academic annual meeting of the School Psychology Professional Committee of the Chinese Psychological Society was held

Yang Zhende, President of Fengxi Experimental School Education Group, delivered a welcome speech. Wang Feng, member of the Party Committee and deputy director of the Education and Sports Bureau of Xixian New Area, delivered a speech. He hopes that through the joint efforts of all educators, a more complete and scientific mental health education system will be built, and positive contributions will be made to cultivating more outstanding talents with physical and mental health and all-round development.

Collaborative linkage and standardized development The academic annual meeting of the School Psychology Professional Committee of the Chinese Psychological Society was held
Collaborative linkage and standardized development The academic annual meeting of the School Psychology Professional Committee of the Chinese Psychological Society was held

At the meeting, Liu Xuanwen, deputy director of the School Psychology Professional Committee of the Chinese Psychological Society, made a report, and Professor Liu talked about the importance of parents and teachers seeing children's emotional needs with humorous and witty language with "Seeing Student Actions - Based on Adolescent Crisis Events".

Collaborative linkage and standardized development The academic annual meeting of the School Psychology Professional Committee of the Chinese Psychological Society was held

Yan Xiuying, Dean of the Normal College of Yanbian University, gave a special report on the expression of emotional information, language transmission, voice transmission, and facial expression transmission with the title of "The Emotional Beginning Behind the Embracing Mask".

Collaborative linkage and standardized development The academic annual meeting of the School Psychology Professional Committee of the Chinese Psychological Society was held

In the theme salon session, participating experts, teachers, and parents conducted in-depth discussions on the two themes of "Ways and Methods of Psychological Adjustment for Students' Psychological Status" and "Collaborative Linkage of Family, School and Society to Empower Students' Growth", and shared their experiences and experiences.

Collaborative linkage and standardized development The academic annual meeting of the School Psychology Professional Committee of the Chinese Psychological Society was held
Collaborative linkage and standardized development The academic annual meeting of the School Psychology Professional Committee of the Chinese Psychological Society was held

Through this meeting, the teachers benefited a lot, and expressed that they should pay attention to the psychological needs of students, establish a good relationship of trust with students, listen to students' voices, actively participate in the growth of students, and provide a warm growth environment for students.

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