
8 ingredients for children to jump in the summer, this way to eat more delicious!

author:The food life encyclopedia of the baby gecko

Hello dear friends, I'm a little gecko. It's my habit to use simple words to introduce delicious food. The beginning of summer has passed, and we have ushered in a vibrant summer. In this season of growth, it is also the golden period for children's growth and development. Today, I would like to share with you 8 kinds of ingredients that should be given to children after the beginning of summer, which are not only appetizing and spleen-invigorating, but also help children's growth and development, so that children can "jump in height" this summer!

8 ingredients for children to jump in the summer, this way to eat more delicious!

1. Beef

Beef is rich in high-quality protein and essential amino acids, which are essential for your child's muscle growth and recovery.

Pan-fried steak

Ingredients: steak, black pepper, salt, olive oil


1. Sprinkle the steak evenly on both sides with salt and black pepper and marinate for a while.

2. Heat a pan and add the olive oil.

3. Add the steak and fry for 2-3 minutes on each side until golden brown.

4. Let sit for a few minutes to allow the juices to flow back before slicing and enjoying.

8 ingredients for children to jump in the summer, this way to eat more delicious!

2. Eggs

Eggs are nutritious and well-rounded ingredients, rich in protein and B vitamins, and have an irreplaceable effect on children's nervous system and physical development.

Race crabs

Ingredients: Eggs, ginger, vinegar, salt, sugar


1. Separate the whites and yolks of the eggs and beat them separately.

2. Add vinegar, salt and sugar to the minced ginger to make juice for later use.

3. Heat the pan with cold oil, first fry the egg whites, then add half of the ginger vinaigrette and stir-fry out of the pan.

4. Scrambled egg yolks in the same way, and finally mix the two, and the crab is ready.

8 ingredients for children to jump in the summer, this way to eat more delicious!

3. Tofu

Tofu is a high-quality protein source in plant-based foods that is easy to digest and absorb, and is beneficial for children's bone and tooth development.

Mapo tofu

Ingredients: Tofu, bean paste, minced pork, green onion, ginger and garlic, Sichuan pepper, soy sauce, sugar


1. Cut the tofu into cubes, blanch and set aside.

2. Heat the oil in a pan and stir-fry the chives, ginger, minced garlic and Sichuan peppercorns.

3. Add the bean paste and stir-fry the red oil, then add the minced pork and stir-fry.

4. Add an appropriate amount of water, add tofu cubes, and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.

5. Add the soy sauce and sugar, and remove the juice from the pan.

4. Spinach

Spinach is rich in iron and a variety of vitamins, which have a good effect on children's blood circulation and immunity.

Spinach omelet

Ingredients: spinach, eggs, flour, water, salt


1. Wash and chop the spinach and add eggs, flour, water and salt to make a batter.

2. Heat a frying pan, add oil, pour in the batter and flatten.

3. Fry on both sides until golden brown.

5. Carrots

Carrots are rich in carotene and vitamin A, which have a good protective effect on children's visual development.

Beef brisket stew with carrots

Ingredients: Carrot, beef brisket, green onion, ginger and garlic, star anise, cinnamon, salt, soy sauce


1. Cut the brisket into cubes, blanch and set aside.

2. Heat the oil in a pan and fry the chives, ginger, garlic and spices.

3. Add the brisket and stir-fry until brown, then add an appropriate amount of water and simmer.

4. Cut the carrots into cubes and add them to the pan and continue to simmer until the meat is crispy.

5. Add salt and soy sauce, remove the juice from the pan.

6. Shrimp

Shrimp is rich in protein and calcium, which has a good effect on the development of children's bones and teeth.

Steamed prawns

Ingredients: prawns, green onions, ginger and garlic, cooking wine, salt


1. Wash the prawns and cut off the whiskers and legs.

2. Make a knife on the back of the shrimp and pick out the shrimp line.

3. Add green onions, ginger, garlic, cooking wine and salt and marinate for a while.

4. Steam for 10 minutes to remove from the pot.

7. Purple Cabbage

Seaweed is rich in iodine and a variety of vitamins, which has a good effect on children's intellectual development.

Seaweed egg drop soup

Ingredients: seaweed, egg, green onion, ginger and garlic, salt, chicken essence


1. Soak the seaweed in warm water until soft and set aside.

2. Beat the eggs and set aside.

3. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot and bring to a boil, add the chopped green onion, ginger and garlic.

4. Add the seaweed and egg mixture, add salt and chicken essence and remove from the pan.

8. Sanyu

Hawthorn has an appetizing effect that can help children increase appetite and promote digestion.

Homemade hawthorn sauce

Ingredients: hawthorn, rock sugar, water


1. Wash the hawthorn, remove the core and cut into cubes.

2. Add an appropriate amount of water and rock sugar to bring to a boil.

3. Cook until the hawthorn is soft, turn off the heat and puree with a food processor.

4. Pour it into the pan and fry until it is sticky, then it can be bottled and stored.

Dear friends, the above are the 8 ingredients that I want to share that should be often given to children after the beginning of summer and their delicious practices. Not only are these ingredients nutritious, but they're also easy to prepare, so you're sure you'll be able to get started and make delicious meals for your kids. Pay attention to the little gecko, the delicious recipes are endless, let's cheer for the healthy growth of children together!

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