
I can't laugh anymore! Chinese steamed buns rushed to the hot search at the French bread festival, and died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

author:Willow breeze

Every year in mid-May, a big bread festival takes place in France. At this year's festival, steamed buns from China made their debut and were exhibited alongside bread from many other countries. These round, chubby, white and flawless steamed buns stand out among the many breads. After seeing it, netizens left messages to express their nostalgia for all kinds of steamed buns and flower rolls in their hometown, and hoped that they could also be displayed on such an international stage.


The bread festival in France, held every year in mid-May, is a stage for master bakers to showcase their talents.

This year's festival was held as scheduled, and a netizen was pleasantly surprised to find China's small steamed buns on display. He wondered: Isn't this a festival dedicated to French bread? Why are there steamed buns participating? Curiosity drove him to record the scene and share it online, which attracted a lot of attention.

I can't laugh anymore! Chinese steamed buns rushed to the hot search at the French bread festival, and died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

First of all, it is really eye-opening, China's steamed buns have actually appeared on the hot search list of the French Bread Festival, and the entire Internet has been boiling. Netizens joked: "Wow, this little steamed bun dares to confront French bread head-on, which really makes the French cry and laugh!" ”

And the reason why there is such a showdown is that the theme of this year's French Bread Festival is "World Bread Battle"! This is undoubtedly an unexpected plot twist. Therefore, Chinese steamed buns bravely participated in the cross-border competition and decided to compete in this world-class competition.

I can't laugh anymore! Chinese steamed buns rushed to the hot search at the French bread festival, and died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

In the display of the French Bread Festival, steamed buns, as a traditional Chinese pastry, appeared on the international stage in their unique form, which indeed aroused a lot of curiosity and surprise.

In China, steamed bread and wotou are both fermented and steamed foods made from flour as the main ingredient, while in the West, these foods are often collectively referred to as "bread". This cultural and linguistic difference can be really funny or confusing at times. This is not only a reflection of the diversity of food, but also the fun and challenge of cultural exchange. On occasions such as the Bread Festival, the display of various traditional foods is not only an exchange of tastes, but also an expansion of cultural knowledge.

I can't laugh anymore! Chinese steamed buns rushed to the hot search at the French bread festival, and died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

The French Bread Festival is an important event that celebrates and showcases the tradition and culture of French baking. Held annually in a special venue around Notre-Dame Cathedral, bakers come together to showcase their skills and creativity.

At this year's Bread Festival, a Chinese netizen was surprised to find Chinese steamed buns in a display case: "Why are you here to compete?" Isn't this a French Bread Festival? "This unexpected discovery brings a sense of familiarity and exoticism at the same time, similar to the scene of an unexpected meeting an old friend on the international stage.

In this regard, other netizens also joked that this scene is like suddenly seeing their girlfriends appear at the Victoria's Secret fashion show, which is both surprising and cordial. This cross-cultural exchange and presentation not only enriches the content of the festival, but also enhances mutual understanding and respect between different cultures.

I can't laugh anymore! Chinese steamed buns rushed to the hot search at the French bread festival, and died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

It is indeed a matter of pride and joy to see China's small steamed buns unveiled at international exchange exhibitions. The fact that this traditional Chinese pastry can appear on an international stage such as the French Bread Festival is not only a recognition of Chinese baking culture, but also a beautiful embodiment of cultural exchange.

I can't laugh anymore! Chinese steamed buns rushed to the hot search at the French bread festival, and died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

In the mainland, each city has its own unique way of making pasta and rich shapes. If these distinct pasta dishes can be displayed in one place, winning the championship seems to be within reach.

I can't laugh anymore! Chinese steamed buns rushed to the hot search at the French bread festival, and died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

As a classic Chinese pastry, steamed bread is made by steaming, which makes the steamed bread fluffy and less prone to fire, and has its own unique advantages in terms of taste and health compared to those baked breads. In addition, the nutritional value of steamed bread should not be underestimated, and the carbohydrates and protein it contains can provide the body with essential energy. Steamed bread is not only delicious when eaten with eggs and milk, but also adds to the nutritional balance of the meal, making it an ideal choice for breakfast or any meal.

I can't laugh anymore! Chinese steamed buns rushed to the hot search at the French bread festival, and died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

Hanamaki has attracted the love of many people with its unique appearance and deliciousness. Netizens joked that if several different shapes of hanamaki were displayed in the international noodle competition, they might directly win the championship because of their unique design and deliciousness.

I can't laugh anymore! Chinese steamed buns rushed to the hot search at the French bread festival, and died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

For me, steamed buns must be eaten with tofu. Especially those hot steamed buns that have just come out of the pot and are sandwiched with a piece of tofu, which is simply delicious. Although I am a native of Cantonese, I have a soft spot for this way of eating and can't put it down.

And some netizens expressed their salivation, they like to break the steamed bun from the middle, smear it with a layer of chili sauce, and then sandwich it with a slice of sauced beef, and finally add a few fresh vegetable leaves, the aroma is irresistible.

I can't laugh anymore! Chinese steamed buns rushed to the hot search at the French bread festival, and died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

I really doubt that I am a typical northerner, and I have a soft spot for pasta, whether it's steamed buns, noodles, or ramen, I love them all. For dinner, I usually don't like to eat southern rice, and I always feel a little strange, could it be that I was a northerner in my previous life? For me, steamed buns and meat buns are my breakfast favorites, I can eat four or five meat buns in one sitting, and a bowl of noodles is also delicious for Chinese food. For dinner, it was a perfect treat with a bowl of Cantonese soup and noodles.

I can't laugh anymore! Chinese steamed buns rushed to the hot search at the French bread festival, and died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

Despite the label "Man Tao" on the outside, it's actually a Chinese-style sugar-free cake. Netizens from Fujian explained that in our case, "mantao" in the local dialect refers to this food, and the name is like a literal translation of Hokkien.

I can't laugh anymore! Chinese steamed buns rushed to the hot search at the French bread festival, and died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

Sending an ordinary little steamed bun to participate in the competition, doesn't it sound a bit underestimating others? Hahaha. But in fact, it also shows the depth and confidence of our Chinese cuisine – even the most ordinary food has the ability to win glory in international competitions. Our cuisine is so varied that it's so powerful that it doesn't take a trick to earn accolades.

I can't laugh anymore! Chinese steamed buns rushed to the hot search at the French bread festival, and died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

Mantou: I don't know, they said I'll come when they say I'll eat it

I can't laugh anymore! Chinese steamed buns rushed to the hot search at the French bread festival, and died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

I like to eat it very much, don't fry me expensive, Ha Laozi warns you

I can't laugh anymore! Chinese steamed buns rushed to the hot search at the French bread festival, and died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

After looking around, I found that the steamed buns were still a little bit clear-eyed

I can't laugh anymore! Chinese steamed buns rushed to the hot search at the French bread festival, and died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

Netizens were upset about the fritters, feeling that it should also have the opportunity to participate in international competitions to show its style. They jokingly call your fritters "Chinese-style baguettes" in the hope that this unique traditional Chinese snack will be treated with the same respect and recognition as French baguettes

I can't laugh anymore! Chinese steamed buns rushed to the hot search at the French bread festival, and died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

Some netizens described that when they saw China's small steamed buns displayed on the international stage, it was like seeing their girlfriends at the Victoria's Secret fashion show, which made them feel particularly cordial and happy.

I can't laugh anymore! Chinese steamed buns rushed to the hot search at the French bread festival, and died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

We have to have a little more respect for Secretary Bao, you know? Secretary Fu has fed countless Chinese in the past. If it weren't for Secretary Fu's help, we might not be here today.

I can't laugh anymore! Chinese steamed buns rushed to the hot search at the French bread festival, and died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

I really didn't expect that the steamed buns that we have at our hands on weekdays can shine on the international stage, which has to make people sigh, the charm of Chinese food is really unfathomable! Seeing that steamed buns and fritters are so popular in foreign countries, the beauty in my heart is like seeing my fellow countrymen roaming outside, which is quite proud. It's not just a triumph of food, it's a reflection of our cultural confidence!

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