
In 1973, Zhou Enlai returned to Yan'an, did not see the grave of the life-saving benefactor, and instructed: Try your best to find it again Introduction: First: Zhou Enlai mediated the Xi'an Incident. Two: Chen Youcai dressed up. Three: Obstruction of the road Four: Enemy attack Five: Evacuation Six: Chairman Mao's strict orders and Zhou Enlai's tears. Seven: Carry forward with the obsession of the victim. Eight: Epilogue

author:Adou is not stupid

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="172" >Introduction:</h1>

As an important leader of the Chinese party and state, our beloved Premier Zhou has experienced countless storms and waves in his life.

In this storm, there is the washing of the beacon years, there is the danger of guns and bullets, and of course, there are also dark arrows that hurt people. Assassination is the ultimate means of political struggle, through physical annihilation, to achieve political ends.

However, assassination is not the style of our party, and Zhou Enlai, who presided over the central intelligence work, once clearly said: It is forbidden to assassinate and seduce, and such an inferior means is not his reason, but he is full of righteousness.

But righteousness cannot resist the enemy's actions.

For example, in April 1955, when Premier Zhou led a Chinese delegation to the Bandung Conference, he was almost assassinated by Chiang Kai-shek.

Mao Renfeng presided over the kashmir Princess incident, hoping to complete the assassination by plane accident.

In the end, the Princess did crash, causing 16 people on our side to die, but Premier Zhou temporarily changed his itinerary secretly because of appendicitis surgery, and arrived safely in Bandung via Yangon, Myanmar, via Kunming.

In 1973, Zhou Enlai returned to Yan'an, did not see the grave of the life-saving benefactor, and instructed: Try your best to find it again Introduction: First: Zhou Enlai mediated the Xi'an Incident. Two: Chen Youcai dressed up. Three: Obstruction of the road Four: Enemy attack Five: Evacuation Six: Chairman Mao's strict orders and Zhou Enlai's tears. Seven: Carry forward with the obsession of the victim. Eight: Epilogue

(Zhou Enlai led the Chinese delegation to the Bandung conference to arrive at Bandung Airport in Indonesia)

Zhou Enlai, who arrived safely at the venue, faced with the concerns of Nehru and Wu Nu, talked: There are some wind noises, and the enemy's conspiracy is not false. But it doesn't matter. Their actions are already under our control.

This plane assassination can be described as dangerous and dangerous, but Premier Zhou handled it calmly, which shows the boldness of the premier.

However, there was an assassination that the prime minister remembered vividly, and afterwards he said: I have encountered many dangers in my life, but the most dangerous one was that one.

Was it the assassination that made the prime minister remember it? Who's behind it? How did they end up? Let me elaborate.

In 1973, Zhou Enlai returned to Yan'an, did not see the grave of the life-saving benefactor, and instructed: Try your best to find it again Introduction: First: Zhou Enlai mediated the Xi'an Incident. Two: Chen Youcai dressed up. Three: Obstruction of the road Four: Enemy attack Five: Evacuation Six: Chairman Mao's strict orders and Zhou Enlai's tears. Seven: Carry forward with the obsession of the victim. Eight: Epilogue

(Zhou Enlai at the Bandung Conference Venue)

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="173" >: Zhou Enlai mediated the Xi'an Incident. </h1>

On December 12, 1936, Zhang Xueliang, a patriotic general of the Northeast Army, together with Yang Hucheng of the Northwest Army, launched a military advisory in Xi'an and sent a telegram to the whole country. The intention was to make Chiang Kai-shek, who was obsessed with suppressing the Communist Party and unable to extricate himself, change his course and stop the civil war and resist Japan together.

At that time, the Red Army had just experienced the arduous Long March.

Seeing the invasion of the Japanese and the fall of the great rivers and mountains, he upheld the great national righteousness and constantly called on everyone to unanimously resist Japan.

When the patriotic anti-Japanese cry resounded throughout the country, Chiang Kai-shek finally paid the price for his passive anti-Japanese active anti-communism.

For the sake of the overall situation of the country's anti-Japanese resistance, the CPC Central Committee sent Zhou Enlai to mediate the Xi'an Incident, and after many efforts, the Xi'an Incident was finally resolved peacefully, and the second cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party was also promoted.

But the second cooperation is facilitated, how to cooperate is another problem?

In the end, this arduous task fell on the head of Premier Zhou, who was both wise and courageous.

At that time, both the Kuomintang and the Communists were very sensitive.

Zhang Xueliang, who advocated the practice of military advice against Japan, was detained as soon as he got off the plane after insisting on sending Chiang Kai-shek back to Nanjing, and no one was sure whether Chiang Kai-shek would say anything without believing it.

However, at present, the situation of the Anti-Japanese Resistance is difficult, and no one can be allowed to care about their personal safety.

For the sake of the overall situation of the anti-Japanese resistance, Zhou Enlai decided to travel without avoiding risks.

In 1973, Zhou Enlai returned to Yan'an, did not see the grave of the life-saving benefactor, and instructed: Try your best to find it again Introduction: First: Zhou Enlai mediated the Xi'an Incident. Two: Chen Youcai dressed up. Three: Obstruction of the road Four: Enemy attack Five: Evacuation Six: Chairman Mao's strict orders and Zhou Enlai's tears. Seven: Carry forward with the obsession of the victim. Eight: Epilogue

(Xi'an Incident and the Anti-Japanese National United Front)

For safety reasons, Zhang Yunyi, Kong Shiquan, and more than 20 reporters and escorts traveled to Nanjing together.

It was planned to depart from Yan'an and arrive in Xi'an after passing through Laoshan, Ganquan, Fuxian, Huangling, Tongchuan, Yaoxian and Fuping, and after preparing for the office in Xi'an, Zhou Enlai was heading to Nanjing.

The Border District Security Office has also made careful arrangements for travel.

In view of the fact that Chiang Kai-shek has already decided to cooperate in the war against Japan, based on the general national righteousness and personal prestige, there will be no destructive moves.

Along the way, the secrecy is thorough, and the garrison is mostly the northeast army and the northwest army defense area, which should not be too dangerous.

What's more, in order to ensure safety, the Border Area Security Service also specially dispatched a special task force and a reinforced platoon to escort the Prime Minister and his party. In order to keep the operation secret, all those involved in the operation did not even know what they were going to do.

The people and vehicles involved in the operation were also carefully monitored.

In 1973, Zhou Enlai returned to Yan'an, did not see the grave of the life-saving benefactor, and instructed: Try your best to find it again Introduction: First: Zhou Enlai mediated the Xi'an Incident. Two: Chen Youcai dressed up. Three: Obstruction of the road Four: Enemy attack Five: Evacuation Six: Chairman Mao's strict orders and Zhou Enlai's tears. Seven: Carry forward with the obsession of the victim. Eight: Epilogue

(Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, bogu in Yan'an in 1937)

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="174" > two: Chen Youcai dressed up. </h1>

According to the plan of the Security Service.

The first truck, a guard platoon, was 32 men heavily armed and fully armed.

The second truck was Premier Zhou's car, with most of the attendants and Zhang Yunyi and Kong Shiquan in the cab who ensured Zhou Enlai's personal safety, and in the rear compartment were journalists.

The third truck, a staff car, was carried by a staff member, a crew member, a correspondent and a cooker.

After the plan was stopped, Premier Zhou and his party were originally ready to leave on April 24, but because some details of the two sides were not negotiated, Zhou Enlai let the other two cars leave first, and the vehicle he was riding in left the next day after being equipped with security personnel.

The motorcade that set off first, Zhou Enlai and Chen Youcai, the adjutant, specifically instructed them to pay attention to safety.

Waiting for the next day, when Zhou Enlai set off, for the safety of Zhou Enlai, Chen Youcai also deliberately changed his costume with Zhou Enlai's clothing, and Zhou Enlai put on a military uniform and became Chen Youcai. Chen Youcai put on a top hat and a tweed suit, and wore boots on his feet, becoming Zhou Enlai.

Throughout the ages, loyal and courageous people have been like this, preferring to put themselves in danger at critical moments than to protect others.

Chen Youcai at that moment was undoubtedly prescient, and it was precisely because of this change of clothes that zhou Enlai avoided danger in the future.

In 1973, Zhou Enlai returned to Yan'an, did not see the grave of the life-saving benefactor, and instructed: Try your best to find it again Introduction: First: Zhou Enlai mediated the Xi'an Incident. Two: Chen Youcai dressed up. Three: Obstruction of the road Four: Enemy attack Five: Evacuation Six: Chairman Mao's strict orders and Zhou Enlai's tears. Seven: Carry forward with the obsession of the victim. Eight: Epilogue

(Photo of Zhou Enlai at that time)

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="175" > three: the road encountered obstacles</h1>

After breakfast on April 25, Zhou Enlai and his party of 25 people left Yan'an under the eyes of Chairman Mao.

Before the truck started, Chen Youcai, who was responsible for safety, did not forget to instruct the guards, introduce the situation in Xi'an, and arrange the guard tasks and precautions, so that everything was asked, and all the guards were vigilant.

In the big truck, looking at Zhou Enlai next to him, Chen Youcai did not forget his duty for a moment, and his eyes stared outside to maintain vigilance the whole time.

On the contrary, the special agent comrades in the carriage talked a lot with a row of deputy platoon commander Chen Guoqiao and the soldiers, and they seemed particularly excited.

Most of these soldiers were old Red Army soldiers who had participated in the Long March, and they were accustomed to breaking new ground with their feet, and it was the first time they had traveled by truck, and excitement was inevitable.

However, among this group of excited people, there are still vigilant!

Liu Jiuzhou, Zhou Enlai's personal guard, stood in the back compartment, looking at the gradually distant Yan'an, hesitated, felt out his pistol, looked at the fast-moving car, and said: This thing is so fast, what is the situation, can we hit it accurately?

After hearing his words, another guard, Wen Tailin, also said with concern: Such a bump is not easy to fight.

In this way, with a wary and agitated mood, the soldiers passed through the Thirty Mile Shop of the Red Army's defensive zone and entered the Laoshan Mountains.

Looking at the rolling hills, dense trees, and dangerous terrain around him, Zhou Enlai seemed to have a feeling in his heart, and told Chen Youcai, who was around him, about a past event: In October 1935, when we had just arrived in northern Shaanxi, Chiang Kai-shek sent troops to surround and suppress us, and the two regiments of the Northeast Army were wiped out by the Red Fifteenth Army here...

In 1973, Zhou Enlai returned to Yan'an, did not see the grave of the life-saving benefactor, and instructed: Try your best to find it again Introduction: First: Zhou Enlai mediated the Xi'an Incident. Two: Chen Youcai dressed up. Three: Obstruction of the road Four: Enemy attack Five: Evacuation Six: Chairman Mao's strict orders and Zhou Enlai's tears. Seven: Carry forward with the obsession of the victim. Eight: Epilogue

(Zhou Enlai on horseback)

But before the past was finished, a sudden sound shattered the tranquility.

Chen Guoqiao in the back seat immediately said vigilantly: What a sound.

Wen Tailin said disapprovingly: It seems to be the whip of a shepherd.

They were not allowed to think much, and the sound of banging and banging came one after another, and the experienced Zhang Yunyi immediately judged that it was a gunshot.

The sound of gunfire in the wilderness is everywhere, and there will be demons when things go wrong.

Zhang Yunyi immediately observed the surrounding environment and found that the place where the parking was parked was a dustpan-shaped mountain pass.

There is a deep waterhole along the road in the middle, a reed pond on the left, behind the reed pond is a steep cliff, on the right is a forest, behind which is a small mountain bag, the only way out is the road between the pools of water.

This terrain, this time node, encountered the raid, was it the Kuomintang who did it? Zhou Enlai thought so in his heart.

However, he immediately denied this idea, and the Xi'an Incident had just been peacefully resolved, and the people of the whole country were eagerly awaiting the joint resistance against Japan.

In 1973, Zhou Enlai returned to Yan'an, did not see the grave of the life-saving benefactor, and instructed: Try your best to find it again Introduction: First: Zhou Enlai mediated the Xi'an Incident. Two: Chen Youcai dressed up. Three: Obstruction of the road Four: Enemy attack Five: Evacuation Six: Chairman Mao's strict orders and Zhou Enlai's tears. Seven: Carry forward with the obsession of the victim. Eight: Epilogue

(Chiang Kai-shek)

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="176" >4: Enemy Attack</h1>

At the moment of crisis, Zhou Enlai was decisive and ordered the truck to rush over.

Only to see the driver old Li Meng kicked the accelerator ready to rush over, who had thought that the truck was very loud, but it stopped within a few meters of driving out.

It turned out that someone had dug a trap ditch on the road, which was prepared earlier?

The truck was trapped in it and almost overturned, the enemy's machine guns were constantly firing, the big truck in the middle of the road was like a living target, and the driver Lao Li was shot and fell into the cab.

The right side of the truck that was hit was shaken open.

At the moment of crisis, the alert Zhou Enlai immediately got out of the car and did not forget to say: Get out of the car quickly, disperse, and organize a counterattack.

The cars were all old Red Army, how could they bear such anger, and get out of the car one after another to find powerful terrain to organize a counterattack.

Zhang Yunyi shouted while firing: Chen Youcai, you take the guards to protect Vice Chairman Zhou to withdraw first, Chen Guoqiao, you and the soldiers guard!

Who ever thought that before this Chen Youcai could get out of the car, he had already been shot on his foot.

For zhou Enlai's safety, he ordered several guards to cover the retreat of Zhou Enlai and Zhang Yunyi, and he himself stayed behind. This move made Chen Youcai a target of the enemy.

The reason is that there is no other reason, giving orders, and wearing a dress, in the eyes of the enemy, this must be Zhou Enlai. Countless bullets shot at chen youcai, and Chen Youcai was also secretly happy in his heart. If he hadn't dressed up as Zhou Enlai, Vice Chairman Zhou would have been in danger today.

In 1973, Zhou Enlai returned to Yan'an, did not see the grave of the life-saving benefactor, and instructed: Try your best to find it again Introduction: First: Zhou Enlai mediated the Xi'an Incident. Two: Chen Youcai dressed up. Three: Obstruction of the road Four: Enemy attack Five: Evacuation Six: Chairman Mao's strict orders and Zhou Enlai's tears. Seven: Carry forward with the obsession of the victim. Eight: Epilogue

(Protection of Zhou Enlai)

In order to buy time for Zhou Enlai, Chen Youcai commanded the battle in Zhou Enlai's tone, while using the luggage on the car as a cover to launch a counterattack, and he was not afraid of death, for the safety of Zhou Enlai, and finally fell under the enemy's guns.

Chen Guoqiao, who succeeded Chen Youcai in command of the battle, continued to direct the battle, delaying time at the big truck.

The condescending enemy, with nearly a hundred long guns and machine gun firepower, also prevailed, and for a time they had the upper hand.

Zhou Enlai, guarded by Zhang Yunyi and Kong Shiquan, hid in the woods on the right.

The overall situation of putting state affairs first made Zhou Enlai have no choice but to leave in pain. After running for a while, Zhou Enlai and the three of them hid in a hill and found that there was no trace of the enemy, so they stopped to rest.

In this fierce battle, Zhang Yunyi's hand was scratched by bullets, and Kong Shiquan's collar was pierced with several holes, but fortunately it did not hit the body, and Zhou Enlai was not in serious trouble, and the three finally relaxed their hearts!

Not long after letting go of their minds, the sound of footsteps in the distance made the three people alert again, and they all took pistols and prepared to fight.

As the footsteps got closer and closer, the three found that it was Cao Hongdu, a soldier of the guard platoon.

Cao Hongdu was ordered to come and protect the three chiefs, and reported on the situation after the evacuation of Zhou Enlai and others.

After Zhou Enlai and the other three people withdrew, the guards equipped with only short guns fought very hard in the face of the enemy, who was well prepared for the geographical advantage. After Chen Youcai's sacrifice, Chen Guoqiao, who was in charge of blocking the attack, was not afraid, they did not want to launch a counterattack in general, and under the attack of the superior enemy, they did not retreat.

Finally, the fighters fought less and less, the gunfire became quieter and quieter, and the truck was surrounded by sacrificial guard platoon fighters.

Zhou Enlai walked up the hillside, looked at the place where his comrades in the distance had died, listened to the gunshots coming from time to time, was silent, and his heart was extremely uncomfortable. But in any case, the most dangerous moment has passed.

In 1973, Zhou Enlai returned to Yan'an, did not see the grave of the life-saving benefactor, and instructed: Try your best to find it again Introduction: First: Zhou Enlai mediated the Xi'an Incident. Two: Chen Youcai dressed up. Three: Obstruction of the road Four: Enemy attack Five: Evacuation Six: Chairman Mao's strict orders and Zhou Enlai's tears. Seven: Carry forward with the obsession of the victim. Eight: Epilogue

(Founding General Zhang Yunyi)

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="177" >5: Evacuation</h1>

After experiencing the most dangerous moment, Zhang Yunyi began to think about the way back!

Although it is now temporarily safe, the enemy's encirclement and suppression forces may still follow, and only when they return to Yan'an will they be safe.

So he told Zhou En: It seems that the ambushing troops are not regular troops, like a band of bandits. Vice Chairman Zhou, it is not safe here at present, so let's return to Yan'an as soon as possible.

The four then continued to move forward, but were blocked by the valley.

This valley is full of cliffs on the left and right, and there is an earthen cliff in front of it, the trees are overgrown with thatch, there is no way to pass, and young Cao Hong is anxious.

Seeing that the little soldier was in a hurry, Zhou Enlai, who was in danger, instead comforted him and said: Don't worry, the way is to come up with it.

Sure enough, the solution was thought out, and with the relief of Zhou Enlai, Cao Hongdu found a way.

He climbed up the earth cliff with the help of the branches on the earth cliff, and after going up, he unloaded the cloth strip of his leggings and tied it with the other people's leggings, pulling Zhou Enlai and the others up.

After passing through the valley without any danger, the road behind is finally good.

There were many peasants cultivating on the spring fields, and through some questioning for directions, Zhou Enlai and others, after revealing their red army identities, were cordially helped by their fellow villagers, identified the direction, and found the way back.

The fellow said: From this mountain beam all the way down, it is thirty miles paved.

Thirty mile shop is the Red Army defense zone, where there is a liaison station set up by the Red Army Protection Bureau, as long as it is there, it is safe.

In 1973, Zhou Enlai returned to Yan'an, did not see the grave of the life-saving benefactor, and instructed: Try your best to find it again Introduction: First: Zhou Enlai mediated the Xi'an Incident. Two: Chen Youcai dressed up. Three: Obstruction of the road Four: Enemy attack Five: Evacuation Six: Chairman Mao's strict orders and Zhou Enlai's tears. Seven: Carry forward with the obsession of the victim. Eight: Epilogue

(Unparalleled camaraderie)

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="178" >6: Chairman Mao's strict orders and Zhou Enlai's tears. </h1>

At the same time that Zhou Enlai and others tried to evacuate back to Yan'an, Yan'an also learned the news that Zhou Enlai was in distress.

Huang Lin, the commander of the Central Guard Regiment who received the news, immediately gathered manpower to prepare for the rescue, and Liu Bocheng even found all the chiefs' horses for the rescue team to use. Chairman Mao, who heard the news, was also very nervous, looking at Huang Lin, who was leaving, and vigorously instructed him: Don't worry about anything, no matter what, you must save Enlai.

Countless people were worried about Zhou Enlai's safety, and at this time, Zhou Enlai was on his way to the thirty-mile paved road.

Zhou Enlai and the others had just arrived at the liaison station of the Thirty Mile Shop Red Army Protection Bureau, and Huang Lin arrived with the officers and men of the guard regiment.

Zhou Enlai and the others, who had escaped from danger, just breathed a sigh of relief and remembered their comrades-in-arms.

They immediately rode to the site of the attack.

After arriving there, only the traces of fierce fighting on the ground were seen, and the enemy had long disappeared without a trace, and when checking the remaining comrades,around, it was found that several other fighters were still alive despite being seriously injured.

After the seriously injured are taken to hospital. Zhang Yunyi remembered the confidential documents again, and after seeing that the documents had not been lost, he finally sorted out the remains of his comrades with grief.

Looking at Chen Youcai's body, Zhou Enlai held the blood-stained blanket and said with tears: "You are the one who died for me!"

Yes, if it were not for Chen Youcai, this time Zhou Enlai would be really dangerous.

You must know that after the enemy's attack was successful, the first target to rush down the mountain was Chen Youcai. They found a business card of Zhou Enlai in the pocket of Chen Youcai's coat, and only then did they leave satisfied.

Before leaving, I didn't forget to make up a few knives on Chen Youcai's body, and it was the few knives that made up for it that made up this red blanket.

Without that dress-up, I can't imagine what would have happened.

In 1973, Zhou Enlai returned to Yan'an, did not see the grave of the life-saving benefactor, and instructed: Try your best to find it again Introduction: First: Zhou Enlai mediated the Xi'an Incident. Two: Chen Youcai dressed up. Three: Obstruction of the road Four: Enemy attack Five: Evacuation Six: Chairman Mao's strict orders and Zhou Enlai's tears. Seven: Carry forward with the obsession of the victim. Eight: Epilogue

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="179" >7: Moving forward with the obsession of the victim. </h1>

In Yan'an, Chairman Mao led the central leaders and a large number of cadres and masses to wait for Zhou Enlai's safe return.

When Zhou Enlai and a group of people returned, countless people were relieved.

Chairman Mao looked at Zhou Enlai, his closest comrade-in-arms, and shook his hand tightly.

Zhou Enlai, who returned to Yan'an, did not forget the comrades who died, nor did he forget the lessons of this distress, in order to always remember the comrades-in-arms and wake himself up, he wrote eight big characters on the back of the photos of the surviving people: Laoshan is in distress, only four people remain.

The day after his safe return, Zhou Enlai, for the sake of national righteousness, stepped on the plane from the Kuomintang to Nanjing without hesitation, and opened the negotiations on the second cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communists.

With the obsession of the victim, Zhou Enlai went to Nanjing, but the victim could not die in vain?

After Zhou Enlai went to Nanjing, Yan'an was also conducting an investigation, that is, who was the person who found the assassination?

After the description of the guards, a group of bandits became the most suspicious people.

In 1973, Zhou Enlai returned to Yan'an, did not see the grave of the life-saving benefactor, and instructed: Try your best to find it again Introduction: First: Zhou Enlai mediated the Xi'an Incident. Two: Chen Youcai dressed up. Three: Obstruction of the road Four: Enemy attack Five: Evacuation Six: Chairman Mao's strict orders and Zhou Enlai's tears. Seven: Carry forward with the obsession of the victim. Eight: Epilogue


Zhou Enlai's travel plan is top secret, under countless security measures, why would the bandits know about it, and also preset ambush to block the attack?

Xie Ziqun, director of the Reconnaissance Department of the Northwest Protection Bureau, finally found a loophole after visiting the surrounding masses in many ways.

Some people told him that Li Laohan might know the clues.

Under the persuasion of Xie Ziqun several times, this old man Li finally put down his scruples and said the truth he knew.

It turned out that when he went up the mountain to cut firewood that day, he saw the team of bandit Li Qingwu, and this group of people was the most suspected of committing crimes.

So who leaked this news? Undoubtedly a spy lurking inside the Red Army.

In order to find this agent, Xie Ziqun began to prepare with both hands.

On the surface, he constantly searched for people who knew about Zhou Enlai's itinerary who might leak information.

Secretly, he sent someone to lurk inside the group of bandits to listen to the news.

The Emperor Heaven did not pay his heart, and the people lurking inside the bandits came with the exact news that this lurking enemy was Feng Changdou.

A bandit leader, Li Qingwu, installed spies in Yan'an, and then Feng Changdou was arrested, and after interrogation, he confessed everything.

It turned out that Li Qingwu's group of bandits was a typical two-faced faction.

Previously they had been fought for by the Red Army, reorganized into commandos, and later reverted to their old business under the lure of lurking Kuomintang agents. It became a gang of bandits under the control of the Kuomintang, and the leader of this group of bandits was Li Qingwu on the surface, and the boss in the secret was Ji Yanshou, who still had a formation in the Kuomintang.

What kind of government, what kind of soldiers to bring, the Kuomintang is such a existence that relies on bandits as an army.

Earlier, our party had sent troops to suppress this group of bandits, but they had fled, and in order to retaliate against this group of bandits, after the spies inquired about Zhou Enlai's visit to Xi'an for negotiations, the bandit leader Li Qingwu thought that this was a good opportunity for promotion, so he brazenly organized this assassination.

Many bandits did not know that they had been used by Li Qingwu and Ji Yanshou, and they all thought that this was an ordinary house robbery.

The facts of the case are clear, and the fate of the bandits is of course obvious.

Led by Xie Ziqun, after a round of bandit suppression, the leaders such as Li Qingwu and Ji Yanshou were captured alive.

After the public trial, the culprits were sentenced to death.

In 1973, Zhou Enlai returned to Yan'an, did not see the grave of the life-saving benefactor, and instructed: Try your best to find it again Introduction: First: Zhou Enlai mediated the Xi'an Incident. Two: Chen Youcai dressed up. Three: Obstruction of the road Four: Enemy attack Five: Evacuation Six: Chairman Mao's strict orders and Zhou Enlai's tears. Seven: Carry forward with the obsession of the victim. Eight: Epilogue

(The bandit who deserves it)

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="160" >8: Epilogue</h1>

In 1973, Zhou Enlai came to Yan'an again.

In this land of struggle, Zhou Enlai recalled the past and sighed incomparably. He proposed the idea of going to Chen Youcai's tomb to pay homage.

Unfortunately, Chen Youcai's tomb on Pagoda Hill in Yan'an was destroyed in 1947 when Hu Zongnan marched into Yan'an and is difficult to find.

After hearing the news, Zhou Enlai said to the local leaders in Yan'an with tears: Try your best to find it again...

Try your best to find it, try your best to find it...

At this point, there are some tears.

Suddenly I understood Premier Zhou's state of mind, a person who sacrificed selflessly to protect himself, a group of people who sacrificed selflessly to protect the country.

What makes them loyal? Isn't it this great motherland and cause?

What makes them happy? Isn't it the great cause of revival today?

Premier Zhou, who does not shy away from risks, remembers the past, and He Zeng is not a hope for the future and a remembrance of his former comrades-in-arms.

This prosperity is as you wish: After that, I would like to add that this prosperity is as you wish.........

In 1973, Zhou Enlai returned to Yan'an, did not see the grave of the life-saving benefactor, and instructed: Try your best to find it again Introduction: First: Zhou Enlai mediated the Xi'an Incident. Two: Chen Youcai dressed up. Three: Obstruction of the road Four: Enemy attack Five: Evacuation Six: Chairman Mao's strict orders and Zhou Enlai's tears. Seven: Carry forward with the obsession of the victim. Eight: Epilogue

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