
Fragrant Jiangsu cuisine (recommended collection)

author:How sea fisherman

Pei Gong Dog Meat

Fragrant Jiangsu cuisine (recommended collection)

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Rotten skin meat rolls

【Dish name】Pei Gong

【Cuisine】Jiangsu cuisine【Features】Dark red color, strong flavor, dog meat crispy taste. 【Ingredients】 Dog meat, turtle, wine, salt, green onion, ginger, soy sauce, sugar, star anise, peppercorns, water [production process] the dog and turtle are slaughtered and cleaned, the dog meat is cut into small pieces, add wine, salt, green onion, ginger marinated for two hours, the turtle is slightly blanched in a pot of boiling water, the frying pan is hot, put the peanut oil to heat, first sauté the onion and ginger, then put the dog meat and turtle pieces, slightly stir-fry after adding wine, soy sauce, refined salt, sugar, star anise, peppercorns and water to simmer until semi-cooked, pour into a large casserole pot with bamboo grates, turn to low heat and stew until the meat is crisp, The marinade is concentrated and alcoholic.

【Dish name】Rotten skin meat roll

【Cuisine】Jiangsu cuisine

【Features】Beautiful shape, golden color, fresh rotten meat, mellow taste.

【Raw Materials】

3 pieces of tofu skin, 300 grams of fresh and tender lean meat, 75 grams of soy sauce, 5 grams of refined salt, 1 gram of monosodium glutamate, 6 grams of sugar, 4 pieces of 2 cm long green onion, 4 slices of ginger, 50 grams of broth, rice wine, ginger, flour, sesame oil, peanut oil.

【Production process】

(1) Wash the pork, chop it into a fine mushroom with a knife, put it into a bowl, add the appropriate amount of water, add salt, monosodium glutamate and ginger, and stir into the meat filling. Add the flour and the right amount of water to make a thin batter. (2) Spread the tofu skin on the cutting board, tear off the raw edges, add the meat filling into a thick strip, roll up the tofu skin from the inside to the outside, and seal the edge with thin batter. (3) Heat the wok, add peanut oil, burn until 70% hot, fry the meat rolls until the skin is bright, pour into a colander and drain the oil. (4) Leave a small amount of peanut oil on the original pot, put in the green onion and ginger soup, cook over low heat until the soup is thickened, add sesame seeds, and then start the pot, cut the meat rolls into small pieces, and put them neatly into the plate.

Crystal meat

【Dish name】Crystal pork

【Features】 The flesh is bright red, the skin is white and smooth, the brine is transparent, the texture is mellow and crisp, the oil is not greasy, and the taste is fresh

Pig's trotters, coarse salt, green onion knots, ginger slices, rice wine.

Scrape the pig's trotters clean, cut them flat with a knife, remove the bones, put the skin flat on the board, poke a few small holes in the lean meat with a bamboo skewer, sprinkle the salt water evenly, and then rub it through with coarse salt, take out the pig's trotters after marinating in the tank, soak them in cold water for an hour, take out the scraping dirt on the skin, rinse them with warm water, put the pig's trotter skin upwards into the pot, add onion knots, ginger slices, Shao wine, water simmer until the meat crisp is taken out, the skin is placed in the flat basin, cover the empty basin, after flattening, the soup in the pot is brineed and boiled, remove the oil, pour into the flat basin, Add some fresh meat skin to freeze and condense, which is a crystal dish.

Wuxi meat bones

【Dish name】Wuxi meat bones

【Features】Thick oil red sauce, meaty crisp and boneless, juice thick and fresh, salty with sweet, rich aroma.

Ribs, salt, water, sake, green onion, ginger, fennel, cinnamon, soy sauce, sugar.

Chop the ribs into small pieces first, mix well with salt and salt into the jar for about ten hours to take out, put them into the pot, add water to boil, fish out and wash, wash the pot, use bamboo grates to pad the bottom, put the ribs and square meat into, add Shao wine, green onions, ginger, fennel, cinnamon, water to make the amount, boil over high heat and then add soy sauce, sugar, simmer for an hour with medium-low heat, until the ribs are crispy, the soup is thick and fragrant, take out the knife plate when eating, pour the marinade.

Money meat

【Dish name】Money meat

【Features】Yellow and white color, crisp and tender taste.

Pork tenderloin 500 g, egg white 120 g, cooked oil 50 g, cooking wine 50 g, salt 3 g, monosodium glutamate 5 g, wet starch 30 g, spicy soy sauce 10 g, minced green onion and ginger 8 g each.

(1) Cut into small pieces from the top of the tenderloin, each weighing about 10 grams, and use a knife to make small thin round pieces with a diameter of about 5 cm. Add slices of meat slice by slice into the marinade made of cooking wine, salt, monosodium glutamate, green onion and ginger, and marinate for 5 minutes. (2) Place the marinated slices of meat in the egg paste made of egg white humidified starch and drag them onto the plate. (3) Heat a stir-fry spoon, magnify the oil, fry the tenderloin until golden brown, cook in spicy soy sauce, stir-fry evenly.

Squirrel cinnamon fish

【Dish name】Squirrel cinnamon fish

【Features】The outside is crunchy, the inside is soft and tender, the marinade is sweet and sour, and the taste is delicious.

Cinnamon fish, dried starch, tomato sauce, fresh soup, sugar, balsamic vinegar, wine, salt, minced garlic cloves, diced bamboo shoots, shiitake mushrooms, peas, lard, shrimp, sesame oil,

Remove the scales and gills of the cinnamon fish, cut the abdomen to remove the internal organs and wash, the fish skin is directly shaved on the fish meat, and then obliquely shaved, deep enough to form the fish skin into a diamond-shaped knife pattern with Shao wine, fine salt is mixed, smeared on the fish head and fish meat, and then rolled on the dry starch, shake off the residual powder by hand, put the tomato into the bowl with fresh soup, sugar, balsamic vinegar, wine, salt, wet starch mixed into the sauce, fry the frying pan with high heat under the lard, burn until it is 80% hot, first roll the two pieces of fish meat, wings up the fish tail, put it into the oil pot to slightly fry it into shape, and then put all the fish into the oil pot and fry it until golden brown. Put into the plate, put the fish head into a squirrel shape, leave a little oil in the pot, put the green onion and sauté the incense and add the minced garlic cloves, diced bamboo shoots, diced mushrooms, peas fried, under the sauce with high heat, after the sauce is thickened, put lard and shrimp mixed, drizzled with sesame oil, and poured on the fish.

Taihu Lake silverfish

【Dish name】Taihu Lake silverfish

【Features】Golden color, fat and tender.

Silver fish, eggs, bamboo shoots, leek sprouts, soy sauce, water fungus, rice wine, fine salt, lard, white soup, sugar, monosodium glutamate.

Remove the head and tail of the silver fish, wash and drain the water with water, smash the egg into the bowl, add salt to disperse, blanch the bamboo shoots into the pot of boiling water, wash the fungus in water, and drain it with boiling water; heat the wok, use the oil slippery pan, put the lard to heat, sauté the silver fish a few times, pour it into the egg liquid and stir, add lard to the frying pan and boil, pour in the silver fish and egg liquid, wait for the egg liquid to rise, after frying on one side, lift the frying pan to turn over, and then fry the other side, after frying, use an iron spoon to pull the egg pieces into four large pieces and add Shaojiu, soy sauce, refined salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, white soup, Pour in the bamboo shoots, cover the fungus and simmer for two or three minutes, then collect the juice on high heat, add the leeks, add the lard out of the pot and plate.

West Lake vinegar fish

【Dish name】West Lake vinegar fish


1 live fish is about 1000 grams, vinegar 50 grams, sugar 60 grams, ginger 2 grams

1. Wash the fish, cut along the ridge, and cut 3-5 knives from the inside, but can not cut the skin of the fish; 2. Put the fish skin upside down and cook in boiling water for 3 minutes; 3. Skim off the remaining soup, leave 250 grams of the original soup, add soy sauce, cooking wine, minced ginger and cook until flavored, take out the fish pieces and plate 4. The original soup is added to sugar, vinegar, wet starch 50 grams each, boil and foam and pour on the fish

Jinling brine duck

【Dish name】Jinling brine duck

【Features】The skin color jade is white and oily, the duck meat is slightly red and tender, the skin is fat and boney, and the people are often delicious and delicious.

Duck, water, salt, peppercorns, five-spice powder, green onion, ginger, star anise, balsamic vinegar.

Duck slaughter and clean, put into water soaked in blood water to wash, drain the water, fry the pan to heat the refined salt, peppercorns, five-spice powder, stir-fry and pour into the bowl, rub the duck with hot salt, Then put the duck into the pot and marinate for 1.5 hours to take it out, then put it into the brine tank for about 4 hours to take it out, add water to the pot, boil it over high heat, put the shallots, ginger, star anise, balsamic vinegar, put the duck legs up, head down into the pot, simmer for 20 minutes, when the water bubbles around, lift the duck legs, drain the soup in the duck belly, and then put the ducks into the soup, so that the belly is filled with soup, so repeat three or four times, and then simmer for about 20 minutes to take out the drainage soup, cool it, and change the knife to plate when eating

Brine shrimp

【Dish name】Brine shrimp

【Features】Bright red and beautiful, fresh and tender and clear mouth.

Ingredients Fresh river shrimp 500 g. Seasoning 15 g salt, 4 peppercorns, 2 slices of ginger, 3 green onions, 50 g cooking wine, 5 g monosodium glutamate.

Remove the whiskers and feet of the shrimp, wash them and put them in a pot of boiling water. Before boiling, add shallots, ginger monosodium glutamate, cooking wine, salt, peppercorns and other spices to the pot, and after boiling, skim off the foam, about 3 minutes or so the shrimp can be cooked. Then put the soup out of the heat and put it in a bowl, cool it and put it in the basin.

Slip and sauté the shrimp

【Dish name】Stir-fried shrimp

【Features】Jiangsu, Shanghai and other famous dishes. It is made by shelling and sizing live river shrimp and cooking them by stir-frying. The finished dish is plain in color, the meat is smooth and crisp, and the taste is fresh and light

600 grams of shrimp 20 grams of green onion, 2 grams of ginger and pepper, 6 grams of refined salt, 5 grams of wine, 1 gram of monosodium glutamate and sesame oil 50 grams of oil

1. After the shrimp are washed with refined brine, then rinsed and drained with water; 2. The shrimp are drained until there is no water, and the salt, wine, pepper, protein, and starch are salted for 10 minutes, and the green onion is cut into sections, and the ginger slices are sliced and set aside; 3. After the oil is warm, the shrimp are put in, a change of color can be fished out, and the other oil is put into the pot, and the onion, ginger slices and shrimp are in order, and the salt, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, pepper are quickly stirred up for a few times.

Ruyi bamboo shoots

【Dish name】Ruyi bamboo shoots

【Features】White color, crisp and tender.

Ingredients 400 grams of net winter shoots, 20 grams of green peppers, 30 grams of egg white, 100 grams of chicken breast meat, 25 grams of ham strips. Seasoning 5 grams of cooking wine, 4 grams of salt, 5 grams of monosodium glutamate, 25 grams of green onion and ginger juice, 3 grams of dry starch.

(1) Cook the winter shoots with boiling water, then cut them into thin slices about 20 cm long with a hob. Mince the chicken breast into chicken minced meat, add MSG, salt, egg white, cooking wine and ginger juice and stir well. The green peppers are dug up and seeded and washed, and cut into strips as thick as the ham strips (chopsticks thick). (2) Spread the bamboo shoots flat, smear them with dry starch and a layer of chicken mushrooms, then place two ham strips on one end of the bamboo shoots and two green pepper strips on the other end, rolling them up from both ends to the middle. The others are done according to the same method, rolled up and steamed in a messy basket drawer, and drizzled with sesame oil. After cooling, cut off both ends and cut into 0.5 cm thick pieces and plate.

Bergamot jellyfish skin

【Dish name】Bergamot jellyfish skin

【Features】The color is light yellow, crisp and refreshing.

Ingredients Jellyfish skin 250 g. Seasoning 25 g sesame oil, 3 g monosodium glutamate, 10 g soy sauce, balsamic vinegar 5 g, salt 3 g.

(1) Soak the jellyfish skin in water, then wash and remove the sediment, and cut it into 3 cm wide strips with a knife. Then cut 4 knives longitudinally (cut the 5th knife, that is, a strip in the shape of a five-finger palm), cut it and soak it in water. (2) Before serving, put the processed jellyfish skin into a pot of boiling water and blanch it, that is, it becomes a bergamot shape, quickly remove the water and plate it, and pour the marinade mixed with sesame oil, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, salt, balsamic vinegar and other spices.

Wind chicken chopped meat

【Dish name】Wind chicken chopped meat

【Features】Original taste, chicken crispy meat tender, for the Spring Festival feast on the dish.

1 wind chicken (weighs about 500 grams) and pork belly 200 grams. 40 grams of rice wine, 25 grams of green onion, 25 grams of ginger, 15 grams of soy sauce, 10 grams of sugar, 5 grams of salt.

The chicken is plucked, the head claws are cut off and soaked in cold water for 2 hours. Clean, chop into large squares, soak in cold water for 1 hour, and fish into a pot of boiling water. Heat the wok, put the oil, add the wind chicken nuggets and stir-fry, cook the rice wine, green onion and ginger juice, pour into the casserole, add soy sauce, sugar, water, magnify the heat and boil, move the heat to simmer. Pork belly finely chopped into mushrooms, add shao wine, green onion ginger juice, soy sauce, salt, sugar, water to taste, stir vigorously, make a meat ball under the oil pan and fry until golden brown on both sides, then put into the wind chicken casserole, simmer for 2 hours.

Braised sea bass fillets

【Dish name】Braised sea bass fillet

【Features】The fish fillet is as white as snow, the meat is soft and tender, the soup is like milk, it is clear and refreshing, and the original flavor is strong.

200 grams of sea bass meat. 100 grams of water chestnut slices, 10 grams of water fungus, 25 grams of leek segments, 15 grams of egg white. 15 grams of rice wine, 3 grams of refined salt, 15 grams of wet starch, 10 grams of green onion, 5 grams of ginger, 1.5 grams of pepper, 15 grams of sesame oil, 450 grams of cooked lard (45 grams of actual oil consumption).

Cut the fish into rectangular slices, add shochu, salt, egg white, wet starch and mix well, heat on a wok, heat the oil until it is 40% hot (about 88 ° C), add the fillets and stroke the oil, and pour out the draining oil when the fillets are milky white. The original pot is still on the fire, leave the bottom oil, add the minced onion and ginger to sauté, then add the leek and other ingredients to stir-fry, add sea bass bone soup, add shao wine, fine salt, pour in the fish fillets, hook with water starch, drizzle sesame oil, put the pot into the concave dish, sprinkle pepper, put on the coriander leaves and serve. When served, bring a ginger vinegar dish

Overlord Farewell

【Dish name】Overlord Biehime

【Features】The soup is clear and clear, the taste is fresh and mellow, the chicken and turtle meat is tender and crispy, rich in nutrition, and it is the top product for the feast.

500 grams of light chicken, 450 grams of live turtle, 50 grams of chicken minced meat, 25 grams of cooked ham, 35 grams of cooked winter shoots, 25 grams of shiitake mushrooms, 35 grams of green cabbage hearts. 25 grams of starch, 200 grams of chicken broth, 40 grams of rice wine, 30 grams of green onion, 25 grams of ginger, 10 grams of salt.

Wash the chicken in a pot of cold water in separate water. Turtles are slaughtered and washed, the black film is removed, the shell and internal organs are removed, washed, blanched in a pot of water, the turtle meat is fished out with a clean cloth to absorb the water, and the dry starch is removed. Stuff the chicken into the minced meat and form a "turtle egg". Put the "turtle egg" in, cover the turtle lid back up into the casserole, put the hen into the casserole pot, scoop in the chicken broth, add Shao wine, green onion ginger 1 fine salt, steam until the chicken is crispy and take out, remove the green onion and ginger, add winter shoots, mushrooms, ham, green cabbage hearts, and then steam slightly.

Eight treasure sweet rice

【Dish name】Eight treasure sweet rice

【Features】Sweet glutinous, fragrant fat, moist mouth, beautiful.

300 grams of glutinous rice. 50 grams of bean paste, 15 grams of dates, 10 grams of cinnamon meat, 15 grams of lotus, 10 grams of kumquat cake, 5 grams of green plum, 5 grams of melon kernels, 5 grams of pine nuts. 15 grams of cooked lard, 30 grams of cotton sugar, 1 gram of osmanthus flowers.

Wash the glutinous rice, soak it, basket it and steam it, stir it with sugar and cooked lard. Spread lard on the bowl. The eight-flavored fruit is arranged into a pattern, loaded into the mixed rice, leaving a small pit in the middle, filling it with bean paste, and then sealing it with rice. When eating, steam the rice and put it on a plate, and pour a thin layer of mustard made of sugar, starch, and osmanthus flowers on top.

Yangzhou egg fried rice

【Dish name】Yangzhou egg fried rice

【Features】This meal is like a broken gold flashing, shiny and shiny, fragrant, can be a meal and excellent name.

300 grams of white rice, 50 grams of eggs. 25 grams of ice-haired sea cucumber, 25 grams of dried scallops, 25 grams of cooked ham, 35 grams of cooked chicken breast, 35 grams of pork, 20 grams of sizing shrimp, 20 grams of cooked duck gizzards, 15 grams of shiitake mushrooms, 35 grams of cooked bamboo shoots, 15 grams of green beans. 10 g salt, 25 g shallots, 25 g rice wine, 75 g chicken broth, 50 g lard,

Cut sea cucumbers, hams and other ingredients into small cubes. Whisk the eggs with salt and chopped green onion. Put the oil on the heat of the wok, put in the shrimp and pour it out, add the ingredients to stir-fry, add the rice wine, salt, chicken broth to boil, put it into the bowl as a assortment toppings / pot on the fire and heat, put the oil to 50% heat (about l10 ° C), pour in the eggs and fry, add rice and stir-fry, pour in half of the toppings and stir-fry well, put 2/3 of the rice into the bowl, and then put the toppings, shrimp, green beans and chopped green onions into the bowl

Sheep square hidden fish

【Dish name】Sheep square Tibetan fish

【Features】Lamb is crispy and fragrant, and the hidden fish is tender.

750 grams of lamb and 500 grams of live crucian carp. 3 grams of peppercorns, 7.5 grams of salt, 20 grams of rice wine, 20 grams of green onion, 15 grams of ginger, 2 grams of monosodium glutamate, 15 grams of sesame oil.

The lamb is rubbed with peppercorns, salt, rice wine, green onions and ginger, marinated for 6 hours, then washed in a pot of water. The crucian carp is slaughtered and cleaned, a flower knife is shaved on both sides of the fish surface, the pot is divided into water, and the salt and sake are smeared. Cut open the side of the lamb with a knife and hide the fish. Put in a pot, add water, salt, rice wine, green onion ginger, peppercorns, bring to a boil, reduce heat to simmer until the lamb is crispy, add MSG, drizzle with sesame oil and serve.

Glutinous rice roasted wheat

【Dish name】Glutinous rice roasted wheat 【Cuisine】Jiangsu cuisine

【Raw materials】 (calculated as 20 pieces)

Ingredients 250 grams of refined white flour, 500 grams of glutinous rice, 100 grams of lean pork fat. Seasoning 300 grams of cooked oil, 50 grams of sugar, 5 grams of monosodium glutamate, 150 grams of soy sauce, 3 grams of shrimp

(1) Make fillings. Wash the glutinous rice, put it in a basin, soak it in 50 ° C water for 2 hours, take it out after the rice grains are swelled, drain the water, put it in the cage drawer and lay it flat, and steam the rice over high heat. Cut the pork into 0.3 cm cubes. Cook the diced meat with soy sauce, sugar and shrimp, then put the hot glutinous rice into a spoon, stir-fry with a spatula until the brine is completely absorbed by the rice, and then add the cooked oil and mix to form the filling. (2) Make the skin, wrap the filling, and steam it. Place the flour on a board, pick a small nest in the middle, add 120 grams of cold water and knead, knead into long strips and roll into 20 agents. The agent is flattened by hand one by one, and rolled into a round lotus leaf-shaped skin with a diameter of about 8 cm with a rolling stick. The left hand holds the skin, uses the right hand to scrape the filling into the center of the skin, and then gently pinches it with the five fingers of the left hand, just pinching the neck of the roasted wheat skin, the filling is slightly exposed, and the edges of the skin are evenly folded and evenly lotus-shaped. Then turn the roasted wheat in the palm of your hand a few times, pinch the thumb and index finger again, and then put it on the cage drawer, and steam it over high heat until the skin is moist and does not stick to the hand

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