
Why does Dongfang Selection have to fight to the death with Dong Yuhui? Yu Minhong told the truth in one sentence

author:Gossip about Ajiang

The dispute between Dongfang Xuan and Dong Yuhui essentially reveals a struggle for power and influence within a company. Dong Yuhui, as the key promoter of Dongfang's selection, should have been the object of praise and rewards. However, he was repeatedly suppressed within the company. Why is that?

Why does Dongfang Selection have to fight to the death with Dong Yuhui? Yu Minhong told the truth in one sentence

Dong Yuhui is undoubtedly a key figure in the rise of Dongfang Selection. He not only greatly promoted the successful transformation of the platform, but also won huge market and public recognition in a short period of time. Since the start of Dongfang Selection, Dong Yuhui has made the sales and popularity of the platform rise rapidly with his unique sales strategy and personal charm.

At the 30th anniversary celebration of Oriental Selection, Dong Yuhui was supposed to be an invited guest, but he was unexpectedly blocked out of the venue. This incident is obviously not accidental, but shows the hostility and rejection of him within the enterprise. Although Dong Yuhui was later able to enter the venue with Yu Minhong's intervention, this episode has already deeply portrayed the treatment that Dong Yuhui suffered within the Oriental Selection.

Why does Dongfang Selection have to fight to the death with Dong Yuhui? Yu Minhong told the truth in one sentence

With the further development of Dongfang Selection, Dong Yuhui's personal influence has become increasingly significant, and even began to overshadow the brand itself. This is undoubtedly a huge threat in the eyes of the company's management. According to internal employees, Yu Minhong is extremely worried about this. He is worried that Dong Yuhui's high-profile and personal influence will repeat the history of New Oriental's early years of "famous teachers standing on their own".

In terms of the strategy of dealing with Dong Yuhui, Yu Minhong took geometric measures. He tried to downplay Dong's personal brand through internal strategies, focusing on promoting Dongfang Selection's achievements as a team rather than individual prominence. In public and in internal meetings, Mr. Dong's contributions have been given limited recognition, and sometimes ignored altogether.

Why does Dongfang Selection have to fight to the death with Dong Yuhui? Yu Minhong told the truth in one sentence

What's more, there is even an unwritten rule circulating within Dongfang Selection, which prohibits directly mentioning Dong Yuhui's name, but replaces it with "that person".

Dong Yuhui was extremely dissatisfied and confused by this series of suppressions. His team also felt the cold reception and rejection from the top of the company. Despite this, Dong Yuhui did not back down, but more actively showed his talent and the achievements of Dongfang Selection on social media and in public, hoping to win more support and sympathy from the outside world.

Why does Dongfang Selection have to fight to the death with Dong Yuhui? Yu Minhong told the truth in one sentence

The conflict between Dong Yuhui and Dongfang Selection began to affect the company's day-to-day operations. Internal employees began to take a wait-and-see attitude because they were worried about the safety of their positions, and many projects were delayed or their execution was greatly reduced. This state of affairs is extremely unfavorable to the long-term development of Dongfang Selection, and it also makes the outside world begin to question Yu Minhong's management ability and decision-making.

Yu Minhong had to reassess his relationship with Dong Yuhui and his handling strategy. He began to seek a reconciliation with Dong Yuhui, trying to find a mutually acceptable solution. After a number of internal meetings and private negotiations, a preliminary agreement was reached that Dong would continue to work in Dongfang Selection, but would need to make certain compromises on public image and personal branding.

Why does Dongfang Selection have to fight to the death with Dong Yuhui? Yu Minhong told the truth in one sentence

While the company was still controversial about the decision, Dong Yuhui gave a speech at a major industry forum, openly talking about his experience in Dongfang Selection and his vision for the future. This speech has received great attention and praise from inside and outside the industry, and once again enhanced Dong Yuhui's status in the industry.

Why does Dongfang Selection have to fight to the death with Dong Yuhui? Yu Minhong told the truth in one sentence

Dong Yuhui's speech not only re-aroused the attention of the outside world to his relationship with Dongfang Selection, but also made internal supporters stand more firmly on his side. This speech became a new turning point, prompting the top management of Oriental Selection to re-examine and adjust its management strategy and cultural construction.

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