
There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called article divorce, and his ex-wife Ma Yili has not changed much, but he is like a different person

author:Peach blossom eyes

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Peach Blossom Eyes

Peach Blossom Eyes

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called article divorce, and his ex-wife Ma Yili has not changed much, but he is like a different person


If life is only as first seen, what is the autumn wind and sad fan?

How did a seemingly perfect love come to the point of falling apart?

When the temptations of the outside world override the responsibilities of the family, how can the fortress of marriage not be overcome?

Faced with a shattered relationship, where do they go?

Love is originally a matter of two people, but in the big dye vat of the entertainment industry, it is often infinitely amplified and becomes a topic of conversation after dinner.

And who can really not be disturbed by the outside world and concentrate on managing their feelings?

Ma Yili and the article are such an embarrassing couple.

Let's walk into their love world together and feel the joys and sorrows of those ups and downs.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called article divorce, and his ex-wife Ma Yili has not changed much, but he is like a different person

Origin: love at first sight, love and affection

The summer of 2005 was sunny and breezy.

In a crew, a high-spirited actress meets a young and shy college student.

She is Ma Yili; He is the article.

At that time, Ma Yili was already famous, and the article was just an unknown newcomer.

However, the gears of fate have begun to turn.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called article divorce, and his ex-wife Ma Yili has not changed much, but he is like a different person

From the nodding friendship at the beginning, to the later meeting and hatred, and then to the intimacy in and out of the play, the relationship between Ma Yili and the article quickly warmed up.

In the crew, the two always have a tacit understanding when they play against each other, as if they have a heart; In life, they are inseparable, like glue.

Even in the face of the outside world's questioning and scrutinizing eyes on their age gap, they don't care, they just immerse themselves in the joy of love.

At that time, they were unbridled and fearless, full of beautiful visions for the future.

However, just as all good stories have hidden dangers, their relationship also sows the seeds of crisis.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called article divorce, and his ex-wife Ma Yili has not changed much, but he is like a different person

Ma Yili's career is thriving, but the article has always been tepid.

Gradually, a subtle sense of distance emerged between the two.

However, the power of love prevailed over all in the end.

In 2006, they joined hands again and starred in "Struggle", which opened a common chapter in their lives.

This drama not only brought their careers to new heights, but also made their feelings more solid.

They began to think about getting married and starting a family of their own.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called article divorce, and his ex-wife Ma Yili has not changed much, but he is like a different person

Peak: A double harvest of career and love

After "Struggle", both Ma Yili and the article's careers reached a new height.

With her excellent acting skills, Ma Yili has become a hot first-line actress; The article also took advantage of this shareholder trend to win the leading role of many hit dramas one after another, and its popularity soared.

The relationship between the two also warmed up, and finally in 2008, they entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.


In order to take care of her daughter, she resolutely gave up her career and put all her thoughts on her family.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called article divorce, and his ex-wife Ma Yili has not changed much, but he is like a different person

The article has become the pillar of the family, frequently appearing in various works, and his career is thriving.

In the eyes of outsiders, they are standard golden boys and girls, talented and beautiful, and envious of others.

However, only they know that married life is not as good as they imagined.

The arrival of a new life has turned their lives upside down.

Ma Yili has to learn how to be a competent mother, and the article has to shoulder the responsibility of providing for the family.

Both are struggling to adapt to their new roles, but gradually drifting away from each other.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called article divorce, and his ex-wife Ma Yili has not changed much, but he is like a different person

However, behind the happiness, a crisis is quietly breeding.

Ma Yili devoted herself wholeheartedly, but in exchange for the snub of the article.

Children, family, and trivial life seem to have become all in her life.

But the article is swimming in the entertainment industry like a fish in water, and he can show his talent to the fullest.

Between the two, there is no longer the tacit understanding and intimacy of the past.

Ma Yili began to feel confused and uneasy, she didn't understand why she had given so much, but she couldn't get her husband's understanding and care.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called article divorce, and his ex-wife Ma Yili has not changed much, but he is like a different person

And the article, immersed in the success of his career, forgot that there is a wife behind him who needs to be cared for.

The article's career is soaring, and 2011's "Naked Marriage Era" made him popular and became a hot popular student.

Immediately afterwards, he took over the box office hit "33 Days of Broken Love", which completely established his status in the entertainment industry.

However, in the face of the temptations that followed, he gradually lost himself.

After not returning home again and again, and shirking and perfunctory again and again, Ma Yili felt unprecedented indifference and alienation.

She began to question the marriage and question her choice.

The article is intoxicated in the world of flowers, and he is completely unaware of his wife's feelings.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called article divorce, and his ex-wife Ma Yili has not changed much, but he is like a different person

Twists: derailment, emotional change

In 2014, the exposure of the "See You on Monday" incident was like a thunderstorm on the ground, causing an uproar in the entertainment industry.

The intimate photos of the article and Yao Di were made public, Ma Yili became the object of sympathy with her pregnant belly, and the article and Yao Di were pushed to the moral judgment platform.

For a time, there was constant verbal criticism and condemnation.

People were shocked by the article's betrayal and sympathized with Ma Yili's situation.

An originally happy family was torn apart like this.

However, surprisingly, Ma Yili did not choose to divorce, but generously forgave the article.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called article divorce, and his ex-wife Ma Yili has not changed much, but he is like a different person

"Marriage is not easy, do it and cherish it", a simple sentence, but it expresses the pain and helplessness in her heart.

She chose forbearance and chose to maintain this imperfect but inseparable family.

But isn't all this a disguise?

What dignity can a woman have in the face of her husband's betrayal?

Ma Yili silently hid the wound in the bottom of her heart and endured it alone.

After the derailment incident, the article's career began to go downhill.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called article divorce, and his ex-wife Ma Yili has not changed much, but he is like a different person

The endorsements have been terminated, no one cares about the new play, and he seems to have become a "street rat" overnight.

But Ma Yili set off again and began to pick up her career again.

"The First Half of My Life", "Those Women", "Find You", ...... One hit drama after another has brought Ma Yili back to the peak of her career and become a hot master.

People saw a new Ma Yili, a strong, independent, and unafraid woman.

She used her strength to prove that a woman can live a wonderful life without being dependent on a man.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called article divorce, and his ex-wife Ma Yili has not changed much, but he is like a different person

Parting: The fuse, Lao Yan flew apart

However, how can a marriage that has been riddled with holes stand the test of time?

In July 2019, Ma Yili and the article both announced their divorce, and their 11-year marriage came to an end.

For a while, there was a lot of discussion on the Internet, some people sighed, and some people applauded.

And the person concerned has already been covered in bruises.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called article divorce, and his ex-wife Ma Yili has not changed much, but he is like a different person

Divorce seems to have become their only choice.

Those once sweetness and vows have turned into an illusory dream.

From not being optimistic at the beginning, to envy and jealousy later, and then to the final dismal ending, their love has experienced too many twists and turns.

Divorce is a new beginning for Ma Yili.

Freed from the shackles of marriage, she seems to have gained a second life.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called article divorce, and his ex-wife Ma Yili has not changed much, but he is like a different person

She plunged headlong into her career and successively launched many excellent works such as "In the Distance", "The Myth of Love" and "Flowers", and won numerous honors and praises.

At the age of 47, she has lived a wonderful life of her own.

She is no longer anyone's wife, anyone's mother, but an independent, confident, radiant woman.

This is her most authentic appearance.

And what about the article?

After the divorce, he seems to be in a state of collapse, and the whole person has lost his former demeanor.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called article divorce, and his ex-wife Ma Yili has not changed much, but he is like a different person

He began to appear frequently in various variety shows, trying to regain his former self.

However, his works have always received a mediocre response, and they can no longer replicate the glory of those years.

What was once a high-spirited article is a thing of the past.

People lamented his depravity and lamented his lack of cherishment.

A man who once had everything, but ended up with nothing.

Perhaps, this is the punishment he deserves.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called article divorce, and his ex-wife Ma Yili has not changed much, but he is like a different person


The story of Ma Yili and the article is a story about love, betrayal and redemption.

From acquaintance, love to falling apart, they have experienced too much laughter and tears, sweetness and pain.

The feelings that I once thought could last forever could not be defeated by the cruelty of reality after all.

However, there are no ifs in life, only results and consequences.

Ma Yili found a new self in her own way and lived a wonderful and meaningful life.

And the article may still be looking for its own future in confusion and hesitation.

Love is fleeting, but life is eternal.

I hope that the two people who once loved each other can embrace a new and brilliant tomorrow and find their own happiness.

After all, life is too short, and being happy in time is the true meaning of life.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called article divorce, and his ex-wife Ma Yili has not changed much, but he is like a different person

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