
Educational forces no longer have authority, and students' parents have become pyramid scheme leaders, and student problems naturally arise frequently

author:Shuangqi Town Inn

Text丨Shuangqi Town Inn (We don't have much time in this world, it's not worth wasting time trying to please those vulgar and despicable scoundrels!)

It's always said that times are changing, and so is education. They do not believe that it is necessary to maintain the authority of the educational forces, and to guard against the dominance of minors.

Many people are well fed and clothed. After being fed and clothed, these people are less rational when facing their children. They always think that minors do not have animal nature, and it is impossible for them to be influenced by their original family and imprint a destructive animal nature. Many people, like Our Lady, infinitely emphasize the divine brilliance of minors and devalue the human brilliance of educational forces.

Educational forces no longer have authority, and students' parents have become pyramid scheme leaders, and student problems naturally arise frequently

In fact, with a bit of science, everyone should know that things develop in many forms: they can be reciprocating, they can be sinusoidal ups and downs, or they can be divergent.

However, in the face of the development of the education ecology, the people who have been PUA by the experts have become the leaders of the MLM industry, and they firmly believe that the development trajectory of the education ecology should be a proportional function, and it is also a proportional function with a slope k far greater than zero.

Is that right? Certainly not. The current picture of the education ecology may not only not be a proportional function, but it is also likely to be an inverse proportional function—it is infinitely approaching zero.

Educational forces no longer have authority, and students' parents have become pyramid scheme leaders, and student problems naturally arise frequently

Not convinced? Here's an example that should illustrate the problem.

On April 14, a parent of a student in Hunan Province posted a tearful video asking for help, claiming that her child, who was in the third year of junior high school, had suddenly run away from home and was missing.

According to the video before the disappearance of the child involved, the last image of him appeared on a bridge.

Educational forces no longer have authority, and students' parents have become pyramid scheme leaders, and student problems naturally arise frequently

The student's parents have reason to suspect that their child may have done something stupid to "lift himself to Qingchi" and left this world.

Why would a teenager in the third year of junior high school suddenly run away from home and most likely do something stupid? The parents of the student involved gave the possible reason that his child was abused by his peers - someone extorted money from his child before he ran away from home.

The parents of the children involved said that before their children ran away from home, they had secretly taken their father's private money several times as protection money and handed them over to classmates who extorted their money.

His parents have also discovered the problem and criticized the education of their own children. But they always thought that there was something wrong with their children's character - the money they secretly took may have just paid for their daily expenses, and they did not realize that their children were being blackmailed by others at the time.

Educational forces no longer have authority, and students' parents have become pyramid scheme leaders, and student problems naturally arise frequently

The facts are unclear, the truth is unclear. At the moment, the runaway child has not been found, and all we can do is to bless: wish the child no accidents.

However, let's turn our eyes and take this student as an incision, and then take a look at the current education ecology, can we find more problems?

Before the deterioration of the education ecology, the parents of students were generally not highly educated, they were not arrogant, they had at least a sense of shame, and they knew that when their children did something wrong, they needed to punish their children, and they did not care about the punishment of the teachers. It is also because they generally do not have a high level of education, they can afford to pay for nine-year compulsory education, and they can still write the word "awe" in their hearts.

Educational forces no longer have authority, and students' parents have become pyramid scheme leaders, and student problems naturally arise frequently

Now, the parents of the students have just walked out of the nine-year compulsory education with the diploma that can no longer be watered, and they have begun to become arrogant and obedient, absolutely self-interested, and there is no longer any shame in their hearts, and they have begun to despise the group of teachers who are currently engaged in the nine-year compulsory education.

When their children make mistakes, they don't allow the group of teachers to criticize and discipline their children, and of course they don't allow "outsiders" like teachers to criticize and discipline their children – praise and encouragement are fine.

This is called insolence!

Educational forces no longer have authority, and students' parents have become pyramid scheme leaders, and student problems naturally arise frequently

In this way, the issue of blackmail and blackmail between minors has of course become a significant problem. Minors who are blackmailed no longer see their actions as evil – the evil that no one dares to criticize and punish is actually "heroism" in their eyes, and the minors who are blackmailed have no turn for help.

Asking for help from teachers? Teachers themselves are mud bodhisattvas, and it is difficult to protect themselves; Asking for help from parents? On the one hand, some children want to be faced! On the other hand, the duel between parents and parents, it is especially unknown who will kill the deer!


Education does not need to be pyramid schemes, and education needs to return to its original intention - the leading forces in education must have their own authority, and the parents of students in education must find their own position, receive education from educational examples, and cannot cross the line.

Educational forces no longer have authority, and students' parents have become pyramid scheme leaders, and student problems naturally arise frequently

If this problem can't be solved, whether there will be the next minor to be blackmailed, that's one thing it's hard to say, isn't it?


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