
The blogger posted a 38-year-old single woman without a baby! The comments in the comment area have become a microcosm of countless families

author:Leezai said entertainment

Recently, a headline rushed to the hot search, the life of a 38-year-old single woman without a baby

The blogger posted a 38-year-old single woman without a baby! The comments in the comment area have become a microcosm of countless families


(Video source: Duhuo Ah Fei, infringement deleted)

The discussion was hot, and for a while, some scolded it as poisonous chicken soup, and some regarded it as a label of life

What are the purposes for which these are advertised?

The blogger posted a 38-year-old single woman without a baby! The comments in the comment area have become a microcosm of countless families

It's really confused or pretending to be confused, just to say that it's cool to be single, financial freedom is not a word, shouldn't it be to save enough money to live how you want?

The blogger posted a 38-year-old single woman without a baby! The comments in the comment area have become a microcosm of countless families

There are more and more singles

Fewer people get married, and later is the current situation in our country and in many developed countries

The blogger posted a 38-year-old single woman without a baby! The comments in the comment area have become a microcosm of countless families

More and more people are reluctant to settle, thinking that if they can't find the right one they like, then live alone, the protagonist in the video posted by this blogger is a 38-year-old single girl without a baby

The blogger posted a 38-year-old single woman without a baby! The comments in the comment area have become a microcosm of countless families
The blogger posted a 38-year-old single woman without a baby! The comments in the comment area have become a microcosm of countless families

It is understood that she is a short video blogger of a certain sound, currently living in Shenzhen, and ten of her published works are currently about living alone, similar to other single bloggers, the only difference may be...

The blogger posted a 38-year-old single woman without a baby! The comments in the comment area have become a microcosm of countless families

Her homepage tag is introduced, and through this, you can see that she has an interesting soul!

The blogger posted a 38-year-old single woman without a baby! The comments in the comment area have become a microcosm of countless families

"32, don't fall in love, don't get married, don't have a baby, don't talk to a man, don't mention how cool it is to travel and concert every day. ”

The blogger posted a 38-year-old single woman without a baby! The comments in the comment area have become a microcosm of countless families

"40 years old unmarried and childless, my mother said what to do when you are old, I said happy for decades, I admit it when I am old and bitter. You don't look at the years of happiness since you became a family. ”

The blogger posted a 38-year-old single woman without a baby! The comments in the comment area have become a microcosm of countless families

"My man is 34 years old, unmarried, has two sets of full-payment commercial houses in Chengdu, has a seven-figure deposit, and is said to have no ability to marry a wife! "

The blogger posted a 38-year-old single woman without a baby! The comments in the comment area have become a microcosm of countless families

"I'm forty-two years old, two babies, and tell you that 80% of the troubles in life are brought about by marriage, isn't it fragrant to be alone?"

The blogger posted a 38-year-old single woman without a baby! The comments in the comment area have become a microcosm of countless families

"What I fantasize about is that the other party's only child, he is gone, he has no children, the house and the car are all mine, the other party's parents are sad and overly gone, I am happy when I think about it, if not, I will be single"

The blogger posted a 38-year-old single woman without a baby! The comments in the comment area have become a microcosm of countless families

"I found that girls who are not married are in good shape, and boys who are not married at this age are really hard to say."

The blogger posted a 38-year-old single woman without a baby! The comments in the comment area have become a microcosm of countless families

"My God! Experience can have the right to speak! I have been married for 15 years, and I tell you that you can't just look at the present, you think you are very relaxed now, but in fact you used to be easy, now you are relaxed, and you will be more relaxed in the future!

The blogger posted a 38-year-old single woman without a baby! The comments in the comment area have become a microcosm of countless families

"86 unmarried and childless. I've never been on a blind date, and I don't plan to get married, I don't think I'm a "leftover girl", because if I want to get married, I can't get married, and I don't want to get married at all. Getting married and having a baby is an ability that I don't have at the moment. In order to avoid living a chicken feather, I will not join in the fun, live well, save money for the elderly, and take care of my parents. ”

The blogger posted a 38-year-old single woman without a baby! The comments in the comment area have become a microcosm of countless families

Everyone in the world is a microcosm of the operation of a life mode, and so is this blogger and the audience in the comment area.

The blogger posted a 38-year-old single woman without a baby! The comments in the comment area have become a microcosm of countless families

If you don't marry at an older age, you will often be considered unhappy, and your relatives will always chew on the root of your tongue, which will be considered a great misfortune in life. But if it is because of face, other people's gossip will not be painful for a lifetime. If you don't meet the right person, you can live well, the most unfortunate marriage, the marriage without love to the end, after all, two people who don't have a common language living together is the loneliest thing.

What do you think about this?

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