
Teach you the lettuce stir-fried meat restaurant style method, especially tender and crisp, fragrant and delicious and delicious

author:Taste of Xiao Bin

Hello everyone, now share a lettuce stir-fried meat restaurant style approach, not only the meat is tender and smooth, the lettuce is particularly crisp and refreshing.

Lettuce is rich in nutrients, high in value, and particularly crisp and refreshing to eat. The main method of lettuce is to use it to stir-fry more meat, and the aroma of meat is particularly delicious in the lettuce. Usually, when you eat lettuce stir-fried meat in a restaurant, you will find that the meat inside is particularly tender and smooth, and the lettuce is also very crisp. How can I make such a tender lettuce stir-fried meat at home, and now I want to share with you the restaurant-style lettuce stir-fried meat. Friends who like to cook, you can try it yourself at home.

Teach you the lettuce stir-fried meat restaurant style method, especially tender and crisp, fragrant and delicious and delicious

First prepare the ingredients: 500 grams of lettuce, 200 grams of pork, 1 piece of ginger, 6 cloves of garlic, 1 green onion, soy sauce, oyster sauce, dark soy sauce, sugar, chicken powder, cooking wine, salt, oil, starch

Teach you the lettuce stir-fried meat restaurant style method, especially tender and crisp, fragrant and delicious and delicious


1: Peel the lettuce and cut into slices with a peeled knife, and soak them in water to prevent oxidation and discoloration. The pork is washed and cut into slices, fat and lean apart.

2: Peel the ginger and cut into strips, peel the garlic and crush with a knife, and cut the green onion into green onions.

3: Put an appropriate amount of salt in the lean meat, a little soy sauce, half a spoonful of sugar, a spoonful of oyster sauce and mix evenly for 15 minutes, and then add the appropriate amount of starch to grasp and mix evenly.

Teach you the lettuce stir-fried meat restaurant style method, especially tender and crisp, fragrant and delicious and delicious

4: Boil the pot with an appropriate amount of boiling water, pour in the appropriate amount of cooking wine, put in the lettuce blanched water until it is eight ripe, fish out the cold water and soak it to cool.

5: Heat the oil to 60%, put in the marinated pork, pound and spread out, pass the oil until smooth and cooked, and then fish out the dry oil.

6: Fry two-thirds of the lard in a pan without oil, add ginger shreds, stir-fry garlic to make the aroma, and then add lettuce and stir-fry evenly.

Teach you the lettuce stir-fried meat restaurant style method, especially tender and crisp, fragrant and delicious and delicious

7: Stir-fry the lettuce over high heat for a minute or two to taste, add a spoonful of salt, a spoonful of soy sauce and oyster sauce, a little sugar and chicken powder and stir-fry evenly until the seasoning melts and absorbs.

8: Next, put in the oiled lean meat, stir-fry on high heat for one minute, add a little starch after the lettuce is cooked, stir-fry the thick and then put it on the plate, sprinkle with green onion.

Teach you the lettuce stir-fried meat restaurant style method, especially tender and crisp, fragrant and delicious and delicious


1, lettuce slices do not cut so thick, when blanching water, the water should be wide open and then put in the lettuce. In this way, the color is kept unchanged.

2, when marinating lean meat, you should use the pork to catch stickiness, so that the lean meat will be more tender and smooth.

3, when frying, it should be quickly stir-fried on high heat, so that the fried dishes are more fragrant.

The above is the detailed method of lettuce stir-fried meat restaurant style, if you do not understand or good advice friends please comment on the message below. I am Xiao Bin, welcome to pay attention to me, take you to see more home-cooked food practices every day.

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