
The performance of chip stocks in the first quarter has been boosted, and the sentiment of the electronics sector is high! The turnover of the Industrial Fortune Union ranks among the top 2 of A-shares, and the electronic ETF (515260) has risen by more than 2% intraday!

author:The interface has Lianyun

Today (April 12, 2024), semiconductors performed actively, and the Industrial Fortune Union rose by more than 5%, with a real-time turnover of 5 billion yuan, ranking among the top 2 A-shares. Among the top 10 heavy stocks in the Electronic 50 Index, Shennan Circuit soared by more than 8%, Haiguang Information rose by more than 6%, and stocks such as Shanghai Electric Co., Ltd. and Sugon also rose sharply.

The performance of chip stocks in the first quarter has been boosted, and the sentiment of the electronics sector is high! The turnover of the Industrial Fortune Union ranks among the top 2 of A-shares, and the electronic ETF (515260) has risen by more than 2% intraday!

Image source: Wind

In terms of capital, the main funds have flowed into the electronic sector significantly, and as of the time of publication, the electronic absorption has exceeded 4.4 billion yuan, ranking first among the 31 Shenwan first-class industries.

The performance of chip stocks in the first quarter has been boosted, and the sentiment of the electronics sector is high! The turnover of the Industrial Fortune Union ranks among the top 2 of A-shares, and the electronic ETF (515260) has risen by more than 2% intraday!

Image source: Wind

The representative ETF of the sector - electronic ETF (515260) opened high in early trading, and the red disk fluctuated throughout the day, and the price on the market once rose by more than 2%, and now it is up 1.39%. It is worth noting that the electronic ETF (515260) frequently traded at a premium in the afternoon, accompanied by a large volume of transactions, or buying funds entered the market.

The performance of chip stocks in the first quarter has been boosted, and the sentiment of the electronics sector is high! The turnover of the Industrial Fortune Union ranks among the top 2 of A-shares, and the electronic ETF (515260) has risen by more than 2% intraday!

Image source: Wind

On the news side, on April 11, three chip stocks announced their first-quarter performance announcements:

(1) Montage Technology expects to achieve a year-on-year increase of 75.74% in operating income and a net profit attributable to the parent company of RMB210 million to RMB240 million in the first quarter of 2024, an increase of 9.65 times to 11.17 times over the same period last year;

(2) Rockchip announced that it is expected to achieve a net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company of 60 million yuan to 70 million yuan in the first quarter, achieving a significant turnaround;

(3) Jingchen announced that it is expected to achieve a net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company of about 125 million yuan in the first quarter, a year-on-year increase of 310%.

Market analysts said that the performance of the core enterprises in the chip semiconductor industry in the first quarter was red, which not only reflects the significant improvement of the mainland's independent innovation ability in this field, but also brings positive market confidence to the entire industrial chain.

Shanghai Securities believes that the electronic semiconductor industry will continue to recover in 2024. Tianfeng Securities said that the new export controls have made the demand for domestic production of semiconductor equipment more and more urgent, and it is expected that in 2024, the progress of semiconductor production is expected to further accelerate in the context of the continuous expansion of semiconductor manufacturers.

In terms of layout tools, the data shows that the electronic ETF (515260) tracks the CSI Electronics 50 Index and holds 50 leading electronic stocks in A-shares, fully covering leading companies in popular industries such as AI chips, consumer electronics, automotive electronics, 5G, and cloud computing, and one-click layout of A-share electronic core assets. Investors who are optimistic about the development opportunities of consumer electronics and semiconductors, related products electronics ETF (515260).

The performance of chip stocks in the first quarter has been boosted, and the sentiment of the electronics sector is high! The turnover of the Industrial Fortune Union ranks among the top 2 of A-shares, and the electronic ETF (515260) has risen by more than 2% intraday!

Data sources: Wind, Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges, Huabao Fund, etc.

Risk Warning: The electronic ETF (515260) passively tracks the CSI Electronics 50 Index, which is based on 2008.12.31 and released on 2009.07.22, and the composition of the index constituents is adjusted in due course according to the index compilation rules. The index constituents in this article are for illustration purposes only, and the individual stock descriptions are not intended as investment advice of any kind, nor do they represent the position information and trading trends of any fund under the manager. The risk level of the fund assessed by the fund manager is R3-medium risk, suitable for investors with balanced (C3) and above, and the suitability matching opinion is subject to the sales agency. Any information appearing in this article (including but not limited to individual stocks, comments, forecasts, charts, indicators, theories, any form of expression, etc.) is for reference only, and investors shall be responsible for any investment behavior determined independently. In addition, any opinions, analysis and forecasts in this article do not constitute any form of investment advice to the reader, nor do they assume any responsibility for any direct or indirect losses arising from the use of the content of this article. Fund investment is risky, the past performance of the fund is not indicative of its future performance, and the performance of other funds managed by the fund manager does not constitute a guarantee of the performance of the fund, so fund investment should be cautious.

The above content and data have nothing to do with the position of the interface and do not constitute investment advice. Do so at your own risk.

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