
Five-tone therapy: listen to electronic Chinese medicine and enjoy cyber life

author:Health Shenzhen

Eat electronic Chinese medicine

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Five-tone therapy

It is more suitable for the health regimen of Chinese babies

Five-tone therapy: listen to electronic Chinese medicine and enjoy cyber life

➤ What are pentatonic tones?

Five Tone Therapy, also known as Music Therapy, is derived from traditional Chinese medicine, a mind-body healing method that blends tradition and modernity.

Five-tone therapy: listen to electronic Chinese medicine and enjoy cyber life

Image Credit: Himalayas

The care of the five tones mainly depends on the five tones of Gong, Shang, Jiao, Zheng, and Yu. Each tone has its own unique frequency and wavelength that resonates with the organs within the human body to create a healing effect.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the five sounds of Gong, Shang, Jiao, Zheng, and Yu correspond to the five organs of the spleen, lungs, liver, heart, and kidneys, respectively.

The palace sound is thick and heavy, and it can enter the spleen;

The Shang sound is crisp and can enter the lungs;

The horn sound is peaceful and can enter the liver;

The sound is warm and can be heartfelt;

The feather sound is light and agile and can enter the kidneys.

These five sounds, like five different energy waves, enter the body through the ears and resonate with the corresponding organs, thus affecting their functions.

Five-tone therapy: listen to electronic Chinese medicine and enjoy cyber life

➤ Five-tone care

Since the five tones have such a connection with the five organs, then we can use this theory to care for the corresponding organs through specific music.

For example, when you feel unwell in your spleen and stomach, you can choose to listen to gongyin music, such as "Zizhu Tune", to reconcile the function of the spleen and stomach.

When your lungs are uncomfortable, you can choose to listen to commercial music, such as "Guangling San" and so on.

In the same way, horns, signs, and feathers also have corresponding care effects.

Five-tone therapy: listen to electronic Chinese medicine and enjoy cyber life

Image source: Baidu Encyclopedia

Here are a few types of music therapy.

✔ Psychosomatic resonance

For people who work under high pressure, palace music (such as "Plum Blossom Three Alleys") can help stabilize the body and mind and reduce stress. Its deep, melodious melody can help relax tense nerves and soothe fatigue.

✔ Nervous system regulation

Quotient music (e.g., "Spring and White Snow") is suitable for people with nervous system disorders or neurasthenia. Its brisk rhythm stimulates the body's vitality and boosts immune system function.

✔ Resonance therapy

The vibrational frequency of music is used to create a harmonious resonance with human cells, prompting cells to rearrange and improve the body's self-healing power. This treatment is effective in relaxing the body and relieving muscle tension.

Five-tone therapy: listen to electronic Chinese medicine and enjoy cyber life

✔ Echo therapy

By mimicking the echo effects of nature, such as the echo of a valley or the roar of a waterfall, the listener can achieve a state of relaxation, which has a certain effect on relieving anxiety and insomnia.

✔ Harmony therapy

Utilizing the harmonious combination of multiple tones to create a serene and harmonious atmosphere, it helps to balance emotions and improve mental comfort.

Five-tone therapy: listen to electronic Chinese medicine and enjoy cyber life

➤ Practical effects

In practical clinical application, the nursing method of TCM five tones into the five organs has been widely verified. Many patients have successfully alleviated their uncomfortable symptoms by listening to specific music.

Five-tone care has a good effect on emotional management.

For example, horn sound can treat liver yin burn over time, liver yin deficiency, dizziness and other syndromes;

Symptoms can treat symptoms such as laughter, insomnia, dreams, palpitations, etc.;

Gongyin can treat symptoms such as poor appetite, abdominal distention, fatigue, and desire to sing and sing;

Shangyin can treat crying and sadness, shortness of breath, cough, chest tightness and discomfort;

Yuyin can treat kidney yin, backache and leg weakness, tinnitus and other syndromes.

1. Five-tone nursing also has a certain effect on pain management. Music stimulates the pleasure centers of the brain and makes people forget about pain. Some constant, repetitive beats of music can distract the person and reduce the pain.

Second, music can also help regulate the patient's mood, relieve anxiety and stress, and further reduce pain.

3. Five-tone nursing also has a certain therapeutic effect on other diseases. For example, by listening to specific music to improve sleep quality, relieve constipation, reduce coughing, etc. Some studies have also shown that music can help relieve nausea and vomiting symptoms in chemotherapy patients, as well as improve fatigue and depression symptoms in people with multiple sclerosis, among other things.

Case 1: A patient with long-term spleen and stomach disharmony has significantly improved his symptoms such as loss of appetite and abdominal distension after listening to uterine music.

Five-tone therapy: listen to electronic Chinese medicine and enjoy cyber life

Case 2: Ms. Li suffered from insomnia for a long time, and her sleep quality was significantly improved through the resonance therapy in the five-tone treatment. She chooses to listen to palace-style music, whose deep, steady melodies help her relax her body and promote deep sleep. After a period of treatment, her insomnia symptoms were significantly reduced.

Five-tone therapy: listen to electronic Chinese medicine and enjoy cyber life

Case 3: For children with autism, doctors will combine specific five-tone care methods to help them relieve anxiety and improve social skills.

Five-tone therapy: listen to electronic Chinese medicine and enjoy cyber life

Image source: Shenzhen Children's Hospital

Music therapy is also an important part of psychotherapy, helping patients release their inner stress and negative emotions.

When facing negative emotions, such as anxiety and depression, you can try listening to some music that has healing powers. For example, music, such as "Flowing Water") can relieve tension and help you regain calm. At the same time, tonal music (such as "A Hundred Birds and a Phoenix") can stimulate positive emotions and enhance the enthusiasm of life.

Five-tone therapy: listen to electronic Chinese medicine and enjoy cyber life

Image source: Xiaohongshu user @100 days health plan

Although the theory of five tones into the five organs provides us with new nursing ideas, the following points need to be paid attention to in practical application:

First of all, for certain diseases, such as serious heart disease or mental illness, it should be carried out under the guidance of a doctor, and it is essential to choose the right music, which should be selected in combination with the individual situation and treatment goals;

Secondly, when choosing music, you should pay attention to the sound quality and volume, avoid excessive stimulation, and avoid too much or too little to affect the effect;

Finally, for some people who are sensitive to music, there may be uncomfortable reactions, which should be understood in advance and precautions should be taken, although pentatonic care is relatively safe, it still needs to be carried out under the guidance of professionals.

Five-tone therapy: listen to electronic Chinese medicine and enjoy cyber life

The five tones can nourish the heart and cure diseases

Such electronic Chinese medicine

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Five-tone therapy: listen to electronic Chinese medicine and enjoy cyber life

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