
A 34-year-old woman was diagnosed with stomach cancer and usually loves to dance square dances

author:Lao Li Health said

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On a sunny afternoon, Liu Xiaoming, a doctor, stood in the corridor of the hospital with a medical record in his hand.

This medical record records a case that he regrets - 34-year-old Li Xiaohua, who was diagnosed with stomach cancer. What shocked Dr. Liu Xiaoming even more was that Li Xiaohua's favorite activity was square dancing.

A 34-year-old woman was diagnosed with stomach cancer and usually loves to dance square dances

Dr. Liu Xiaoming shook his head and sighed to himself, it seems that square dancing is not so safe now. But he knew in his heart that stomach cancer could not develop into an advanced stage overnight, and there must be some underlying factors at play.

So, in addition to his busy work in the hospital, Dr. Liu Xiaoming began his research. He discovered an interesting phenomenon: although square dancing is a good way to exercise, if you don't pay attention to your physical condition, it can bring unexpected health risks.

A 34-year-old woman was diagnosed with stomach cancer and usually loves to dance square dances

Dr. Liu Xiaoming's in-depth research found that although square dancing can exercise the body, if you dance excessively, especially under the scorching sun in summer, it is easy to cause the body to sweat excessively, resulting in the loss of water and electrolytes. The lack of adequate water and electrolytes in the body increases the risk of damage to the gastric mucosa, which may promote the development of gastric cancer.

What's more, square dancers tend to eat and drink heavily after the event to replenish their energy. However, such eating habits are often unhealthy, and excessive greasy foods and sweets may burden the stomach, which in turn increases the risk of stomach cancer.

A 34-year-old woman was diagnosed with stomach cancer and usually loves to dance square dances

Moreover, square dancing is often concentrated in public places, with dense crowds and poor air circulation, which can easily cause respiratory infections. Studies have shown that there is a correlation between respiratory tract infections and gastric cancer, and long-term respiratory tract infections may trigger stomach inflammation, thereby increasing the risk of gastric cancer.

Dr. Liu Xiaoming secretly rejoiced in his heart, fortunately he discovered these problems in time, and now is the time to alert everyone in time.

A 34-year-old woman was diagnosed with stomach cancer and usually loves to dance square dances

He decided to popularize health knowledge to the public through various channels, especially those middle-aged and elderly people who love square dancing, and reminded them to pay attention to their physical condition, exercise moderately, eat reasonably, and protect their health.

While he was immersed in these thoughts, a patient suddenly asked him a question: "Doctor, can I get stomach cancer if I square dance every day?"

A 34-year-old woman was diagnosed with stomach cancer and usually loves to dance square dances

Dr. Liu Xiaoming replied with a smile: "Don't worry, square dancing in moderation is good for your body, but you should pay attention to reasonable exercise time, moderate hydration, diet control, and respiratory hygiene, so as to reduce the risk of stomach cancer." ”

Dr. Liu Xiaoming smiled and finished speaking to the patient, who seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, nodded with satisfaction, and turned to leave. Dr. Liu Xiaoming felt a little relieved that being able to solve patients' doubts was his greatest achievement as a doctor.

A 34-year-old woman was diagnosed with stomach cancer and usually loves to dance square dances

Thinking back to the previous medical record, he thought deeply again. Although square dancing is a healthy form of exercise, it can also bring unexpected risks if you don't pay attention to your physical condition.

Therefore, he made up his mind to strengthen the publicity of health education, so that more people can understand these health tips and protect their bodies.

A 34-year-old woman was diagnosed with stomach cancer and usually loves to dance square dances

In the doctor's heart, every patient is worthy of care and care. And he, as a doctor, has a lot of responsibility and a long way to go. But he believes that as long as he can continue to learn and improve, he can bring health and hope to more people.

"Doctor, I usually eat spicy food, will I get stomach cancer?" a patient suddenly asked him.

A 34-year-old woman was diagnosed with stomach cancer and usually loves to dance square dances

Dr. Liu Xiaoming replied with a smile: "Eating spicy peppers itself will not directly cause stomach cancer, but if you consume chili peppers excessively for a long time, it may irritate the gastric mucosa and increase the risk of stomach cancer." Therefore, it is okay to eat spicy food in moderation, but you should also pay attention to your physical condition and don't overeat. ”

What do you think about stomach cancer? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

A 34-year-old woman was diagnosed with stomach cancer and usually loves to dance square dances

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