
Food recommendation: green plum short ribs, grilled river eel with five sauces, and Wenlou soup dumplings

author:Candlelight rafting
Food recommendation: green plum short ribs, grilled river eel with five sauces, and Wenlou soup dumplings

Plum short ribs


18 baby pork ribs, 3 green plums and 6 cloves, 10 grams of tomato paste, 40 grams of sugar, 10 grams of white vinegar, 30 grams of rice vinegar, 1 gram of salt, 30 grams of dark soy sauce, 2 grams of chicken essence, 30 grams of water.


1. Marinate and starch the prepared steaks.

2. Marinated chops, fry them with eighty percent oil temperature to make a shape, and remove them for re-frying.

3. Prepare the green plums in advance and heat them in oil.

4. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, first fry the tomato sauce until fragrant, and add all the seasonings.

5. Pour the small chops prepared in advance into the pot, thicken and stir well.

Food recommendation: green plum short ribs, grilled river eel with five sauces, and Wenlou soup dumplings

Grilled river eel with five sauces

Raw material:

1 live river eel (about 600 grams), 100 grams of five sauces, 15 grams of green onions, 15 grams of ginger, 10 grams of salt, 10 grams of pepper, 15 grams of white wine, 150 grams of cornmeal, 500 grams of salad oil.

Five sauce recipes and production:

Ingredients: (based on 500g net ingredients):

30 grams of bean paste, 20 grams of sand tea sauce, 20 grams of Zhuhou sauce, 15 grams of hoisin sauce, 10 grams of Ah Xiangpo hot sauce, 20 grams of ginger and garlic, 30 grams of sesame oil, 30 grams of soy sauce, 20 grams of sugar, 10 grams of monosodium glutamate, 15 grams of cooked sesame seeds.


First, mix the bean paste puree, sand tea sauce, Zhuhou sauce, hoisin sauce and Ah Xiangpo hot sauce evenly, add sugar, sesame oil, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, ginger and garlic and mix evenly, sprinkle cooked sesame seeds, and drizzle sesame oil.


The sauce can be refrigerated for a long time, but not frozen, and the sauce is fluid and easy to adhere to the surface of the ingredients.


1. Slaughter the river eel, cut the abdomen from the back and connect it, remove the internal organs and bone spurs, and rinse it;

2. Cut a cross-shaped flower knife on the inside of the river eel, add green onion, ginger, salt, pepper and white wine to marinate to taste. Pat the cornmeal evenly;

3. Add oil to the pot and boil until it is six or seven hot, put in the river eel and fry it until it is ripe and golden in color, remove it, change the knife and put it on the plate, put the five sauces evenly, and smear it on the river eel.


Draw inferences: fried cod in five sauces, fried yellow croaker in five sauces.

Food recommendation: green plum short ribs, grilled river eel with five sauces, and Wenlou soup dumplings

Wenlou soup dumplings


Wenlou soup dumplings are a famous traditional noodle dish in the Huai'an region of Jiangsu. As early as the Qing Daoguang period (1821-1851), it was already prestigious. It is created by Hexia Town Wenlou Noodle Restaurant. It is made by boiling soup with a variety of raw materials with water dough conditioner, mixing crab meat filling, wrapping it into bun raw stock, and steaming. It is characterized by thin skin and large filling, mellow soup, strong fragrance and excellent taste.

Raw material:

500 grams of flour, 1 net hen, 300 grams of pork belly, pork skin, pork bones, 500 grams of crab, 50 grams of white soy sauce and Shao wine, 8 grams of refined salt, 10 grams of sugar, 3 grams of monosodium glutamate, 35 grams of minced ginger, 20 grams of minced green onions, 1.5 grams of white pepper, 25 grams of chemical lard, 30 grams of balsamic vinegar and minced coriander.


1. Blanch the chicken, pork bones and pork skin into a pot of boiling water respectively, cut the pork belly into large slices, put them in the pot together, add water and cook until the chicken and pork are ripe, take them out and cut them into small cubes about 0.3 cm square.

2. Boil the pork rind and remove and mince it. After the pork bones are boiled, remove them and do not use them, filter the soup, then put them in the pot, add the minced meat skin and cook until they are viscous, and then add the diced meat and chicken to cook together.

3. Brush the crab clean, put it in the steamer to steam, take out the crab meat, add lard to the wok and heat it, add 10 grams of minced ginger and minced green onions, 15 grams of Shao wine, fry the crab meat slightly, add white pepper and 3 grams of refined salt and stir well. Add the remaining Shao wine, minced green onion, white soy sauce, sugar, monosodium glutamate, L gram of refined salt, 10 grams of minced ginger and fried crab meat to the boiled broth, pour it into a container, stir repeatedly until it cools and solidifies into a filling.

4. Add water, refined salt and evenly form a hard dough in the flour, knead it evenly and thoroughly repeatedly, until it is smooth and strong, knead it into a long strip, put it into a medium weighing about 20 grams, arrange it into a round thin skin, crush the coagulated filling by hand, wrap it in the dough and stuffing, close the mouth and fold it into a round waist-shaped bun blank, put it into a special soup dumpling cage, 1 per cage, put it on the pot of boiling water and steam it for about 7 minutes until it is cooked and taken out, and serve it with minced ginger, balsamic vinegar and coriander.


When boiling the soup, skim off the foam at any time, and boil until the soup is thick, and there are no particles. Stir and cool to prevent the bottom from sinking. When wrapping, the filling should be as large as possible. Steamed until it is broken, not overheated, in case it falls off. Use a straw to absorb the soup in the bag before eating.

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