
U.S. Ultimatum: Israel Should StopU.S. President Joe Biden recently issued an ultimatum to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to stop its attacks on civilians in Gaza. This move

author:Shinchi Ryū

The United States issued an ultimatum: Israel should stop

U.S. President Joe Biden recently issued an ultimatum to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, demanding that Israel stop its attacks on civilians in Gaza. This move has attracted widespread attention.

In the call, Biden said that the United States could not accept Israel's frequent attacks on civilians and demanded that it take concrete measures to protect civilians or reassess its policy toward Gaza.

There are multiple factors behind this shift, including pressure from international public opinion and internal political considerations in the United States. Netizens agreed with this, hoping that Israel could follow Biden's advice and solve the problem through peaceful negotiations.

The change in the attitude of the United States not only shows respect for human rights, but also shows its positive role in international affairs. It is to be hoped that Israel will be able to take action to achieve long-term peace and stability.

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U.S. Ultimatum: Israel Should StopU.S. President Joe Biden recently issued an ultimatum to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to stop its attacks on civilians in Gaza. This move
U.S. Ultimatum: Israel Should StopU.S. President Joe Biden recently issued an ultimatum to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to stop its attacks on civilians in Gaza. This move
U.S. Ultimatum: Israel Should StopU.S. President Joe Biden recently issued an ultimatum to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to stop its attacks on civilians in Gaza. This move

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