
Don't miss out on the boutique discussion of chrysanthemum planting technology

author:Blue willow

Don't miss out on the boutique discussion of chrysanthemum planting technology

Song Liping

The fine chrysanthemum is a chrysanthemum with high ornamental value, which is deeply liked by the masses. The cultivation process of chrysanthemum includes variety selection, cuttings and seedlings, cultivation methods, fertilizer and water management, height control and other technologies. The fine chrysanthemum is the fine chrysanthemum, which is mainly manifested in the large and colorful flowers, thick stems, beautiful leaves and positive colors, the overall coordination and beauty, and the ornamental value is extremely high. The fine chrysanthemum is mainly potted plants, which are mainly used for exhibition decoration and court placement, which shocks the audience. Anyang Huanshui Park has cultivated chrysanthemums for more than 30 years, and has accumulated rich experience in the cultivation of chrysanthemums.

Don't miss out on the boutique discussion of chrysanthemum planting technology

First, the selection of varieties

There are at least several thousand varieties of ornamental chrysanthemums, and there are only about 100 common varieties used to cultivate fine chrysanthemums. Variety selection is very important, and the varieties should be selected and determined during the full flowering period, and photographically marked, and planted outdoors in November for protective wintering in preparation for the collection of cuttings the following year. The following points should be paid attention to in the selection of chrysanthemum varieties:

(1) Petal type

It is advisable to choose chrysanthemum varieties of flat petals, tube petals and spoon petals, and chrysanthemum varieties of cinnamon petals and deformed petals should not be selected.

(2) Flower type

The first choice is the spherical type with a fruitful corolla, followed by the roll-up type, peony type, rosette type, curly type and other varieties that are not exposed or have little heart. Varieties of broadband type, flat plate type, honeycomb type, and silk hairstyle should not be selected.

(3) Color

Yellow, white, and pink chrysanthemum varieties are the most popular, and green, purple, orange and other colors are also preferred by a few people. Therefore, the selection of colors should cater to the appreciation habits of the public, and use this as the basis for the proportion of colors in production.

(4) Blades

The varieties with large leaves, shiny foliage, strong resistance to bacterial infection, and no wrinkled stems during the flowering period are ideal, while those varieties with uncoordinated proportion of flowers and branches and leaves and thin leaves are not suitable for high-quality cultivation.

(5) Flowering period

Mainly the varieties with normal flowering period, the early flowering and middle and late flowering can be appropriately cultivated to replace the early flowering varieties and prolong the flowering time. Short-day treatment can artificially control the flowering period and obtain the opportunity of flower show.

(6) Easy to reproduce

Choose varieties that are easy to root and grow strongly.

(7) Easy to dwarf

Choose varieties that are naturally grown, moderately high, and sensitive to drug control. After screening, the following varieties are available for reference:

1. White varieties: Tang Yu Aoshi, Xuetao, Waterfall Drift Ice, Guohua Yinqiang, etc.

2. Pink varieties: Guohua early cherry, auspicious clouds, auspicious clouds and spring rain, drunken dancing neon clothes, etc.

3. Yellow varieties: Guohua Million Stones, Golden Wind Wanli, Independent Cold Autumn, Yellow Crane Tower, etc.

4. Other color varieties: Jade Autumn, Ancient Temple King Kong, Golden Kwai Xiangyang, Phoenix Zhenyu, etc.

2. Cultivation technology

To cultivate high-quality potted chrysanthemums, it is necessary to master the important cultivation techniques of each stage of the mother plant, such as winter storage, cuttings and seedlings, and potted plant management, so as to ensure that the rhizomes, leaves, and flowers of chrysanthemums are fully grown and developed at all stages.

(1) Cultivate high-quality cuttings

Cuttings are the basis for cultivating high-quality chrysanthemums, and the maintenance and management of the mother plant of the determined chrysanthemum variety during the wintering period should be strengthened to prevent the mother plant from frostbite in the cold winter, and the mother plant can be covered with leaves or set up a non-woven small arch shed to protect its wintering. Do not use plastic arch shed, plastic arch shed is easy to cause the temperature in the shed to rise and fall, which is not conducive to chrysanthemum dormancy, after low temperature and dormancy chrysanthemum mother plant can germinate strong new shoots in the spring of the next year. In the winter storage management of the mother plant, attention should be paid to controlling the amount of watering, watering enough water when going to the ground, watering 1~2 times according to the weather conditions before the beginning of spring, preventing and controlling the chrysanthemum buds, at the end of February and early March, the chrysanthemum mother plant branches are pruned and retained 10~20 cm, and watering is started to promote the germination of chrysanthemums.

(2) Propagation by cuttings

In mid-May, the biggest advantage of hole tray seedling cultivation is that there is no slow seedling period. The cuttings substrate was prepared as 50% perlite, 30% Pan's nutrient soil and 20% coco. Load the substrate into the hole plate, press lightly to ensure that each hole is filled with substrate, the hole plate is watered thoroughly, the cut chrysanthemum buds are inserted into the hole hole, and then the prepared variety sign is inserted into the edge of the hole hole, and finally the hole plate is placed on the sandy seedbed for water replenishment, and the space-time switch is used to control the spray, generally spraying once at an interval of 10~20 min, 20~30 s each time, and adjusting it in a timely manner according to the weather conditions.

The key points mastered in the management of acupoint cuttings are as follows:

1. Spray the mother chrysanthemum plant once a week before cutting the cuttings, and water thoroughly 1 day in advance.

2. Put the harvested cuttings into the water to soak, take cuttings with water, survive quickly, not easy to lodging; the length of the top of the cuttings is 6~8 cm, remove the excess leaves at the lower part of the chrysanthemum bud, leave 1~2 unfolded leaves at the top, cut off the excess part with a blade at about 5cm of the chrysanthemum bud, and the cross-section is flat and slightly inclined to the stem at an angle of 45 °.

3. The cuttings should be centered and shallowly inserted, and 1 leaf node should be inserted into the substrate.

4. 10 days before the seedling stage, spray once a day with 400 times chlorothalonil solution.

5. When rooting about 2 cm, go to the pot, and do not stay in the hole plate for too long, otherwise it will cause nest roots, which is not conducive to later growth.

(3) Seedling management

After the cuttings survive, transplant to 10 cm×12 cm two-color pots, shallow planting, the upper pot soil is loose and breathable ordinary culture soil (3 parts of humus soil, 5 parts of rotted cottonseed husk and sawdust, 2 parts of garden soil), according to the density of 81 pots per square meter, watered enough permeability, and the potting soil is kept moist by spraying water in the morning and evening during the slow seedling period, and there is no need for top dressing. In late June, topping was carried out, and after topping, 3 leaves were retained, 2 leaves were retained at the base of the stem, and the rest of the leaves were removed. After germinating side branches, select the positive head in time, wipe off other side branches, and apply light fertilizer to promote growth.

(4) Chrysanthemum planting management

In mid-July, when the new side branches of the chrysanthemum seedlings grow to 7 cm, start to pot, choose 21 cm×19 cm two-color pots, plant the seedlings with good roots into the pots, and then place the flower pots on the ditches prepared in advance, the east and west start from the north and south in rows, the height of the ridges is 30 cm, the width is 120 cm, and the 60 cm walkway is left between the two ridges, and the longitudinal 4 rows of flower pots are placed on the platform according to the spacing of 10 cm × 10 cm, and the water is permeable. In the meantime, pay attention to pruning the newly sprouted side branches, add heavy fertilizer soil to 2/3 of the pot twice in mid to late August, add enough fertile soil in early September, leave 2 cm water inlet, and start to bud at this time, and peel off the side buds and side branches and foot buds that have germinated one after another in time. Peel the buds from top to bottom, keeping the two main buds, and keeping one bud when the buds are about to be transparent. The key points to be mastered in the pouring process are as follows:

1. Cultivating high-quality chrysanthemums, nutrient soil configuration is fundamental, chrysanthemums like fertilizer, but the fertility can not be too large, fertilizer effect to last, generally use the nutrient soil prepared the year before, by fermenting and rotting cow dung and chicken manure 3 parts, containing large manure humus 5 parts, rotting cottonseed husk and sawdust 2 parts mixed.

2. 1 day before pouring the pot, the chrysanthemum seedlings of the small potted plants should be watered thoroughly to ensure that the chrysanthemum seedlings are intact when transplanting.

3. When the chrysanthemum seedlings are repotted, try to plant the new shoots with the opposite head in the center of the pot.

4. Chrysanthemum seedlings should also be shallow planting, nutrient soil to cover the upper surface of the chrysanthemum seedlings, and gradually fill with heavy fertilizer nutrient soil as the chrysanthemum stem grows taller in the future, so that new roots can be promoted to make the chrysanthemum grow more robust, and the effect of dwarfing can also be achieved.

(5) Water and fertilizer management at different stages

Grasping the time and amount of watering and fertilizing during the vegetative growth period and reproductive growth period of chrysanthemums is the key factor to ensure the ornamental effect of chrysanthemums. The fertilizer water generally applied is the organic liquid fertilizer fermented in advance with water chestnut and sesame residue.

During the vegetative growth period of chrysanthemum, pay attention to water deduction and fertilizer, mainly nitrogen fertilizer, fully cultivate the root system, and the nitrogen fertilizer applied is the liquid fertilizer fermented in water with horseshoe and sesame residue in advance. Before topping and sprouting, control the amount of watering. The amount of watering in the early stage of chrysanthemum seedling growth is small, 1~2 days of watering, 1 time of thin fertilizer water a week, urea can also be applied outside the roots, promote the synchronous growth of the leaves, and prevent the fall of feet and leaves. After the beginning of autumn, increase the amount of fertilizer, maintain the required amount of water for 2~3 days each watering, adhere to the watering principle of dry and wet potting soil, and carry out foliar spraying or ground sprinkling in the morning and evening when the weather is hot, so as to cool down and moisturize. In late August, the flower buds began to differentiate into the reproductive growth period, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizers were increased, and potassium dihydrogen phosphate liquid fertilizer was watered once every 5 days, and top dressing was applied once a week outside the roots, and 1000 times liquid potassium dihydrogen phosphate could be used for foliar spraying. In early to mid-September, fertilization was slightly stopped during the pregnant bud period to prevent the occurrence of willow leaf heads. When the flower buds grow to the size of soybeans, increase the concentration of fertilizer and water, reduce the amount of fertilizer when the temperature decreases in the later stage of flower bud development, and stop fertilizing when the flower buds are color-transmitting.

3. Dwarfing treatment

The height of the chrysanthemum is generally required to be 50~70 cm, and the varieties with large flowers but too high branches are prone to lodging and head folding, so they should be dwarfed. Bijiu is the most ideal dwarf agent, when the pot sprouts new shoots, start spraying Bijiu solution, the concentration is 0.1%~0.2%, spray 1 time every 7~10 days, until the chrysanthemum basically stops growing taller after the buds, the end of spraying, spraying time is appropriate in the evening.

Chrysanthemums basically stop growing after budding, but some chrysanthemum varieties with flying flowers will continue to grow tall during the bud development, and dwarf treatment is required, which can be controlled by long-term chemicals. In order to avoid pesticide damage to the petals, the roots were watered with a concentration of 0.5% Bijiu solution, or the needle tip was used to puncture multiple internodes of the first flower stem under the flower bud to inhibit its growth.

Fourth, pest control

From August to October, chrysanthemum diseases and insect pests occur in a high incidence period, common diseases such as rust and brown spot should be prevented in advance, and low-residue agents such as chlorothalonil and carbendazim should be used alternately, and sprayed once every 7~10 days. The main insect pests that are serious are cabbage worms, borers, and grubs, and the combination of pesticide prevention, physical control and artificial capture is adopted, and the medicine is selected as systemic type; physical control such as black light trapping, sexual trap trapping; combined with chrysanthemum to remove side buds, peeling flower buds to manually capture cabbage insects, combined with early morning watering to catch grubs.

5. Other management

Turn the pot 180 ° every half month, adjust the light receiving surface to keep the plant shape and grow evenly, and prevent the new roots from growing into the soil layer through the permeable hole at the bottom of the pot; keep the leaves clean, pay attention to the water spraying of branches and leaves after rain, and spray water on the leaf surface while watering fertilizer water after the flowers are color-transmitting; when the chrysanthemum grows to 20 cm, the chrysanthemum should be tied, and the binding material is replaced by a 1 cm aluminum tube, which is both strong and beautiful and reusable, and the aluminum tube with a length of 60~80 cm is intercepted, and the distance from the flower stem is 2~3 cm inserted into the pot, straight to the end, with green nylon grass rope to tie the chrysanthemum plant in advance, as the chrysanthemum continues to grow, continue to tie, wait until the flower bud is translucent, cut off the aluminum tube, and the flower neck under the flower bud, be careful not to hurt the leaves and buds.

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