
With the "public welfare market" as the carrier, we will create a "Xin" scene of convenient services

author:View Weihai

In order to further build a new scene of "15-minute community life circle" and continuously improve the community convenience service function, the Party Committee of Changfeng Xin'an Community in Weihai Economic District adheres to the guidance of party building, focuses on the needs of residents, actively connects and revitalizes multiple resources, promotes the inflow of multiple forces, activates the "pool of spring water" of community governance, and makes every effort to draw a "new picture" of the happy life of the residents.

Party building leads good-neighborliness and sharing

With the "public welfare market" as the carrier, we will create a "Xin" scene of convenient services

The Party Committee of Changfeng Xin'an Community has actively built an integrated and branded convenience service platform, and created a unique cultural brand - the Good Neighbor Cultural Festival, which gathers people, hearts and forces in the form of "market". The market not only has regular legal consultation, employment consultation, policy publicity, and public welfare consultation, but also adds a rich display connotation. A variety of theatrical performances ignited the atmosphere, charity sales carried forward the culture of charity and united the love of the whole people, handicraft exhibits were displayed to inherit the culture of "ingenuity", calligraphy and painting exhibitions used calligraphy and painting as the medium to convey affection with pen and ink, and tea masters explained the tea ceremony culture on the spot...... The bazaar provides opportunities for neighborhood communication and demonstrates the diversity and richness of the spiritual life of the residents of the grid. Through the annual Good Neighbor Cultural Festival, the list of residents' needs is transformed into a satisfactory list of convenient services, so that the residents of the grid can reap a real sense of happiness.

With the "public welfare market" as the carrier, we will create a "Xin" scene of convenient services

In addition, relying on the New Era Civilization Practice Station, the community party committee has carried out "public welfare bazaar" activities on a regular basis, set up free health clinic areas, policy publicity areas, and service areas for the people, etc., serving residents in various forms, attracting the active participation of residents and winning wide acclaim.

With the "public welfare market" as the carrier, we will create a "Xin" scene of convenient services

Pioneer check-in service expansion

Combined with the actual situation, the Party Committee of Changfeng Xin'an Community takes the "Public Welfare Market" as a platform, gives full play to the leading role of the community party organization, links the resource advantages of the "double registration" co-construction units, in-service party members, enterprises, merchants and other resources, so that the "red power" can gather, continue to expand the "circle of friends", and strengthen the governance force. The registration information in the early stage is compiled into the community volunteer team according to the address, scope of activities, service time, skills and specialties, etc., and joins the grid and the multi-party forces of the grid to participate in community governance. Through the implementation of "double registration", organize public security, justice, housing and other functional departments to go into the public welfare market to carry out policy publicity, carry out "warm-hearted consultation, warm-hearted agency" and other services, to achieve the normalization of contact and service to the masses;

With the "public welfare market" as the carrier, we will create a "Xin" scene of convenient services
With the "public welfare market" as the carrier, we will create a "Xin" scene of convenient services

Integrity and co-construction, mutual assistance and win-win

The community party committee organically combines the "public welfare market" with the "integrity construction", invites the "red partners" in the jurisdiction to actively participate in the public welfare market, establishes a point reward system, commends outstanding merchants and volunteers, and enhances the enthusiasm of the whole people to participate in community construction;

With the "public welfare market" as the carrier, we will create a "Xin" scene of convenient services

In the next step, the Party Committee of Changfeng Xin'an Community will continue to tap capable and enthusiastic "governance experts" through the public welfare market, and gradually guide the residents to change their identity from service objects to volunteers. Through the "public welfare market", more residents can participate in it and enjoy it, realize the "great convergence" of resources and forces, and draw a "concentric circle" of co-construction, co-governance and sharing.

Source: Changfeng Xin'an Community

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