
Genre movies are that if you buy a banana, he will never give you a turnip|"Blind Girl Psycho" is a model of the genre

author:Mick watches a movie
Genre movies are that if you buy a banana, he will never give you a turnip|"Blind Girl Psycho" is a model of the genre

Genre movies are commodities, and the use value of this commodity is to bring consumers an emotional experience rich in joy, anger and sorrow.

It is the film artists who make this merchandise. There are two kinds of artists, one is the craftsman type, 99 percent of the artists are in this category, and the other is the genius type, which can be counted in the history of mankind.

Genre films are purely fictional feature films, which extract effective forms from reality and organize them into films with emotional presets according to mature conventions for consumers to buy. There is no absolute law for success or failure, only generally effective experience.

The commerciality of genre films makes it possible to locate and study the target consumer group of the film before it is produced. The results of this work will directly serve as a guide to action for filmmaking. Those filmmakers who can effectively perceive the audience's emotional points and can effectively activate these points - producers, screenwriters, directors, actors and stars - are the soul of this industry.

The purely formalist technique of fictional films

In real life, the ordinary and trivial are the norm, time and life are just constant repetitions, and reality is often a piece of chicken feathers, meaningless at all.

"The art of cinema is the interesting part of life. "Hitchcock

Movies are an artistic means to pass the time of boredom. It must allow the audience to have a complex and effective emotional experience in the process of watching the movie, and if it feels more boring than reality after watching it, then the movie will fail at home.

When watching a movie, the first thing to judge is whether it is a commercial genre movie, and most American movies are. Then judge what type of commercial film this is, and what kind of experience he hopes to bring to the audience. Finally, feel how he did and how he did it. A good commercial film can often successfully achieve several experiences at the same time. It can be regarded as buy one get one free, so that the audience can have a value-for-money enjoyment.

"Some people say that movies are a part of life, and my films are part of the cake. ”

Alfred Hitchcock

Hitchcock's films are a prime example of a commercial genre film. His films are purely formalist films, and Hitchcock is a master of how to bring a unique experience to the audience through cinematic techniques. "Psycho of the Blind Girl" has some Hitchcock meanings.

The director is the director of the first 007, British, and the screenwriter is also British, and has only written two successful works, both of which are stage plays, and the other is directed by Hitchcock in "Murder by Phone". The tradition of British detective fiction.

Interestingly, both the director and the screenwriter were born in China, one in Shanghai and the other in Hankow, the son of the Chief Inspector of the British Concession Police, and the other the son of a British missionary. Both also fought in World War II.

Suspense thriller is Hitchcock's signature dish, and so is this film. The female star is Hitchcock's dessert and pre-dinner aperitif, and so is this film.

Genre movies are that if you buy a banana, he will never give you a turnip|"Blind Girl Psycho" is a model of the genre

The foundation of the stage play makes the characters in this film more plump, and the dramatic conflicts are more concentrated and powerful.

Genre movies are that if you buy a banana, he will never give you a turnip|"Blind Girl Psycho" is a model of the genre

The 38-year-old Hepburn has passed his most beautiful years, and what appears in this film is a stubborn but elegant image of a blind girl.

April 6, 2024

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