
The five types of empathy – the five levels

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Empathy, or empathy, is a wonderful psychic ability that allows us to transcend individual boundaries and experience the emotional world of others. In interpersonal communication, empathy is like a bridge, connecting each other's hearts.

Empathy, in short, is putting yourself in the shoes of others and feeling their inner world. It is the art of communication that allows us to empathize with our hearts, experience the emotions of others, and convey that understanding to them.

The five types of empathy – the five levels

There are seeds of empathy buried in everyone's heart, and they take root and sprout in different situations. Have you ever felt the joy or pain of someone else at a certain moment and understood the ups and downs of their lives? That's the power of empathy.

Empathy is not an innate talent, but can be cultivated through hard work. Many people aspire to improve their empathy skills, but before that, it's important to know the type of empathy you're good at.

The five types of empathy – the five levels

American psychologist Cindy Dyer divides empathy into five types, each representing a different level of understanding and perception:

1. Body empathy: empathy

Physical empathy allows us to feel the physical pain of others, as if their discomfort is our discomfort. This empathy is especially pronounced between parents and children, but we also need to be careful not to let ourselves fall into excessive empathy.

2. Emotional empathy: emotional resonance

Emotional empathy involves the perception of other people's basic emotions, such as anger, sadness, happiness, etc. Sensitive people are able to capture subtle emotional changes in others, but at the same time protect themselves from being hurt by strong emotions.

3. Spiritual empathy: the exchange of ideas

Spiritual empathy is about the acquisition and understanding of information. People with this ability to empathize are able to see into the minds of others and understand their perspectives and decision-making processes, which is a deeper cognitive resonance.

4. Natural empathy: Animism

Natural empaths are able to connect with all living and non-living beings in nature, regardless of distance. They feel the pulse of the natural world and develop a deep emotional bond with animals.

5. Heart-to-heart empathy: Dialogue of the soul

Spiritual empathy is the highest state of empathy, which goes beyond superficial behaviors and emotions and touches the character and soul of the individual. Empathizers are able to perceive the sincerity and reliability of others, a path that may be pursued throughout life.

The five types of empathy – the five levels

Empathy is not only an ability, but also an art, an art that connects people's hearts and enhances understanding. By cultivating and improving empathy, we are able to better communicate with others and understand the world more deeply.

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