
The biggest failure of married life is to force each other into 3 types of advice, which can be applied to both men and women.

author:The people wear Mei Ai
The biggest failure of married life is to force each other into 3 types of advice, which can be applied to both men and women.

Have you noticed how she/he, who used to have light in her eyes and full of passion for life, slowly became depressed, controlling or grumpy in the siege of marriage? Did marriage change her/him, or did we inadvertently force her down this path? When I finish analyzing my humble opinions, I may be able to find the she/him we love so much. I hope to give him/her a little help in reality.

The biggest failure of married life is to force each other into 3 types of advice, which can be applied to both men and women.

The first type. Sometimes, we find that he/she who used to be hardworking and positive becomes more and more heartless. What makes her/him what he is? It is the endless advice and interference of the husband or wife after marriage that makes her/him feel constrained in every decision in her life; It was the betrayal and hurt of the other half that made her/him feel aggrieved and angry. These negative emotions are like heavy stones, weighing her out of breath and draining her/his vitality and enthusiasm.

The biggest failure of married life is to force each other into 3 types of advice, which can be applied to both men and women.

Or the second type, she/he becomes more and more in control of everything, from what she eats and drinks to social activities. Behind this desire for control is actually her/his deep fear and uneasiness about losing control. She/he tries to increase his or her sense of security by being in control, but this practice often leaves both parties feeling tired and depressed.

The biggest failure of married life is to force each other into 3 types of advice, which can be applied to both men and women.

Then there is the third type, where her/his temper may get worse and worse, and a little thing can make her angry. This is not a change in her/his nature, but a manifestation of her/his chronic lack of love and support. In her/his/his world, it seems that only perfection can be recognized and accepted, and the slightest mistake can trigger her/his nervousness and anxiety.

The biggest failure of married life is to force each other into 3 types of advice, which can be applied to both men and women.

If you want your partner not to appear in the above three types, you must understand that marriage is not a simple union, but a relationship that requires the joint efforts of both parties to manage and maintain. When we see our partner change in our marriage, we should be more understanding and patient to explore the reasons and needs behind her/his actions. Only by working together can we create a more understanding and inclusive marriage environment for each other! In order to find the she/him we love deeply, and make marriage a harbor for each other's growth, rather than a battlefield for mutual consumption.

Marriage is a spiritual practice that requires us to manage and understand with our hearts. When we are faced with a change in our significant other, don't give up or blame easily, but try to get to the bottom of her/their inner needs and fears. Only by working together to find that passionate and energetic her/him can we create a happy married life together!

The biggest failure of married life is to force each other into 3 types of advice, which can be applied to both men and women.
The biggest failure of married life is to force each other into 3 types of advice, which can be applied to both men and women.


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