
The monastery hidden in the corner, accompanied by the cliff pigeons, maybe the piety of asceticism, but also a real freedom⃣ 1️Refueling on the side of the road, the little brother handed over a cigarette, smoking at the gas station, smoking is the heart

author:Tender grass wool in the fog capital

The monastery hidden in the corner, with the cliff pigeons as its companion, perhaps the ascetic piety, is also a real freedom

1️⃣ Refueling on the side of the road, the little brother handed over a cigarette, smoking at the gas station, smoking is a heartbeat

2️⃣ 塞凡万克半岛-Sevanavank 塞凡修道院

Lake Sevan must be beautiful in the summer

3️⃣ Geghard Monastery

Today's best, the interior of the monastery is spectacular, and there is a magnificent hall when you go up through a small door

4️⃣ 加尼神庙-Garni Temple

There are tickets, there are free public toilets, and there is a big supermarket in the town around the corner from the temple, which is good

5️⃣ 深坑修道院-Khor Virap Monastery

There are 2 deep pits in the hut next to the main hall, and it is recommended to climb down to feel the despair of captivity and look out at the mountain of Aare (in Turkey) in the distance

#高加索三国 #亚美尼亚 #境外自驾

The monastery hidden in the corner, accompanied by the cliff pigeons, maybe the piety of asceticism, but also a real freedom⃣ 1️Refueling on the side of the road, the little brother handed over a cigarette, smoking at the gas station, smoking is the heart
The monastery hidden in the corner, accompanied by the cliff pigeons, maybe the piety of asceticism, but also a real freedom⃣ 1️Refueling on the side of the road, the little brother handed over a cigarette, smoking at the gas station, smoking is the heart
The monastery hidden in the corner, accompanied by the cliff pigeons, maybe the piety of asceticism, but also a real freedom⃣ 1️Refueling on the side of the road, the little brother handed over a cigarette, smoking at the gas station, smoking is the heart
The monastery hidden in the corner, accompanied by the cliff pigeons, maybe the piety of asceticism, but also a real freedom⃣ 1️Refueling on the side of the road, the little brother handed over a cigarette, smoking at the gas station, smoking is the heart
The monastery hidden in the corner, accompanied by the cliff pigeons, maybe the piety of asceticism, but also a real freedom⃣ 1️Refueling on the side of the road, the little brother handed over a cigarette, smoking at the gas station, smoking is the heart

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