
Learn to raise seedlings correctly to protect cherries from pests and diseases

author:Blue willow

Learn to raise seedlings correctly to protect cherries from pests and diseases

Tang Li


Cherries are a delicious and nutritious fruit that is popular across the globe. Cherry tree cultivation involves many steps, including seedling raising, cultivation and pest control. Among them, seedling raising technology has an important impact on the growth and yield of cherry trees. At the same time, pest control is also a key issue in the cherry planting process. At the same time, in accordance with the standardized and standardized pest control workflow, the adverse effects of pests and diseases should be reduced from the root, and the cherries of good quality should be presented to effectively meet people's needs for healthy food and lay the foundation for the sustainable development of agricultural products in the mainland.

Learn to raise seedlings correctly to protect cherries from pests and diseases

1. The value of cherry seedling technology and pest control

Cherries are very popular in both domestic and foreign markets, as a delicious and nutritious fruit, strengthening the research on its seedling technology and pest control is the key factor to ensure the high quality and high yield of cherries, which is of great significance for the development of the cherry industry. From the perspective of work practice, cherry seedling technology is an important foundation for the development of the cherry industry, and the cherry seedling work mainly includes the selection of excellent varieties, the cultivation of strong seedlings, planting and other links. When selecting varieties, factors such as market demand, climatic conditions, and soil types should be considered to select varieties with strong adaptability. To cultivate strong seedlings, it is necessary to pay attention to the selection of strong anvils, seed treatment, seedling management and other links to ensure that the seedlings grow robustly and are free of diseases and pests. Attention should be paid to planting density, water and fertilizer management, pruning and other factors to improve cherry yield and quality. In addition, there are some important technical measures in cherry seedling technology, such as grafting, pruning, fertilization, etc. Grafting is a commonly used technique in cherry seedlings, and the disease resistance and adaptability of cherries can be improved by selecting excellent scion and suitable rootstocks. Pruning is an important means to control the shape and growth of cherry trees, and reasonable pruning can promote cherry flowering and fruiting. Fertilization is an important measure to improve the yield and quality of cherries, and it should be reasonably fertilized according to the growth needs of cherries and soil fertility. In the seedling stage, the control of pests and diseases is a very critical part of the work, common pests and diseases include root cancer, gum disease, anthracnose, aphids, red spiders, etc. For these pests and diseases, effective control measures should be found in time to ensure the healthy growth of cherries. In short, only by continuously improving seedling technology and pest control level can we ensure the high yield and high quality of cherries, improve the competitiveness of the cherry industry, and promote the development of agricultural economy.

2 Analysis of cherry growth and development characteristics

Cherry is a plant of the Rosaceae family, Prunus, native to China. Cherry fruit is delicious, nutritious and has high medicinal value. Cherry trees have strong growth, good cold resistance, and wide adaptability, but have high requirements for soil, climate, water and other conditions. The growth and development characteristics of cherries are mainly manifested in the following aspects.

2.1 Bud germination characteristics

The buds of cherry trees are characterized by early spring germination and fast growth. In general, buds begin to germinate in late March to early April, with mid-April to early May being the peak bud growth period and late May to early June being the slow bud growth period.

2.2 Flowering characteristics

Cherry trees have a longer flowering period, starting from late March to early April and lasting until late May to early June. When the temperature is suitable during the flowering period, the pollen spreads quickly, which is conducive to pollination and fertilization. The flowering period is sensitive to temperature, humidity and light conditions, and unsuitable temperature, humidity and light conditions will affect the flowering period and fruit development.

2.3 Fruit growth and development characteristics

Comparatively speaking, the fruit growth and development cycle of cherry trees is short, and it takes about 20~30 days from flowering to fruit ripening. In the process of fruit development, it has high requirements for temperature, humidity, light and other conditions. The suitable temperature for fruit ripening is 15°C~20°C, the relative humidity is 75%~85%, and the light is sufficient and uniform. In the process of fruit development, if it encounters unfavorable conditions such as low temperature, high humidity, and insufficient light, it is easy to crack and drop fruits.

3 Technical points of cherry seedling

Cherry seedling technology is the basis of the development of the cherry industry, mainly including seed breeding, sowing time, seedling method and other aspects. In this study, the following cherry seedling techniques are introduced:

Learn to raise seedlings correctly to protect cherries from pests and diseases

3.1 Seed selection

The first step to successful cherry seedling rearing is to choose good seeds, which come from healthy, productive mother trees and are picked in season. After the mature cherry seeds are stored in winter, they are sown in fertile seedbed soil to keep the soil moisture between 60%~80%. Selecting high-quality, high-yielding, disease-resistant cherry varieties is the key to improving cherry yield and quality. Therefore, when choosing cherry seeds, we should focus on the following aspects: (1) Seed appearance: The surface of high-quality cherry seeds is smooth and full, and there are no diseases, pests and breakage. (2) Seed color: High-quality cherry seeds are bright in color, generally reddish-purple. (3) Seed shape: High-quality cherry seeds are regular in shape and moderate in size. (4) Seed germination rate: The germination rate of high-quality cherry seeds is high, generally up to more than 90%.

3.2 Sowing time

The choice of cherry sowing time directly affects the growth and survival rate of seedlings. According to the growth and development characteristics of cherries, the following three periods can generally be selected for sowing: (1) Early spring sowing: generally carried out from late March to early April, when the temperature gradually rises, which is conducive to seed germination and seedling growth. Early spring sowing has the advantage of a high survival rate, but the growth rate is slower and requires more manual management. (2) Early summer sowing: generally carried out from early May to early June, when the temperature is suitable, which is conducive to seed germination and seedling growth. Sowing in early summer has the advantage of a faster growth rate, but a relatively low survival rate. (3) Autumn sowing: generally carried out from early September to early October, when the temperature is suitable, which is conducive to seed germination and seedling growth. Autumn sowing has the advantage of a higher survival rate, but a slower growth rate and requires more manual management.

3.3 Seedling raising methods

The seedling raising method should be determined according to the actual conditions of cherry planting. At present, there are three main methods of cherry seedling raising: cuttings, grafting and branching.

3.3.1 Cuttings

The application of this method should do the following: (1) Cutting material selection: select annual branches with vigorous growth, no diseases and insect pests, and a diameter of 0.5~1.0cm as cutting materials. (2) Pre-treatment of cuttings: soak the cuttings material in water at about 50°C for about 30 minutes to promote the production of rooting hormones from cuttings. Cuttings can be treated with rooting agent before cutting to promote rooting of cuttings. (3) Cutting method: insert the processed cuttings into the seedling substrate, and the depth is about 1/2~2/3 of the length of the cuttings. The substrate can be mixed with decomposed organic fertilizer, sand, perlite and other materials in a certain proportion. After cuttings, it is necessary to water in time to keep the substrate moist. (4) Cuttings management: After cuttings, it is necessary to pay attention to moisturizing, heat preservation, ventilation and other work. After the cuttings take root, the mulch should be removed in time and the seedlings should be refined. During the seedling refining period, attention should be paid to avoid the influence of adverse environmental conditions such as high temperature and drought. After the seedling refining is successful, it is necessary to do a good job of fertilization, pruning and other management work in a timely manner to ensure the growth and development of the seedlings.

3.3.2 Marriage Act

This method is considered to be the most commonly used method for cherry seedlings and allows the cherry trees to adapt to different environments and soils through grafting. As a rule, grafting should be done in the spring, and the selection of scion should be the strong shoots of the previous year, using bud grafting or grafting. After grafting, it is necessary to pay attention to moisturizing to ensure the survival rate.

Learn to raise seedlings correctly to protect cherries from pests and diseases

3.3.3 Share Separation Method

Cherry seedling ramification technology is an effective propagation method, which can increase the number and variety of cherry seedlings, and the technology is mainly applied to the cherry rootstock of excellent varieties, by dividing it into several plantlets, cultivating them separately, and finally forming independent cherry seedlings. The application of the branching technology has the following advantages: (1) Increase the number of seedlings: through the branching technology, a rootstock can be divided into multiple plantlets, thereby increasing the number of seedlings, which is conducive to expanding the scale of cherry planting. (2) Improve the reproduction efficiency: the dividing technology can shorten the reproduction cycle, improve the reproduction efficiency, and speed up the cultivation process of cherry seedlings. (3) Maintain excellent traits: Dividing propagation can maintain the excellent traits of rootstock and ensure the quality and adaptability of cherry seedlings. The technical application steps are summarized as follows: select the appropriate rootstock variety to ensure that it has excellent traits and adaptability; divide the plant in spring or autumn, when the rootstock growth is more active, which is conducive to rapid recovery; cut the rootstock into several plantlets, each plantlet retains a certain number of root system and bud points; transplant the plantlets to the seedbed, pay attention to maintaining soil moisture and temperature to promote root growth; after a period of cultivation, the plantlets gradually grow into independent cherry seedlings. However, it should be noted that the dividing time should be appropriate, avoid excessive drought or cold season, keep enough root system and bud points to ensure the survival and growth of the plantlets, and strengthen the management after the division, maintain soil moisture and nutrient supply, and promote the rapid recovery of the growth of the plantlets.

In addition, the management of the nursery should be done in an all-round way, which is very important for cherry seedlings. Mainly in the process of seedling growth, regular weeding, soil moisture maintenance, timely fertilization, enhance the stress resistance of seedlings, improve the growth rate. At the same time, it is necessary to transplant the seedlings in a timely manner according to the growth of seedlings to promote their rapid growth.

4 Types of cherry diseases and insect pests and control methods

Cherry pests and diseases seriously affect the growth and yield of cherries, so it is of great significance to strengthen the control of pests and diseases.

4.1 Types of cherry pests and diseases

4.1.1 Physiological Diseases

Common physiological diseases of cherries include nutrient deficiency, solar burn and frost damage. Deficiency is caused by a lack of certain essential elements, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc., solar fever is caused by direct sunlight, and frost injury is caused by the effects of extreme low temperatures. These diseases can be prevented by fertilizing and watering.

4.1.2 Pathogenic Diseases

Common pathogenic diseases of cherries include brown rot, perforation, and scabs. Among them, brown rot is caused by fungi, and perforation and crust are caused by bacteria. These diseases can have a serious impact on the growth and yield of cherry trees. In view of these diseases, corresponding fungicides can be used for prevention and control, and at the same time, the health management of the park is strengthened, and the diseased leaves and fruits are cleaned up in time.

4.1.3 Pests

Common insect pests of cherries include aphids, mites and heartworms. Aphids and mites can affect the growth and yield of cherry trees, while heartworms can cause damage to the fruit. For these pests, corresponding insecticides can be used for prevention and control, and at the same time, the monitoring and management of the park can be strengthened, and the pest problems can be detected and dealt with in a timely manner.

4.2 Disease prevention and control methods

(1) Strengthen cultivation management: reasonable fertilization and irrigation, keep the soil fertile and loose, prune branches in time, keep ventilation and light, avoid excessive dense planting, and reduce the transmission route of diseases. (2) Biological control: the use of natural enemies, pathogenic microorganisms and other biological resources for pest control, such as the introduction of predatory insects, stocking ladybugs, etc. (3) Chemical control: In the early stage of the disease, low-toxicity, high-efficiency and environmentally friendly pesticides can be used for prevention and control. Commonly used pesticides include copper sulfate, sulfur powder, stone sulfur mixture, etc. When using, it should be diluted according to the requirements of the pharmacy instructions to avoid drug damage.

4.3 Pest control methods

(1) Physical control: use physical methods such as insect trap lamps and sticky insect boards for insect pest control. Insect trap lamps attract insects with light sources and electrocute them, while sticky insect boards trap insects with sticky substances. (2) Biological control: the use of natural enemies, pathogenic microorganisms and other biological resources for pest control, such as the introduction of predatory insects, stocking ladybugs, etc. (3) Chemical control: In the early stage of insect pests, low-toxicity, high-efficiency and environmentally friendly pesticides can be used for prevention and control. Commonly used pesticides include copper sulfate, stone sulfur mixture, etc. When using, it should be diluted according to the requirements of the pharmacy instructions to avoid drug damage.

Learn to raise seedlings correctly to protect cherries from pests and diseases

5. Optimize the effective path of cherry seedling technology and pest control

5.1 Optimize cherry seedling technology

Cherries are one of the most distinctive fruit trees in the orchard, and their fruits are loved for their bright colors and sweet tastes. Breeding of improved varieties is the key to cherry seedling technology, and technicians should give priority to varieties with large fruits, good color, strong disease resistance, high yield and storage and transportation resistance. Seeds should be harvested from healthy, disease-free adult trees and then dried to ensure the quality of the seeds. In their daily work, technicians should continue to learn relevant professional knowledge and cutting-edge seedling technology, improve the defects and deficiencies of previous seedling technology, continuously enrich seedling experience, and promote the healthy growth of cherry seedlings.

5.2 Reasonable sowing and strengthening seedling management

The growth of cherry seedlings is naturally inseparable from fertile soil and well-drained sowing conditions, the specific sowing method can choose furrow sowing or hole sowing, furrow sowing is to open a trench in the ground, the depth is about 10 cm, the seeds are sprinkled into the ditch and then covered with soil, hole sowing is to dig a hole in the ground, the depth is about 10 cm, the seeds are sprinkled into the hole and then covered with soil, and the density of sowing should be determined according to the variety and soil fertility. The sowing personnel should only give sufficient consideration to the above aspects, optimize the sowing operation in combination with the actual planting conditions, and strengthen the management of the seedling period, and carry out watering, fertilization and weeding in a timely manner according to the growth of seedlings. When the seedlings grow to a certain height, they should be transplanted to promote their further growth. In addition, pests and diseases should be controlled in time to ensure the health of seedlings.

5.3 Improve the comprehensive ability of technical personnel

In the cherry seedling and seedling management stage, technical personnel should have strong professional ability, and can easily solve complex seedling problems in the face of effective prevention and control of pests and diseases. Cherry is an important part of the mainland agricultural industry, and its yield and quality have an impact on agricultural development that cannot be ignored, so it should be combined with the current situation of cherry seedling technology in mainland China to carry out seedling technology training in a planned way to promote the comprehensive strength of seedling technology.

6 Conclusion

Cherry seedling technology and pest control is the key link in the cherry planting process, through the study of cherry growth habits and planting conditions, take appropriate seedling technology and pest control countermeasures, help to improve the yield and quality of cherries, in the future cherry planting process, we should continue to research and explore new seedling technology and pest control methods, improve the efficiency and yield of cherry planting, provide consumers with more high-quality, healthy cherry fruits, and promote the sustainable development of the cherry industry.

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